Quick Pass: After binding, the villain asks for a kiss every night

Chapter 262 The sensuality is sultry, she is the top CV18

Chapter 262 Sensual and seductive, the real daughter is the top CV18
I also like it very much. The heroine and brothers in the book fight side by side with passion.


She had never felt like this before.

She has always been alone.

【Boss, now you have me! 】Duanzi has a sense of presence in a timely manner.

It wiped its soft and fufu face with its two pink and white arms, and yelled earnestly: [Tuanzi will always be with the big brother! 】

Shi Lian raised her eyes and glanced at the pink and white dumpling.

and did not respond.

Because, she knows it well.

This is impossible.

After all, she will leave the Three Thousand Worlds.

In the end, she was going back to where she belonged.

At that time, as a member of the Three Thousand World System, how could it be possible to accompany her?

Shi Lian withdrew her thoughts and said, "Try, the part where the heroine Ye Qingluo first entered the Devil's Squad and met the brothers who will fight side by side in the future."

Director Chen was slightly stunned.

There didn't seem to be anything particularly brilliant about that scene.

Generally speaking.

The voice actors who come to audition will choose passages that have contradictions and conflicts and can demonstrate their voice ability.

The screenwriter beside him, his eyes full of satisfaction, looked at Shi Lian with a smile, and asked, "Why did you choose this paragraph?"

"I remember, there is such a sentence in the original book."

The expression on Shi Lian's face changed from that lazy and bright posture to a solemn and serious one.

"A person, if he has a strong backing and trusts enough to hand over his back to his partner, he will definitely be able to stand at the top of the world."

"So, I will not give up any promising companions."

When she spoke.

That delicate and lazy voice has become deep and serious.

Words reveal sonorous force.

People can't help but want to believe her.

The screenwriter couldn't help applauding.

This little girl not only has a voice that fits the heroine of the original book, but also looks, and temperament, are exactly the same as the heroine of the original book!
What a treasure!
The screenwriter couldn't help but pat Director Chen's arm beside him: "That's her, that's her, Ye Qingluo in my mind is her!"

Director Chen wrinkled his face.

It's miserable!
How should he explain that he didn't dare to fix Shi Lian so directly?

The other two dubbing seniors also nodded.

Just two sentences.

They can hear...

How precise is this girl's degree of control over the character.

Seeing that the three "judges" around him all praised Shi Lian.

With a bitter face, Director Chen was trying to find an excuse to delay the audition.

After the selection is over.

He just asked Mr. Jiang what he meant!
However, he hadn't had time to speak yet.

In the dark, the lazy and comfortable man smiled again, and said, "Miss Lianyan, how about...try it, the scene when the hero and heroine make love for the first time."

The man's voice is gorgeous and low-magnetism is seductive.

When you say the word "twilight".

Shi Lian felt inexplicably familiar.

It's like... I've never heard this voice before.

She frowned slightly, and raised her eyes to look at the man in the dark who exuded a sinister aura all over his body.

"The first time the hero and heroine made love, it was a two-person play. Jiang always wanted to hear me play two roles to test my ability and skills, or..." Shi Lian paused, and her red lips curved out. With a nasty but bright smile, "Mr. Jiang wants to play with me?"

As soon as this word comes out.

The person who chose the voice actor couldn't help but gasped.

This little girl is very courageous!

To ask Boss Jiang to help her act?
Who is Jiang always?
The first family in the holy city, the head of the Jiang family, Jiang Xiao!

(End of this chapter)

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