Chapter 328 Discrediting the two
"Brother Linchuan, I originally wanted to help you and my cousin, but even if I help you, but I am a sweet cousin, this can't be changed, why do you guys hate me so much? Are you pretending Do you know me?" Su Xiaoyun wiped away tears again, crying so wronged, complaining as if he couldn't bear it.

"I know you dislike me for not being as smart as my cousin, and I can get into Beijing University, but I love you a lot! When you were an educated youth, our family always took care of you. You were so kind to me before. , why don’t you recognize me now? At that time you clearly agreed, you said you would come to pick me up when you arrived in Beijing, but I have been waiting for you for more than two years, and you didn’t come to pick me up. I know Tang My younger sister also admires you, I am not as rich and educated as my cousin, but I really love you!" Su Xiaoyun played the incoherent character caused by sadness to life.

Qin Linchuan's face was dark, and he wanted to go forward to discuss but was held back by Su Tian. If Qin Linchuan went forward to discuss, wouldn't Su Xiaoyun succeed?Now she also understands that Su Xiaoyun hated them and wanted to destroy them directly, and even lied at all. None of Su Xiaoyun's words are true. It seems that this is because Beijing is too far away from Guanping Town. Far away, and for a while, they can't prove their innocence, so they will talk nonsense.

Even if they need witnesses to prove it, it will take several days, but the public opinion is enough for everyone to know in two or three days.

Su Tian listened to Su Xiaoyun's untruthful words in her ears, and shielded all passers-by's vicious words pointing at them, otherwise she would listen to too much and she would want to beat someone up. What happened, they can also say it as if it is true, as if they are the parties involved, how can they "empathize" so much.

"You really took great pains to frame the two of us! What else can you say together?" Su Tian looked at the things in Qin Linchuan's hands, and regretted for the first time that she didn't use the guards her grandfather assigned to help them drive. .

"Cousin, do you really want me to tell?" Su Xiaoyun gritted her teeth, looked around, hesitating.

"Tell me, I want to hear it too." It's really free to dig your ears.

"But don't you know? We have both served wine at home. Brother Linchuan and I are now husband and wife, but you, as a cousin, came to pester Brother Linchuan, and Brother Linchuan didn't think of the two of us at all." I swear to each other, now I only have you in my heart, why did we come to this point?" Su Xiaoyun whimpered and cried again.

Su Tian couldn't help but clapped her hands: "Tsk tsk tsk, it's really exciting, you really wronged you if you didn't tell the book, what a story about ups and downs, heartbroken, lingering, ungrateful educated youths who went to the countryside and abandoned their wives' wives! "

Qin Linchuan glanced dissatisfied at the little girl beside him, what does it mean that an educated youth who goes to the countryside abandons his wife?It's true that he is an educated youth who went to the countryside, but he didn't abandon anyone. The only thing he liked from the beginning to the end was the little girl in front of him, and no one else. Also the little girl in front of me.

[Comrade, hurry up and take out your marriage certificate, we will help you turn these two people to the police station] Some passers-by heard that they had already served wine, and immediately couldn't help it anymore, and shouted loudly, their eyes were very sad Don't be ashamed of Su Tian's character, how could she be so shameless to pester her cousin-in-law? Also, this man is not a good person. You can't just see this woman's good looks and get into college, so you can abandon the one who shared the same joys and sorrows with him. wife.

Su Tian took a look at the young people who "speak out of righteousness", they were really passionate enough, she would definitely scold them in her heart, didn't she see those eyes that were about to shoot out knives?It's just a pity, the brain capacity is not big enough, listening to the wind is raining, and being used as a gunman deserves it.

The three words "it's a pity" in Su Tian's eyes made the young man who had just spoken out flush red, and took a step back abruptly, avoiding Su Tian's eyes in embarrassment. .

[I didn't say it, little girl, you look so good-looking and you are a college student, why did you rob your cousin's man?Look how pitifully your cousin is crying now, how can you do it?There are so many good men in the world, why are you staring at this one?]

All these words were ignored by Su Tian, ​​and she didn't even bother to explain to them, whether it was black or white, wouldn't she know when she was asked to argue?

[Cousin?Cousin?Cousins?She is Su Muyao?Not like it!Su Muyao doesn't look like this, but she does look alike on the outside, this is really Su Muyao! 〕

[What Su Muyao, who are you talking about?This poor lesbian's name seems to be Su Xiaoyun, not Su Muyao, you've got the wrong person]

[That's not right, the little girl on the opposite side is the little granddaughter of the Su family in that compound, her cousin is only Su Muyao] Even if she changed from being a relative to being a gangster, if she knew it, she would be her cousin.

[What is the little granddaughter of the Su family?Then this...] One person was puzzled, and then asked Su Xiaoyun, could it be that he came to touch porcelain in front of a large crowd?

[Girl, did you admit the wrong person? 〕

After the man finished speaking, he stared at Su Xiaoyun with both eyes.

Recently, the news that the Su family retrieved their youngest son's family has spread, and the grandson and granddaughter retrieved by their family are students of Beijing University. This matter has long been spread throughout Beijing. What are they waiting for now? Time to hold a confession banquet?Let the family of the youngest son who was found back be justified.

Su Xiaoyun was taken aback when she heard it, why did she feel that she didn't understand?What Su Muyao?What little granddaughter of the Su family?What does all this have to do with Su Tian?

"What do they mean?" Su Xiaoyun frowned and asked.

Su Tian smiled sarcastically: "What do you mean? Don't you understand? It's what you heard."

Su Tian knew that Su Xiaoyun would not know about the change, so she didn't tell Su Xiaoyun, but she wanted to see what else Su Xiaoyun could talk nonsense.

There is really no limit, you stole old lady Su's money and flew away, since you can go all the way to the capital, it shows that you are lucky and capable, but she didn't want to start over, but she resented her as the victim, If she hadn't intercepted her admission letter back then, there wouldn't be anything that happened later. Besides, she didn't do the pushing, she just stood by and watched. Why should all this be blamed on her? It's simply inexplicable.

Su Tian looked at Su Xiaoyun with her head down and said nothing, she was thinking of some little trick again, she asked impatiently: "Can you show your marriage certificate? I want to prove to everyone that you are not talking nonsense to smear us."

(End of this chapter)

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