Chapter 17
"Did he go to reincarnation?" Zhou Bei asked curiously.

Su Yuntao shook his head, "I temporarily sealed him up, and I will send him to reincarnation again at that time, mainly because I am afraid that you will be scared to death if you are sent to reincarnation through the Yin channel now."

Zhou Bei was embarrassed for a while, remembering that his behavior just now was indeed a bit unmanly, so he patted his chest and said, "Master Tao, don't worry, I, Zhou Bei, am not a timid person, so why bother you to make another trip?" .

Su Yuntao looked at him suspiciously, "Okay, step back."

Hearing this, Zhou Bei shrank back to the corner of the elevator, watched Su Yuntao make another more complicated handprint, muttering words, and then Zhou Bei saw a road suddenly appeared in front of him. Zhou Bei thought that this road must lead to hell Yes, because this road gave him a really weird and terrifying feeling.

Unsurprisingly, he slumped on the ground again, Su Yuntao whispered something, and after a while, Wang Xin's soul reappeared, but this time he seemed to have lost his sanity, his eyes were full of Confused, like a puppet, he followed Su Yuntao's instructions and walked on the dark road until he reached the end of his line of sight, and then the whole road and Wang Xin disappeared.

While Zhou Bei was still in shock, a QR code came under his nose, "2000 yuan, scan the code to pay".

After Zhou Bei blushed and successfully scanned the QR code to pay, he received a big smile from Su Yuntao, "Thank you for your patronage, and welcome to come next time."

Zhou Bei was about to cry, it was the first time in his life that he didn't want to hear this sentence so much.

After dealing with Zhou Bei's affairs, Su Yuntao fell asleep again after returning home. When she woke up the next day, she didn't really want to open a shop, so she decided to miss work for a day.

Randomly searching for a popular scenic spot in Hongcheng, Su Yuntao decided to visit to gain some knowledge, so as not to be ridiculed by them as a bumpkin after returning to Feihuang after completing the mission.

After taking a taxi to the entrance of the scenic spot, Su Yuntao bought the ticket and entered the scenic spot.

This is an antique town, on the edge of Hongcheng, it can be said to be a remote suburb, but because of this ancient town, it can be regarded as an Internet celebrity attraction in Hongcheng.

Su Yuntao was walking on the bluestone path, looking at the bustling crowd, visiting the small shops on the street from time to time to buy some novelty gadgets, the time passed quickly.

In the afternoon, Su Yuntao was a little tired after playing for a long time. When he was about to go home, he suddenly found a fortune-telling booth. A man wearing sunglasses was waving to passers-by from time to time to sell himself.

"Don't miss it when you pass by. I am a direct disciple of the head of the Maoshan School. I am going down the mountain today just to accumulate blessings. Whether you are looking for money, education or a child, as long as I, Taoist Pingji, will give you a calculation, you will be able to solve your doubts."

Not to mention his yelling, a few people really came forward to ask, I don't know what this Taoist Pingji said, anyway, when he finally left, everyone was smiling, and naturally they gave a lot of money, so Taoist Pingji The yelling got louder.

Seeing this, Su Yuntao was overjoyed, and walked forward slowly, and only sat down in front of Taoist Pingji when everyone was gone.

"What does the girl need? Is it for money or for marriage? I see that the girl's face is full of red, and something good must happen recently. The girl is destined. If she is willing to spend some money, Pindao is willing to reveal some secrets to the girl, and she will be punished." It will be borne by Pindao, and Pindao just doesn't want the girl to miss this great opportunity," Taoist Pingji said.

"Haha, you old liar play tricks," Su Yuntao laughed.

Taoist Pingji frowned when he heard the words, "It seems that the poor Taoist has nothing to do with the girl, but I still want to remind the girl to be careful in her words and deeds, the poor Taoist is...".

"I know. You are a direct disciple of the head of the Maoshan School. It's really strange to say that I only met the head of the Maoshan School last month. Why didn't I hear him mention you?" Su Yuntao asked back.

Taoist Pingji hesitated, "The girl is joking, Pindao has never seen a girl before."

Su Yuntao nodded, "I'm really joking, I don't know the head of the Maoshan School."

Taoist Pingji said again: "Why is that girl playing tricks on the poor Taoist? Presumably she doesn't believe in the poor Taoist's true abilities."

Su Yuntao smiled and said, "Really? Actually, I know a thing or two, why don't you share it with us?"

"Oh? The girl is actually a fellow, but she is poor and blind, so I ask the girl to enlighten me," Taoist Pingji said.

"Your name is He Dachuan. You joined the Feihuang organization at the age of 12. You are obviously talented, but you just don't do your job properly. You make jokes every day, so that you are almost forty this year. You didn't even take the position of an elder, because you don't like your deadly enemy. I arranged disgusting tasks for you, so I sneaked out to earn extra money." Su Yuntao opened his mouth and said.

After she said a few words, Taoist Pingji covered her mouth and dragged her to a corner of an alley. The latter took off her sunglasses, revealing two white eyes, which startled Su Yuntao.

"I said Uncle He, why don't you just bring this thing around, it's scary," Su Yuntao said angrily.

Taoist Pingji took out two thin white films from his eyes, threw them away, stared at the two big black eyes and said: "It really is you girl, what are you doing here, I don't know if it will hinder the uncle's business Yet?!"

"I'm here to travel," Su Yuntao said, "Uncle Master, you are really serious. Uncle Dong just arranged a small task for you. You don't have to accept it if you don't like it. As for sneaking out to set up a street stall?"

"You know what a fart, that old guy is not arranging tasks for me at all, he is just slapping me in the face, hehe, he wants to finish slapping my left cheek and let me put the right cheek in it, bah, dreaming, I just Don't take his share of anger," He Dachuan said angrily.

"Okay, anyway, don't tell me that you met me here, go back where you came from," He Dachuan said with a wave of his hand.

Su Yuntao curled her lips into a smile, "How can I bear the heart of you, Uncle, setting up a street stall here alone? I have a good job here. I don't know if you are interested, Uncle?"

"Good errand? What good errand?" He Dachuan looked at Su Yuntao suspiciously, "Pull it down, don't think that I don't know what's going on in your heart, you stinky girl has tricked me once or twice."

"Okay then." Su Yuntao looked lonely, "I'd better call Mr. Dong, he has missed you for a long time too."

A big hand blocked her, "Let me tell you about some errands."

So Su Yuntao said that he hoped that He Dachuan would help her to look after the store until Tong Yang came back. Although the Master Uncle He in front of him was not a direct disciple of the head of Maoshan, he had really joined the Maoshan School and was very talented. He was valued, but he couldn't bear the hardships and didn't want to abide by those red tapes, so he sneaked down the mountain and joined Feihuang.

(End of this chapter)

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