The fake daughter of metaphysics is so flirtatious, Jiu Ye has fallen again

Chapter 63 Xiao Bin loses his soul, the rooster screams

Chapter 63 Xiao Bin loses his soul, the rooster screams

"Alright Young Master Jiu~ I'll be there on time~ See you on Sunday~" Su Yuntao replied sweetly, pinching her throat.

Turning his head, he was facing Tong Yang with a smirk on his face, "Senior sister, is this what you mean by playing with the palm of your hand?"

"Ahem, you don't understand, I'm playing hard to get." Su Yuntao explained incoherently.

But obviously Tong Yang didn't believe Su Yuntao's explanation, instead he imitated her, "Jiu Shao~See you on Sunday~" by choking his throat.

Su Yuntao blushed a lot. At this time, a customer came to the shop.

Su Yuntao hurriedly used this to change the topic, "Come, come, sit here to calculate your fortune."

After seeing off the guests, Su Yuntao gave Tong Yang a password to stop talking about Li Jiu.

At this time Zhou Lanqing called Su Yuntao to have dinner together in the evening, so Su Yuntao threw the key of Jinhuang Wanjing to Tong Yang, and asked him to close the store for a while and go back by himself.

When she came to Ling's house, Zhou Lanqing, who hadn't seen her for a long time, gave her a big hug, "You stinky girl, you haven't come to see Mommy for so long."

"I'm very busy lately~" Su Yuntao said coquettishly, "Isn't it Mommy who will come back as soon as you call me?"

After the two chatted for a while, Ling Zhihao came back from school and was very happy to see Su Yuntao.

After Ling Bingqian came back, the family began to eat, and there was constant laughter at the dinner table.

Halfway through the meal, Ling Bingqian answered the phone, frowning tightly, and after hanging up the phone, he said to everyone: "Don't eat, we have to go to Xiao's house, something happened to Xiao Bin's child." .

Xiao Bin is Ling Zhihao's classmate that Su Yuntao met once, and what he loves the most is to show off his muscles.

Speaking of which, the Xiao family and the Ling family are still somewhat related. Xiao Bin's mother is Ling Bingqian's cousin, and Xiao Bin and Ling Zhihao are also cousins. In addition to the business contacts between the two, the two are usually considered close contacts. good relationship.

As soon as Xiao Bin's accident happened, Xiao's mother, who was in a panic, thought of Ling Bingqian immediately, hoping that he could go over and help to come up with ideas together.

After all, there was a chance meeting and Ling Bingqian's invitation, so Su Yuntao also came to Xiao's house with a few others.

Xiao Bin's mother, Yang Feng, and father, Xiao Guobang, were sitting in the living room with sad faces.

"Yang Feng, what's the matter with Xiao Bin's child?" Ling Bingqian asked, Yang Feng didn't make it clear on the phone, but only said that something happened to Xiao Bin, and hoped they would help to find a solution.

"Xiao Bin," Yang Feng said, tears fell.

Zhou Lanqing hurried forward to comfort her, "Don't worry, don't worry, speak slowly."

"Yesterday, Xiao Bin said he was not feeling well, so I took him to the hospital to see a doctor. As soon as I arrived at the hospital, when I went to register, Xiao Bin suddenly passed out, which frightened me, but the doctor said after the examination Nothing.

Originally, I wanted him to stay in the hospital for recuperation so that it would be convenient for the doctor to observe, but he had to go home after he woke up. After he came back, he lay motionless on the bed, staring at the roof with his eyes open. care about you.

I just lay there for a whole day without eating or drinking, and I called him several times, but he acted as if he didn’t hear him, muttering in his mouth and didn’t know what he was talking about. I really had no choice but to call you over Let's see if we can think of any way," Yang Feng said.

"Can we go up and see him?" Ling Bingqian said.

So Yang Feng brought a few people into Xiao Bin's room, just as Yang Feng said, Xiao Bin stared at the roof with blank eyes, muttering something and didn't know what he was talking about. Didn't blink.

"You see why this child is like this, what can I do in the future?" Yang Feng cried again as he spoke.

Xiao Guobang held his wife in his arms to comfort him, and also sighed.

"He's lost his soul," suddenly came a cold voice.

Only then did Yang Feng and Xiao Guobang focus on Su Yuntao. They had been thinking about Xiao Bin just now and didn't bother to ask Su Yuntao's identity.

It was only when she opened her mouth that she asked, "Who is this?"

Zhou Lanqing said: "This is my daughter Su Yuntao."

"So it's my cousin's daughter, Miss Su, just now you said that Xiao Bin lost his soul, what do you mean?" Yang Feng asked.

"People have three souls and seven souls. To lose one soul means to lose one soul. In my opinion, not only one soul has been lost, but one soul and one soul have been lost. People who lack one soul and one soul will behave abnormally." It's understandable, but it's not a big problem that can't be solved," Su Yuntao said.

"Miss Su, do you have a solution?!" Yang Feng could not solve a few words after hearing it.

"My sister must have a solution. My sister is a master. She said that Xiao Bin is fine, so Xiao Bin must be fine. Aunt and uncle, you don't have to worry too much." I believe that Su Yuntao will be fine if he says he is fine.

"Yes, my daughter will definitely not talk nonsense," Zhou Lanqing also nodded.

"Great, Miss Su, you must help Xiao Bin," Yang Feng and Xiao Guobang said hastily.

"Don't worry," Su Yuntao said, tearing a piece of paper from Xiao Bin's desk and writing a few things, "I'll call the soul for him when these things are ready."

"Okay, I'll go right away," Xiao Guobang said immediately, seeing his flustered appearance, Ling Bingqian feared that something might happen to him, so he accompanied him to prepare things, while the others returned to the living room.

Su Yuntao asked Yang Feng to find a piece of clothes that Xiao Bin hadn't washed yet, and soon Xiao Guobang and the two came back and took back what Su Yuntao wanted. They were surprised to find that there was a big rooster among the things Su Yuntao wanted. .

"The rooster will guide Xiao Bin on the way back," Su Yuntao said, the restless big rooster was exceptionally quiet in Su Yuntao's hands.

Su Yuntao put Xiao Bin's clothes on the big rooster, and took out a red thread to tie the big cock's paws and Xiao Bin's little finger together, then picked up millet and sprinkled it beside him, "Millet can help him fix his soul." ".

In the end, Su Yuntao picked up a chopstick and stood it in the bowl filled with water, "Look at this chopstick and never let it fall over."

Then Su Yuntao reached out and covered Xiao Bin's head, "The soul travels thousands of miles, quickly return to the acupuncture point..."

Yang Feng also followed Su Yuntao's instruction and began to call Xiao Bin's name loudly, and the rest of the people all held their breath and watched this scene quietly.

Su Yuntao kept saying the mantra of calling out the soul, and after a while, the big cock suddenly moved, and the red line between him and Xiao Bin was tightened.

"Found him, keep shouting don't stop," Su Yuntao said.

Yang Feng shouted harder when he heard this.

At this time, the big cock suddenly screamed a few times.

"Xiao Bin, I know you can hear me, follow this chicken and return to your body," Su Yuntao said close to Xiao Bin's ear.

(End of this chapter)

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