Quick Pass: After binding, the villain asks for a kiss every night

Chapter 198 Immortal Venerable She Only Wants to Raise Cubs 39

Chapter 198 Immortal Venerable She Only Wants to Raise Cubs 39
She is not willing to hurt her own little boy!
After Jun Qingxu really made a move with Shi Lian.

Only then did he clearly realize the gap between himself and Shi Lian.

Before, it was because he was one level lower than Shi Lian that he wanted to retreat and break through, and arranged Ji Suqian to be Shi Lian's apprentice.

But later, because he accepted Ji Suqian as his apprentice.

And Ji Suqian watched her relatives die at the hands of the demons.

As far as she is concerned, he is the only family member left in the world.

Very attached to him.

In order to accompany and take care of Ji Suqian, Jun Qingxu naturally couldn't choose to retreat and break through.

Because of this, in the past six months.

Jun Qingxu's cultivation has not improved at all.

He thought it was the same for Shi Lian.

But this fight.

There was almost no way for him to make a move in Shi Lian's hands!

Can't hold on to a move.

When he swung his long sword, circulated his spiritual power, and struck Shi Lian directly, he didn't show any mercy, but released [-]% of his power...

The moment the long sword hit Shi Lian.

Immediately, countless silver sword lights spread out in the sky, like stars, weaving into a huge net, covering Shi Lian!

Jun Qingxu was full of confidence, thinking that this ultimate move of his would definitely frustrate Shi Lian.

It was the girl who saw the light purple starry sky dress in front of her, watching his attack with calm and lazy eyes.

Even if he raised his eyelids, he glanced at the sword array in the sky.

Her expression was reserved and indifferent.

It seemed that this attack did not pose any threat to her at all.

And, indeed, it is—

Shi Lian just put one arm around the boy leaning on her body.

The other hand was raised slowly.

The palm of the small white hand met the wave of sword that he swung straight down.


Then an invisible barrier spread from Shi Lian's palm.

When you look closely, you can vaguely see the spiritual waves in the air like waves.

Then, at the moment when the silver glow of the sky-filled sword net pressed down.

A light purple spirit light diffused from the center of the sword net, expanding in all directions little by little.

It's just a momentary effort.

That huge sword net.

It has been completely swallowed by the light purple spirit glow.


It was another moment of Lingbo shock.

The invisible spiritual waves, like layers of air waves, spread towards Jun Qingxu.

Jun Qingxu was immediately repelled by the powerful spiritual power.

He quickly plunged the long sword into the ground.

But he couldn't resist that powerful spiritual power at all.

His whole body, even with the long sword, exited a deep ravine on the ground.

After retreating a full ten meters away, he barely stopped.


A mouthful of blood spewed out from his throat.

Jun Qingxu supported the body of the long sword, which was about to fall.

After all, he couldn't hold on anymore, holding a sword in one hand, half kneeling on the ground.


Ji Suqian, who was put aside by Jun Qingxu for recuperation, saw the scene in front of her, her pupils widened, and she screamed in worry and surprise.

She wanted to rush to Jun Qingxu's side.

But just move.

The heart that was protected by Jun Qingxu's spiritual power suddenly collapsed.

Her face contorted in pain.

The whole person softened.

However, at this moment, Jun Qingxu had no intention of caring about Ji Suqian at all.

His cold eyes were full of shock and astonishment, and he stared at Shi Lian firmly: "No...it's impossible, how could your cultivation reach the late stage of Nascent Soul..."

Obviously, half a year ago, Shi Lian was only a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul!

It's only half a year!
This is impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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