Quick Pass: After binding, the villain asks for a kiss every night

Chapter 383 Dark guard, your little princess climbed the wall again 38

Chapter 383 Dark guard, your little princess climbed the wall again 38
"Brother Runze...Brother Runze...help me! Help me!"

Suddenly, she called Wen Runze's name word by word.

I hope that man who is like a god can save him.

But until she was about to die.

Her brother Runze still didn't show up.

Her body kept sinking, sinking.

The feeling of suffocation became more and more intense.


There was a scream from her mouth, and her eyes opened suddenly.

The needle-like pain in her throat and the weakness all over her body made her gradually regain her consciousness.

Into the eyes, is the familiar tassel warm tent.

She blinked.

Suddenly came back to God.

This is... her bedroom.

Her palace of peace!
She's fine, she's alive!

The joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe made Feng Anran's eyes burst with intense joy.

But soon, she thought of the scene where she was pushed into the lake by Shi Lian and nearly died in Huangquan.

The joy in his eyes was instantly covered by hatred.

That bitch!

He actually wanted her life!
She must tell her father.

Let the emperor support her!
Harm to compatriots, this is a royal taboo!
"Princess, princess..."

Next to her, the maid in the palace spoke cautiously, her voice was low and tense.

Feng Anran was full of hatred, her five fingers were weak but she wanted to clenched into fists, her shortness of breath made her throat even more uncomfortable.

"Go... go call Father Emperor..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, the severe pain and splitting feeling made her almost lose half her life.


A familiar, majestic and cold voice sounded next to my ear: "Your name is Zhen, what do you want to say to Zhen?"

Feng Anran was stunned for a moment.

After realizing who the person who spoke was.

Her pupils trembled, she turned her head with difficulty, and looked over.

Then he saw the emperor in a bright yellow dragon robe sitting beside the bed.

On the face of Emperor Longwei, his expression was icy cold, without any emotion fluctuations.

Feng Anran felt a little uneasy.

She was lying in bed, so sick.

Why didn't her father, who had always loved her so much, not care at all.

Still so indifferent?
But she didn't think too much about it.

The hatred in my heart, I can't wait to vent it out immediately.

Her eyes were red, and she suppressed her stinging voice, crying sadly: "Father, I beg you to be the master of my son!!!"

Her throat hurt like a needle prick, but it couldn't hide her hoarseness.

She whimpered and started crying.

But I cried for a long time.

He never heard the comfort of his father.

She leaned against the bed, her body was too weak to move.

He could only open his tear-filled eyes and look at the emperor with aggrieved and pitiful eyes.

The emperor looked complicated, and stared at her with complicated eyes: "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"My son... Erchen was pushed into the lake by Feng Shilian!!!"

Her face was full of tears, full of pain: "I beg my father to be the master for my son!"

The emperor did not speak.

After a moment of silence.

He stood up slowly: "I know."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and left Feng Anran's bedroom.

Even when she struggled to get up from the bed and nearly fell off the bed, she didn't look back.

Feng Anran was lying on the side of the bed in embarrassment and powerlessness, with those teary eyes open, her face was full of disbelief.


this is not right...

Why is the father so calm after hearing her complaint.

Moreover, he never said a word of concern.

He knew what his father said...

What do you mean?
The uneasy emotional factor made her feel uneasy.

She always felt that something was out of her control.

She was suddenly uneasy, trying to grab something.

(End of this chapter)

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