Supermarket space: the age group spoils and gets rich

Chapter 19 Su Xiaotian's Learning Methods

Chapter 19 Su Xiaotian's Learning Methods
"Brother, let's take a break and digest what we've seen." Su Tian stretched her waist, and said to the serious Su Qi with a smile on her face.

"Okay, go for a walk, sitting all the time is not good for your back." Su Qi smiled, his eyes sparkling.

"Come on, let's go see my parents." Su Tian stood up, holding all the books Su Qi had read in her arms.

Su Qi didn't know why.

Su Tian chuckled: "Use what you have learned, let's go brother." This is her previous life experience. Every time she comes to school, she will hold the book and explain her homework to the teacher in class. Yes, explaining it to children who are younger than her, explaining it with what I understand, the effect is really awesome.

"Mom?" I rushed out and came back.

Su Tian bared her teeth.

Mother Su smiled helplessly and pretended to glare at her daughter.

Su Tian chuckled, "I'm here to find my dad."

"What's the matter?" Papa Su, who just came back from the wasteland, wiped his face and asked after drinking a bowl of water.

Why does he feel that this is sweeter than before?

"Father, take a break. You sit here, and my brother stands here." Su Tian helped Papa Su sit on the edge of the kang, and pulled Su Qila in front of Papa Su.

Su's father was at a loss, Su Qi pursed his lips and smiled, asking him to give a lecture to his father, he was both excited and embarrassed, it was quite fresh.

"Brother, let's start." Su Tian said with a smile.

Mother Su looked at the Coke, and asked with a smile, "What kind of dumb fan are you playing?"

When Su's father was at a loss, Su Qi stuttered and went to Lisuo to start the first day of lectures.

Su's father was confused, he heard it, but he didn't understand it, especially when Su Qi asked him from time to time if he understood, and if he understood it, the embarrassing father Su's toes were digging out of the small second-floor building.

"Your father doesn't know how to read." Mother Su said in time.

Stabbed Su's father in the chest.

Su Tian said it's okay, how can parents who can give birth to a smart child like my brother and me be mediocre, let's learn together.

From then on, they worked together, read and read together, and enjoyed themselves together.

Su's father and Su's mother didn't know that the family could still get along like this, and their eyes were red with excitement and emotion.

"Mom, what are you doing?" When she got up the next day, Su Tian was the first one in the family to wake up every day before dawn because she wanted to secretly pour Lingxi water into the water tank.

As soon as he filled the water tank, he even pretended to take a bath in the water bucket, so as not to see the dry water bucket showing its stuffing, and then saw Su's mother getting dark.

"You girl, sleep more next time. If there is no water, your father and brother will be there. Where do you need you to fetch water? It's not safe too early. Do you hear me?" Mother Su said sternly, she never knew her daughter She woke up so early, thinking that her daughter was going to fetch water before dawn in the dark, she was very flustered.

"Understood, Mom, it won't happen in the future, what are you doing, Mom, I'll help you."

"No, Mom sweep around the house, and I'll go to your Grandma Su's house to borrow their sewing machine later." After speaking, he urged his daughter to go back to the house, grabbed the broom and started cleaning.

Su's mother is a very clean woman. Every corner of the house is cleaned and cleaned very neatly.

Su Tian couldn't sleep even when she returned to the house. She hasn't entered the space for the past two days, and she hasn't counted the supplies sold in detail. Has the wild boar been sold?
Thinking in my heart, people entered the space.

After careful counting, the materials of 500 yuan changed hands and earned more than 300 86 yuan, as well as an industrial ticket, sugar tickets, food tickets, cloth tickets, watch tickets, and especially a national food ticket.

A watch sold for 81 yuan in the mall, but she resold it for 180 yuan, which was 60 yuan more expensive than the one sold by the supply and marketing agency.

After sorting it out, she put it in a small box in the warehouse. Only then did she realize that there was an extra one in the warehouse. What's going on?

Unable to figure it out, Su Tian went to my small shop, and the big wild boar was already sold after clicking on it.

She hurriedly raised her head to look at the numbers in the sky. She set the price at [-], no matter how small it was, it would not be less than [-]. This is the rule she found from buying fruits.

Huh! 8000 yuan?

so much?
and many more.

Su Tian opened the panel again and looked at the fruit. The fruit was sold out. Fifteen kinds of fruit, one hundred catties each, and the previous price of one catty was five yuan, which would be seven thousand five hundred yuan. Then, the wild boar would be five hundred yuan. .

I... wipe!

Black, really black, this kickback is deducted.

She wants to buy sewing machines and kitchen utensils for her family...

Su Tian made up her mind. In the past two days, she got to know this place. This is Gan Province, which belongs to the north. The town they live in is Guanping Town, Qingfeng Commune, and Qingfeng Village.

I heard that Qingshan Village is more advanced than the other villages, and it is rated as an advanced model village every year. The reason is very simple. Their terrain is very suitable for raising chickens. Their whole village is halfway up the mountain, and the top of the mountain is accessible On the way to the town, there is a ditch at the bottom of the village, so people surrounded the whole village with barbed wire, and built a small house on the top of the mountain for the chicken farmers to live in, and every household changed houses to prevent it from being stolen.

In this way, the chicken farm has started, and the villagers are no longer afraid that after paying the public grain, the villagers will not be enough to eat, and the rich can buy it.

"Dad, I have an idea. You can analyze it. Do you want to tell the team leader?" With that said, Su Tian told Dad Su that she wanted to start a pig farm.

Father Su was stunned. How could the little girl think of this, and then shook her head.

"It's not that the captain has never thought about it, but there is nothing to feed, and the pigs don't grow big. Every year, there is pigweed almost until summer, even if it is early, it can't be a few days earlier. In the second half of October, the grass is withered. At that time, they could only be sent to slaughterhouses.”

Su Tian was taken aback when he heard that, can only eat pigweed?Aren't the husks from the grains of rice, wheat and millet all edible?There are also sweet potato vines that can be eaten. Isn’t soybean meal and tofu dregs all edible?Pigs are omnivores and will eat anything.

"Dad, do you know where the oil mill is? And the tofu factory?"

"They're all in the town, not far away. Why do you ask this?"

"Hey, Dad, take me to the head of the team, I have a way to raise pigs." The only thing is that the two factories have to sign a contract to order their leftovers.

"Father, are we the only ones in Guanping Town who have these two factories?"

"There are other towns too, not just this one in our town." Father Su heard that his daughter had a solution, and heard her daughter inquire about these two factories.

"Sister-in-law, no, is my cousin there?" Papa Su almost called out again, in embarrassment.

The captain's daughter-in-law laughed loudly, pulling Su Tian to laugh uncontrollably, Su Tian pursed her lips, she couldn't laugh too, this is her father.

(End of this chapter)

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