Chapter 244 System Space, King of Laws 2
Shi Lian was thinking about the purpose of the King of Law.

I saw a pink and white cotton ball suddenly appear out of thin air in front of my eyes.

[Aww!Boss, I miss you so much! ! ! 】

Almost flew over.

Two pink and tender arms were about to wrap around Shi Lian's neck, crying out in emotion.

But, it's not time to pounce on Shi Lian.

Shi Lian raised his hand and pressed Fufu's head.

Press the dumpling back.

┭┮﹏┭┮: [Just a small world is missing, and the boss doesn't love me anymore! 】

Seeing that the dumpling was still the same as before, Shi Lian knew that it hadn't suffered any harm during the time it was locked in the dark room.

The king of the law, at least kept his promise.

Shi Lian threw the dumpling aside, looked up at the King of Law shrouded in white mist in front of him, and said, "You can say, your request."

The King of Law was amused by Shi Lian's straightforward and gentle attitude after he achieved his goal.

He sat up straight: "I have released your system, then I will make my request..."

He paused.

But it didn't make a direct request.

Instead, he asked, "Do you know why you entered the Three Thousand Small World and became a tasker?"

Shi Lian: "???"

Why doesn't the king of the law follow the plot?
Isn't it a request?

Why are you asking questions again?
Shi Lian was silent for a moment before replying, "I don't know."

Her memory only stays at the time when she was sent to the altar for sacrifice by the group of people she protected for a lifetime.

At that time, she thought that she was bound to die.

But when you open your eyes again.

Just met the Tuanzi system.

Then, he became a tasker.

"Then do you know why you were selected by the system?" The King of Law asked another question.

Shi Lian tilted his head, looked at the dumpling with eyes full of excitement and tears floating beside his head: "Because... my obsession?"

before dying.

She was full of hatred.

He hates himself for being ignorant of people and being framed by his own sister.

He also hated those people, who didn't believe her, and believed that she was the source of the curse that caused the ruin of the Shengxia Empire.

these emotions...

Isn't it the emotion that the system needs most?
The King of Law smiled: "Yes, not exactly."

"Binding the system, the taskers who travel through the three thousand worlds, indeed each of them has an extremely powerful obsession."

"Some want to be resurrected, some want revenge, and some want to satisfy all selfish desires..."

"Wait for all kinds of obsessions, so that they can wander in the three thousand worlds."

Even through the white mist.

Shi Lian also seemed to be able to see the other party looking at her and smiling.

Shi Liandai frowned slightly: "What do you want to say?"

"Have you ever thought about...why, the villain you bind follows you to every small world?" The voice of the King of Laws was slightly lowered, revealing a sense of bewitchment.

Shi Lian's pupils trembled slightly.

In front of his eyes, the faces of the little villains in the small world he had experienced suddenly appeared.

"Have you ever thought about...that luck bead was originally used to bind the hero of the world, why...but it reacted to the villain?" the King of Law asked again.

Shi Lian didn't want to beat around the bush with him anymore: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"It's nothing, just to remind you." The voice of the King of Law became careless, "The villain you bound is not... a tasker of our Three Thousand Worlds."

It sounded like a casual reminder.

But Shi Lian heard a playful smile from it.

Seems like...

So lonely and boring for so long.

Finally, there was something for him to pass this boring time.

The king of the law.

Did you treat her like a toy?

Shi Lian frowned, and was about to speak.

Suddenly, the white mist in front of him turned into a whirlpool.

Powerful suction.

She was sucked into the vortex together with the dumpling.

In the ears, the joyful voice of the King of Law still faintly sounded——

"My request is... when you are successfully resurrected and return to the Shengxia Empire, I will take your queen's scepter."

(End of this chapter)

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