Quick Pass: After binding, the villain asks for a kiss every night

Chapter 356 Dark guard, your little princess climbed the wall again 11

Chapter 356 Dark guard, your little princess climbed the wall again 11
Blowing in this bone-chilling wind for half an hour?
Is the emperor serious?

Does the emperor know that his little daughter is afraid of the cold?

Now go to Huangyuan Palace.

I'm afraid I'll be frozen to death on the road, okay?
This is no condolences.

This is simply to torture her!
She was indeed an unfavored little princess.

Not at all compassionate.

Shi Lian put on a wooden face, and immediately wanted to refuse.

Tuanzi quickly jumped out, waving his two thin white arms: [Big brother, that's the emperor!Emperor!If you refuse now, it is against the decree! 】

Shi Lian: "..." To resist the order is to resist the order. Could it be that they can do something to her?
[They can't do anything to the big brother, but big brother, do you want to hide around in this snowy and cold winter? 】Tuanzi moves with emotion and understands with reason.

Shi Lian: "..." I don't want to.

Ancient times were trouble.

Level suppression is too troublesome!

She can protest.

It is also possible to disregard Emperor Longwei.

The big deal is to turn the world upside down.

But trouble!

Her princess status is gone.

It is estimated that he will have to bear a whole body of infamy.

Think of the original owner's well-behaved character.

She took a deep breath and said with a wooden face, "Yes."

Eunuch Fu: "???"

Why does the little princess look a little bit wrong.

Logically speaking.

Isn't it elated and flattered to be summoned by the emperor?
Why do you feel that the little princess looks reluctant?

Eunuch Fu could only blame the little princess for being assassinated in the palace, and she was so frightened that she still hadn't recovered.

He took a step back slowly: "Then, Seventh Princess, please."

Next to the four eunuchs was a soft house covered with furs.

Looking furry is quite warm.


The wind blows from all sides!
Sitting on it, wouldn't it be numb by the cold wind?

It's not as fast as she walks.

Shi Lian: "I'm going to wrap up in a fur, so I won't sit on the chair, the princess will go by herself."

Eunuch Fu: "!!!"

It's snowing heavily.

How can I go by myself?
Shi Lian put on a sullen face, wrapped herself tightly, hugged Mrs. Tang, stepped on the snow-proof shoes, and stepped into the snow.

Eunuch Fu: "???"

It's too bad, the little princess really got sick from fright, and everyone is stupid.

He has to tell His Majesty the news!

Eunuch Fu hurriedly tried to catch up.

But took a few eunuchs to catch up a few steps.

The road in front of him was empty, and there was no sign of the princess at all.

Where is the princess? ! !
What about a big princess?

Why is it gone? -
Shi Lianchao took a shortcut.

That is--

Climb the wall!

Between two points, the straight line is the shortest.

So climbing the wall is the fastest.

Just climbed over the wall.

She crashed into the warm arms of the man again.

The woody fragrance of green pine like smoke is especially clear in the heavy snow.

Shi Lian reached out to hug him, and raised her head: "Why is it you again?"

Every time he climbed over the wall, he was caught by the little villain.

"I didn't expect the princess to have such abilities." Mo Li supported the girl's arm to prevent her from falling.

He watched with his own eyes the little princess whom he had been growing up with, turned over and stepped on the wall.

The walls inside the palace are at least half higher than those outside.

But the little princess didn't struggle at all.

Easily reached the top.

In his memory...

The little princess doesn't seem to know martial arts.

So, where did her lightness kung fu come from?
Shi Lian didn't intend to hide it either.

After all, Li Li is her secret guard.

There will be more time to climb the wall in the future.

You'll still get caught anyway.

However, she didn't bother to explain: "There are so many things you didn't expect."

(End of this chapter)

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