Quick Pass: After binding, the villain asks for a kiss every night

Chapter 207 Immortal Venerable She Only Wants to Raise Cubs 48

Chapter 207 Immortal Venerable She Only Wants to Raise Cubs 48
A mass of flames ignited.

The blood instantly soaked the white Taoist robe.

"Young Sect Master!"

Seeing that Zhuang Wuji was injured, the disciples of the Wuji Sect rushed forward one after another, and hurriedly helped the injured Zhuang Wuji to his side.

And this hit.

It also brought Ji Suqian back to his senses.

Pressing her hand on her already empty waist, she forcibly suppressed the fear and uneasiness that had disappeared from the space pocket, and her face became delicate and gentle again, with a little more guilt: "Brother Wuji, yes, I'm sorry... I just... ..."

As she spoke, tears fell down: "Is there any magic weapon given to me by the master in my space pocket, I wanted to have a chance to resist the flame beast, but..."

Seeing the girl and beauty crying, Zhuang Wuji, who is a dog licker, almost broke his heart.

Regardless of his injury, he wanted to comfort the beauty: "Junior Sister Su Qian, it's okay, I know you're doing it for everyone, but I really haven't touched Junior Sister Su Qian's space pocket."

"After forcing the flame beast back, I will definitely find the space pocket for Junior Sister Su Qian."

Mention the blaze.

Ji Suqian's complexion turned pale again.

Suppressing her fearful heart, she nodded.

Over there, the flame beast rushed towards her again.

The disciples of the Promise Sect rushed to deal with it.

But, under the attack of dozens of huge flame beasts.

All the disciples of the Promise Sect began to struggle.

And they also discovered one thing...

It seems that the target of those flame beasts... is Ji Suqian!
No matter where they are, they want to repel the flame beast.

Another flame beast broke through the defense line and rushed straight to Ji Suqian.

The open fangs, and the full of anger.

It seemed that she hated Ji Suqian extremely.

So, these flaming beasts actually came for Ji Suqian?
"Junior Sister Ji, did you offend the Flaming Beast for something before?" A disciple asked with doubts in his heart.

Ji Suqian's expression froze, but she quickly denied it: "I don't know, this is only the first time I have encountered a flame beast after entering the miracle."

"However, we always feel... that the target of the Flame Beast seems to be you, Junior Sister Ji." The disciple's expression was still suspicious, and he looked at Ji Suqian's side, whose white robe was getting more and more bloody. metropolitan.

His heart sank, and he said: "How about this, Junior Sister Xiao, you take the Young Sect Master to heal your injuries first, and I will protect Junior Sister Ji!"

If the target of the flame beast is really Ji Suqian.

With the young suzerain at his side, the wounds will increase more and more.

if not.

He protects Ji Suqian.

It can also give the young suzerain the chance to fight for treatment.

Unexpectedly, his proposal had just begun.

Seeing that Ji Suqian's face froze, he strongly objected almost without hesitation: "No! I want to follow Brother Wuji!"

She is very clear.

These people protected her entirely because of Zhuang Wuji.

However, if Zhuang Wuji is not by her side.

If the flame beast really attacked her.

The other disciples would definitely abandon her and leave without hesitation.

If they don't help her.

So, who will protect her?

As soon as her words came out.

Several Promise Sect disciples changed their faces instantly.

Ji Suqian realized that she had reacted too much and wanted a remedial explanation.

However, the other disciples are not Zhuang Wuji, the licking dog.

Although he didn't say anything more.

But in my heart, I already had some doubts about Ji Suqian.

Therefore, the more I looked at Ji Suqian, the more I felt that there was something wrong with her.

But right now, Ji Suqian is unwilling to leave Zhuang Wuji.

Zhuang Wuji did not let go of Ji Suqian's hand, and healed himself.

(End of this chapter)

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