Quick Pass: After binding, the villain asks for a kiss every night

Chapter 234 Immortal Venerable She Only Wants to Raise Cubs 75

Chapter 234 Immortal Venerable She Only Wants to Raise Cubs 75
A slap of "pop".

It was the patriarch of the Wuji Sect who slapped his own son.

"Nizi! Tell me about you. After so many years of cultivation, where have you been? Bewitched by a demon girl, you'll lose your life? Is that what I taught you?"

The Sovereign of the Promise Sect was furious like thunder.

It was a beating for his son.

The son he cultivated so hard.

Zhuang Wuji has always been his pride.

But since the "miracle" came out.

His son is like a different person.

All day long, he is out of his mind.

just now……

Still in collusion with that witch.

Do such things!

It's not that Zhuang Wuji doesn't know that there have been rumors about smoking men recently.

He still ran over!
If they hadn't come in time.

Wasn't Zhuang Wuji also sucked up like those dead men?

All that's left is a dry corpse?
Zhuang Wuji was a little confused by the beating.

He tugged on the robe that was hanging on his body, and subconsciously looked at Ji Suqian.

After seeing Ji Suqian being beaten out.

No one went to pick up the monks one by one.

Also back a few steps.

Then roll and roll and roll on the ground.

That patch of white flowers was so delicate that it rubbed several scars on the ground.

He subconsciously wanted to help Ji Suqian in the past, and also subconsciously wanted to explain to Ji Suqian: "Junior Sister Suqian is not a witch..."

"Clap" sound.

He slapped him across the face again.

The Promise Sect Master was almost so angry that he vomited blood.

It's all this time.

He is still speaking for that witch!

What kind of ecstasy soup is poured, what kind of ecstasy Gu is poured!
The head of the Wuji Sect grabbed his son and threw it into the hands of the disciples behind him: "Take care of him!"

After finishing speaking, he strode towards Ji Suqian.

He wants to kill this enemy who killed dozens of disciples of their Wuji Sect!

Kill this witch who has completely ruined the son he carefully cultivated!
In the eyes of countless male cultivators.

Now Ji Suqian was covered with scars.

In fact, it adds a different kind of charm.

It's lively and fragrant.

It made many male cultivators feel distracted.

However, in the heart of the Promise Sect Master, only hatred remained.

He walked to Ji Suqian's side.

In the palm of his hand, a surge of majestic spiritual power surged.

With a domineering murderous look.

Chop down with one palm!
But Ji Suqian is the heroine of the world after all.

No matter how embarrassing it is.

That is also the heroine of the world.

How could the heroine of the world die so easily?

At the moment when the master of the Wuji Sect made an ultimate move, approaching Ji Suqian.

Ji Suqian was lying motionless on the ground.

It was like waking up suddenly.

He slapped the ground with one hand.

The body suddenly soared into the air.


A loud bang.

The ground exploded.

But Ji Suqian turned over and jumped into the sky.

Groups of thick black evil energy wrapped her in it.

After the evil spirit dissipated.

She has put on a pure black sexy dress.

Topless, backless, arms, and thighs.

In the world of cultivating immortals who abide by the rules, it can be regarded as an extraordinarily open attire.

A head of untied hair spread out behind him.

There was a trace of evil in that charming and beautiful face.

Especially those eyes.

Very seductive.

Deepened eyeliner, and deepened smoky eye.

It's completely black makeup.

A sentence suddenly popped up in Shi Lian's mind——

[When encountering a life-threatening danger, don't panic, let's put on black makeup and let those people know that we are not to be messed with! 】

(End of this chapter)

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