Quick Pass: After binding, the villain asks for a kiss every night

Chapter 264 The sensuality is sultry, she is the top CV20

Chapter 264 Sensual and seductive, the real daughter is the top CV20
Even if you have heard this low magnetic voice before, it speaks in a more charming tone than now.

Shi Lian still couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation from deep in the eardrum.

This man is quite seductive.

Shi Lian put on the earphones of the recording equipment, helped the microphone in front of him, and said, "Okay."
When the hero and heroine of "Shocking Divine Phoenix" made love for the first time.

The author didn't declare their love to the world in that kind of earth-shattering and soul-stirring way.

Instead, it uses a very warm, long-flowing, and natural way to write about the heroine who, after two lifetimes, knows for the first time what it means to like someone. Between the male protagonist who is gradually attracted by the female protagonist, that kind of young and ignorant, but extraordinarily sweet love.

The heroine Ye Qingluo entered the No. [-] Academy in the Mainland, and after going to Xuanxuan Academy, she was assigned to the worst class in Shangxuan Academy.

Also in that class.

The heroine has a group of partners who fight side by side.

Therefore, she has been working very hard, trying to get the classmates in the class to stand up.

Coupled with a series of very tedious training.

When Ye Qingluo returned to the dormitory, he was almost exhausted.

But, this night...

When she came back, she saw the dripping courtyard clothes hanging in the corner of the room.

It was the male protagonist Emperor Moxuan, the dignified number one emperor, who came to her dormitory condescendingly to help her with laundry.

She was shocked.

But that man of peerless beauty didn't feel that there was any problem with what he did.

Meet the girl's shocked eyes.

He smiled evilly and seductively: "What? I can't wash clothes for Xiao Luo'er?"

Ye Qingluo's heart was covered by a wave of warmth.

There were tears almost coming out of my eyes.

Before this plot.

Ye Qingluo once asked Di Moxuan if he liked her.

At that time, Di Moxuan did not give her an answer.

Available at night.

Came to her dormitory.

He also condescended to help her wash clothes.


She pursed her lips.

As soon as she opened her mouth, there was imperceptible tension and timidity in Jiaolan's voice.

That was an emotion that had never appeared in this enchanting, willful, perverted girl.

next second.

The man took her into his arms.

The girl was a little surprised, and her breathing became tense and rapid.

"Xiao Luo'er, I've thought about the question you asked me this morning for a long time..."

That hoarse voice seemed to linger in his ears.

"After thinking about it, I still follow the original idea in my heart."

"Xiao Luo'er, I don't know what it means to like, what it means to love someone."

That voice, affectionate and lingering, is like a bewitching demon.

It also seems to be the most mellow wine in the world.


Difficult to control.

Ye Qingluo's heart beat faster and faster.

Nervousness and shyness made her voice soft and charming in a lazy way: "I... also don't understand such feelings."

"But after meeting you, I understand."

Even girls are shy.

Even if it is the first time to touch the relationship between men and women.

But, she is that perverse and willful Ye Qingluo.

Suppressing the violently beating heart, he insisted on asking for the answer: "So, where is your answer?"

Even shy.

In the world of feelings.

She is not the kind of little woman who is inferior to others.

Nor is it the kind of little woman who follows the rules and waits for a man to take the initiative.

"Di Moxuan, give me your answer."

The answer was a kiss.
In the recording studio, it was obviously a mobile phone, and a person was performing dubbing into the microphone.

["The Shocking Divine Phoenix" is another novel written by the author, I used it as the voice-over material for the plot! 】

(End of this chapter)

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