Quick Pass: After binding, the villain asks for a kiss every night

Chapter 334 The sensuality is sultry, she is the top CV91

Chapter 334 Sensual and seductive, the real daughter is the top CV91
"What face do you want? You want face?"

Father Nie didn't give his son face at all, he just wanted to show an attitude in front of his daughter.

He straightened his face and shouted angrily, "Kneel down!"

Nie Qianfan: "???"

what what?
What did he do?Want him to kneel down?

Is his dad crazy?
Father Nie saw his son not kneeling for a long time, and the expression on his face became more serious: "Are you kneeling or not?"

"You made me kneel, there must be a reason!" Nie Qianfan took a step back, away from Father Nie.

"Kneel down and apologize to Xiaolian!" Seeing that he still dared to run, Father Nie raised his foot and wanted to kick him.

Nie Qianfan had already predicted Father Nie's next move, and ran away first: "I obediently brought her back, and I squatted at her door all night without sleeping! Why do you want me to kneel!"

Although after knowing that Shi Lian was his own sister, he was indeed ashamed and guilty.

But it doesn't mean that he can kneel down to Shi Lian in a low voice!

Father Nie stood up and was about to arrest someone.

A clear and pleasant laughter came from the sofa.

this laugh.

Like the gurgling sound of a zither, it ripples through everyone's hearts bit by bit.

It made everyone's hearts go numb.

Father Nie looked at the movement and followed the laughter.

Nie Qianfan, who was running away, also stopped and followed the laughter.

On the sofa, the bright and eye-catching girl's long and narrow eyes were curved, forming a shining arc.

Between a pair of bright and charming eyes, there is a fine stream of light.

Let her whole person be extraordinarily eye-catching.

As if emitting light.

Father Nie's heart was softened by the girl's laugh.

He looked greedily at this daughter who had never grown up by his side, and seeing her smile, the always majestic and cold old man couldn't stop his eyes from being stained with tears.

"Mr. Nie, there is no need to kneel down. I want to live a few more years."

Shi Lian closed the photo album in his hand, and the corners of Yin Hong's lips traced a smile: "The atmosphere in Mr. Nie's house is really good, and the relationship is really good."

The girl's voice is soft.

Not much emotion.

But Mr. Nie inexplicably made up the envy in her tone.

Father Nie's heart ached all of a sudden.

blame him...

It's all because of his mistakes...

He just mistook his daughter.

Let my daughter suffer for so many years.

Not even a complete family.

Still... still being bullied by Nie Niaoyou, who grew up loved and loved by him like a princess, with various means.

It's all his father's fault!
Father Nie's voice was a little hoarse: "If you like Xiaolian... I will come to my house often in the future."

Shi Lian raised an eyebrow.

Is the Nie family planning to recognize her?

She thought that after the Nie family knew about Nie Niaoyou and her background.

Can't wait to take her home.

I didn't expect to say nothing.

Is it because of Nie Nianiao?
Is the protagonist's halo still causing trouble?

Is the chance to see Nie Niaoyiao's good show gone?

A sneer flashed across Shi Lian's long and narrow eyes.

Since there is no good show to watch.

Rather than...

Create a good show yourself?

She bent her lips, and her tone was a little more sarcasm: "That's unnecessary, if I come here often, someone will be unhappy."

This "someone" refers to who.

Know without mentioning the name.

Father Nie choked for a moment.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But in the end he closed his mouth, and the thousand words turned into a low sigh.

How could he not want to recognize his daughter?

How could he not want to embrace his daughter openly?
He really wants to fill the gap of the past 20 years.


He dare not.

(End of this chapter)

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