Quick Pass: After binding, the villain asks for a kiss every night

Chapter 373 Dark guard, your little princess climbed the wall again 28

Chapter 373 Dark guard, your little princess climbed the wall again 28

Wen Runze cupped her face with both hands, and touched her face with his fingertips: "It's my fault, I didn't think carefully, and ignored that she also has her own ambitions, which led to today's situation."

"I shouldn't blame you either."

The tenderness between his brows and eyes seems to be able to pinch water.

Let Feng Anran almost drown in his tenderness.

The mind can no longer think about other things.

His heart, eyes, and mind are all about him.

"Blame me, blame me all."

He landed on her lips.

The voice is still so gentle, apologizing constantly.

Feng Anran was already defeated after he let out his soft voice for the first time.

To be treated so tenderly again.

The whole person is addicted to love.

There are no other thoughts or thoughts.


The room began to turn into an indescribable picture.

It is easy to describe the kind of 404.

Therefore, Shi Lian decisively looked away.

Spicy eyes.

can not watch anymore.


She thinks Wen Runze is so oily!

Those love words.

It was Xiao Lu who fooled Feng Anran.

But she almost vomited out of the disgusting overnight meal.

Can't stand it.

I can't appreciate this kind of love story.

It is estimated that the room will last for a while, and it will not end.

There's no point in staying any longer.

And it was freezing as hell.

She reached out and touched the tile carefully.

The roof needs to be refilled.

Shi Lian just stretched out his hand.

Starting with it, it is a warm temperature.

He squeezed.


It is a familiar touch.

The clear cold wind brings a woody fragrance of green pine like smoke.

With that hand, she slowly leaned over.

"Li Li, you are finally willing to come out."

She leaned close to his ear and said in a breathy voice.

Very low sound.

Also has a thin fragrance.

Sprayed in Li Li's ears.

Li Li felt as if there was an electric current spreading through his body.

Let his whole body crisp up.

This feeling is very strange.

His eyes darkened, and he wanted to let go of the little princess's hand.

The little princess's slightly smiling voice rang in his ears again: "Don't move around, if you accidentally bump into something, step on it, and make some noise, we will all be discovered."

In the princess' palace.

But it also hides a lot of hidden guards.

Li Li's body froze, and he didn't dare to move any more.

Shi Lian smiled delicately, and the other hand followed his chest and fell to his face.


The little princess's hands are as slender as jade, and because of the cold weather, her hands are also extremely cold.

When caressing his face.

Suddenly, there was a cold jade-like coolness.

So, there is such a scene -

In the night, above the eaves.

The soft little princess in fur was half leaning against the arms of the hidden guard.

The dark guard stiffened and maintained his posture, not daring to move.

I am afraid that if I step on the glazed tiles, I will make a sound and alarm the people in the house.

The two were very close.

Breathing is almost entangled together.

Li Li could even hear clearly...

The heartbeat of the little princess.

at this time.

There was also an indescribable sound in the room inside the house.

Mo Li: "..."

He immediately raised his hand and covered Shi Lian's ears.

Immediately, one hand hooked her waist.

Take a leap.

Then disappeared above the eaves.

It didn't make any sound.

However, the moment Li Li jumped away.

His legs swept across the air.

Thousands of snowflakes were swept up, covering all the traces left by the two of them under the eaves just now.

It's just like……

She and him have never been the same.

(End of this chapter)

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