Quick Pass: After binding, the villain asks for a kiss every night

Chapter 189 Immortal Venerable She Only Wants to Raise Cubs 30

Chapter 189 Immortal Venerable She Only Wants to Raise Cubs 30
Moyu: "..."

After all, it's still for food.

A trace of helplessness flashed across Mo Yu's brows and eyes.

However, Ruo Lian only likes to eat what he makes.

And only eat what he makes.

This is also a good thing.

don't say...

The best way to conquer a person is to conquer the other person's stomach first.

At least, he is successful now.

The two quickly changed into clothes for the mortal town.

This is a fairy world.

Naturally, it is the world where all the people yearn for cultivating immortals.

If you wear the clothes of the Qinghan sect and go to the street.

I'm afraid it will have to cause thousands of people to kneel down and worship.

Not only did the two have to change their clothes, but they also had to make a trick to hide their faces in front of ordinary people.

Immortal cultivators can see their true appearance through this layer of mist.

But when ordinary people look at them, they are thousands of faces.

This is not the first time they have visited a mortal town.

Yujian flew, stopped in a small wood not far from the town, put away his sword, and entered the city together.

Mo Yu let go of the hand tightly around the girl's slender waist, and helped her smooth the messy black hair caused by Yujian's flight.

With a thought, Shi Lian put away the long sword, and said, "You said that you are so talented, you can learn any kind of spells once you teach them, but why can't you learn the sword skills? ?”

Since Moyu cultivated immortality.

He can quickly comprehend any spell.

But every time Shi Lian taught him how to fly with a sword, he was like a fool, and he couldn't teach him how to do it.

In the end Shi Lian had no choice.

I can only take Moyu with me when I go out, and ride the same sword.

Mo Yu's bright starry eyes blinked, and she smiled innocently: "Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Flying with the sword is probably my weakness."

After a slight pause, the crow feather-like eyelashes trembled slightly.

Tightly hanging down, showing a disappointed look: "Does Lianlian despise me?"

Shi Lian took his hand and led him to the city: "If I despised you, I would have thrown you down when I was in the sky just now."

The boy followed behind her.

The drooping star pupils lifted up.

Sweeping away a deep and dark.

His lips curled up slowly, revealing a contented smile.

When she was not far outside the city gate, she took out the curtain hat and was about to put it on.

Mo Yu had already caught the curtain hat and put it on her head with her own hands.

Those bony fingers were hooked with soft ropes, tied to her delicate jaw.

Then, the white gauze on both sides fell down, covering the girl's bright and eye-catching face.

When Shi Lian still wanted to go to Moyu like a little boy.

The boy's long arms had already crossed the white gauze and encircled her waist.

Put her delicate body into his arms.

In the past six months, the boy has grown taller.

When Shi Lian was in his arms, she looked extraordinarily petite.

Shi Lian raised her head to look at him.

The young man didn't change his face, and walked towards the city gate around her.

Shi Lian simply followed him.

Today is not a market day, but the town is extremely lively.

The pavements on both sides of the street are full, and the voices of the people shouting and selling come and go.

It's an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Eat what the little brat did.

To Shi Lian, the various foods sold at this pavement were not too attractive.

But this kind of atmosphere is really rare.

Shi Lian still dragged Moyu to the shop of a plainly dressed aunt, and bought two small packets of pastries.

When the aunt was packing the cakes, she still glanced at the two from time to time, with a kind smile on her face: "The relationship between the son and the wife is really good, this is what my husband said... a man is a man and a woman is beautiful."

(End of this chapter)

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