Quick Pass: After binding, the villain asks for a kiss every night

Chapter 321 The sensuality is sultry, she is the top CV78

Chapter 321 Sensual and seductive, the real daughter is the top CV78
He grabbed Nie Nieyou's hand: "Sister, let's go! I can't stay with such a cold family for a moment!"

Nie Qianfan felt his actions.

So cool, so cool!

It is completely in line with the setting of those rich and powerful novels.

He has already begun to imagine...

After I left the family.

Nie's father and Nie's mother finally cried and begged him to go back.

Anyway, his parents have always loved him and his sister the most.

Since you dare to scare him in this way.

He simply scares them once!
As long as he can be with his favorite sister, he is not afraid to go anywhere.

He must protect his sister today.

Don't let my sister suffer any grievances!

All of this was caused by Nie Qianfan being moved by himself.

His dear sister doesn't plan to cooperate with his trip to the second year of middle school at all.

Nie Niaoyou shook off his hand almost at the same time.

That pale but delicate face was stained with light tears: "Dad, Mom, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you angry, I just... just..."

As if holding back her grief, she glanced at Jiang Xiao.

When you look back.

Tears have rolled down.

"I won't be like this in the future, I will be obedient... Mom and Dad, please don't drive me away..."

How could she really just leave like this?
If you change it to normal.

Or, the Shi Lian in front of me could be any other woman.

It is really possible for her to cooperate with Nie Qianfan and leave the Nie family in a fit of anger, making Nie's father and mother regret.


She dare not.

also can not.

She would never give Shi Lian any chance to get close to Nie's father and Nie's mother.

It will not give Nie's father and Nie's mother a chance to alienate themselves.

She wants to firmly hold on to Nie's father and Nie's mother...

Take hold of your future!
Nie Niaoyou even clenched her fists, her eyes were red, and she stood up tremblingly.

Immediately, she turned towards Shi Lian's direction.

There comes a 90° bow.

Moreover, the words were clear, and he said with a sob: "Shi Lian, I'm sorry."

Shi Lian: "???"

What kind of trick is the heroine of the world playing?
Is this a new routine again?
She quickly took Jiang Xiao's arm and stepped back.

He stared at Nie Niaowei vigilantly and suspiciously.

Father Nie was just angry.

Seeing that Nie Niaoyao took the initiative to apologize, she even bowed her always proud head towards Shi Lian.

Most of his anger disappeared.

And this time...

Mother Nie, who has always loved Nie Niaoling the most, has been silent for a long time.

Those absent-minded eyes stared straight at Shi Lian.

until the ambulance came.

Such a weird atmosphere gradually dissipated.

Nie Nie naturally wanted to play the role of a good daughter, and they got into the ambulance together.

Mother Nie came to Shi Lian quickly.

Just wanted to say a few words with Shi Lian.

But Nie Nie called out, and finally gave up the idea.

I had to say hurriedly: "Today's dinner, I'm really sorry, our Nie's family didn't do it on purpose, if there is a chance, I will support President Jiang and Miss Shi to come to Nie's house together, and I will cook for myself."

After speaking, he hurried into the ambulance.

The ambulance drove away quickly.

Nie Qianfan, who looked like a clown, was still standing there in a daze.

He stared at his hand that Nie Niao waved away.

The fingertips seemed to still have the soft touch of Nie Niaoliu.

However, she was very ruthless and left without any explanation afterwards.


Never looked at him.

Obviously, he was fighting against his parents because of Nie Niao, didn't he?

It was because of Nie Niaoyou that he made his father so angry that he became ill.

It was also because of Nie Niaoyao that he said that he wanted to leave Nie's house.

But in the end?
what she cares about...

Always only yourself.

 The update is complete, good night, see you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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