Chapter 309
Madam Su thought fiercely.

Mrs. Su doesn't care how Mrs. Su's sophistry is, how ferocious her face is, since she can't guarantee her safety, she still looks omnipotent, isn't this a good thing for her?

Not to mention the shocked looks of the other people above, she just wants to tell all she knows now, so as to ask for forgiveness, the son she exchanged must be very capable, and her good days are still to come, if she doesn't If she strives for leniency, then she is not the one who should enjoy all this. How can she be reconciled?
Mrs. Su looked at the young man who looked very similar to her eldest son inside. This should be the child who was replaced. He looks really good. He is worthy of being raised in a big family and has received a higher education.

The young man in the green military uniform sitting next to him should be her grandson. See how promising he is. As for Su Muyao and Xie Qianyi, Mrs. Su just ignored the mother and daughter, even if it was her daughter-in-law and Granddaughter, she doesn't like it either. She is really uneducated when she speaks arrogantly and harshly to an old man. When she recognizes her son, she will ask him to divorce this woman. What about a filial and well-behaved daughter-in-law?
As for this granddaughter, it seems that she is getting old and able to get married, so she will receive a dowry and marry off at that time.

Su Muyao and Xie Qianyi don't know yet, Mrs. Su has thought so much in just a short while, she has arranged their whereabouts, and now she is waiting to meet her son and drive them away go out.

"Even now, I don't want to deny it. At that time, my child was born a few hours earlier. Our country women are not so expensive, and they can work in the fields after giving birth.

It happened that the doctor was about to give birth, and he was the closest to our home, so he gave birth at our home. During the delivery, I saw a green bracelet on the doctor's wrist. There is an old landlord in the village, and I don’t know what kind of good it is.

I thought she should be the daughter-in-law of a rich family. I hadn't thought of the idea of ​​changing the child at that time, but when she gave birth, I saw that her newborn child was actually white and fat, and I The child who was born for several hours, black and thin, made me feel very uncomfortable. They were all raised by their fathers and mothers. Live this miserable life.

I don’t know why, when my brain got hot, I thought of changing the child. In fact, I regretted it a little after I changed the child. No matter how thin my child is, it was born by me, but I haven’t waited for me to go again. After taking a look at my child, this woman came in, saying that the woman who just gave birth was her older sister, and her older sister was a noble person, and she couldn't bear to let her stay in the country with nothing to eat or drink, The body must not be well maintained. Besides, the war outside is over, and she can just take her sister back.

At that time, I remembered that the woman who gave birth was still in a coma, and this woman was very strong, holding the child in the front, and the woman on the back, just such a moment of hesitation, the child had already been replaced..." Granny Su said intermittently After a long time, the face of the person sitting on it was black and black, and his eyes were about to spit fire, and his eyes scanned Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su.

"For the sake of my frank confession, can I be lenient? For so many years, I also miss my son very much. I am so old, and I don't have a few years to live. For the rest of my life, I just want to Spend more time with my son." Mrs. Su said, wiping her tears, looking at the indifferent Mr. Su, and then at Su Jiayao, who was shocked and innocent.

She softened the hard heart of Su's father, and felt very sorry for the helpless child.

"You know that you were the one who changed your son out of spite, why were you so harsh on him? You wished to kill him in the countryside. Is this your regret? I think you have no conscience, no conscience, if you are a little bit A person of conscience would not do such a cruel thing.

You separated our father and son for 40 years, and during these 40 years, you beat and scolded my son, had no food to eat, no clothes to cover your body, and worked hard every day to earn work points to support you. Don’t deny it, your family The eldest son always steals, rapes, plays tricks and doesn't work. If your family hadn't been raised by my son, how could you have such a good life? "

Mr. Su did not alleviate his anger at all because of Mrs. Su's frank confession. He only heard his heartbroken and angry. To pay the price, the first to bear the brunt is to recognize his own son first.

In the fact that Mr. Su did not deny the identification with Mrs. Su, Mrs. Su almost passed out, looking outside anxiously, waiting for someone who could help her. As for the children of the Su family, they never kissed her , It's really the power of blood, it's useless for her to ask for favors.

"Jiayao, how do you think this matter should be handled? And how should Mrs. Su handle it?" Mr. Su looked at Su Jiayao who was beside him.

"Dad, how could Jiayao know about this kind of thing?" Xie Qianyi felt that Mr. Su was making things difficult for her husband, but she didn't realize that something was wrong with her husband.

But no one paid any attention to Xie Qianyi, treating her as a fart.

Old Man Su looked at Su Jiayao with piercing tiger eyes.

"Dad, I'm sorry...I," Su Jiayao's face was full of guilt and sadness, although everyone didn't say who the replaced child was?But he knew that the child was him. In order to let her live a good life, his biological mother exchanged someone else's child with him.

When he thought about what a good life he had in this family, he felt very guilty. He didn't dare to look at Papa Su's face, and he was also very sad. Such a harmonious family was not his. This strict but kind His father is not his either, he is the one who lives in this family instead of someone else, he is the one who stole the family's good life, the elder brother who is like a brother like a father is not his elder brother either.

He doesn't know how unbearable life is waiting for him, but no matter how unbearable he is, he can no longer occupy other people's lives. He has replaced other people's lives for more than 40 years, and he feels uneasy and ashamed beyond words.

Su Jiayao was lonely and ashamed, and bowed to Papa Su in frustration. Although he didn't speak, the meaning was obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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