Chapter 365
Hearing that it was his obedient granddaughter who wanted to testify, Mr. Su glared at the obedient man sitting next to his granddaughter.

"Since it was proposed by my darling, let's talk about it. Let's talk about the certificate today."

Su Tian couldn't believe that Mr. Su was so straightforward, she stared at her grandfather with wide round eyes, and immediately thanked her sweetly: "Thank you, Grandpa."

"Thank you? My granddaughter has grown up and wants to get married. What can I thank you for?" Mr. Su glanced at his granddaughter reproachfully, then turned his head to look at Qin Linchuan with sharp eyes. For a veteran galloping on the battlefield, that prestige cannot be ignored, let alone something ordinary people can afford.

Qin Linchuan was sweating coldly.

"Let's go, kid, let me talk to you." Then he stood up, with his hands behind his back, glanced at his children and grandchildren, and walked out the door. His steady pace did not look like a 70-year-old man at all. .

Qin Linchuan and Su Tian both have black lines, you are talking outside, are you going outside?Shouldn't we all go to the study to talk?Don't make this purpose too obvious, it's simply unscrupulous, just now it was said that it was a testimonial today, if Qin Linchuan went out from here, would he still be able to prove it today?

Why not turn a handsome guy into a toad who has practiced qigong?

All the children and grandchildren who had received instructions from their father stood up together, looking eager to fight. The height of each of them is not less than 1.8 meters, which is oppressive.

Even Su's father, who had been exercising with the old man for a few days, stood up eagerly, without any self-consciousness and prudence as a father-in-law. Obviously, he was going to play tricks.

Zhang Qiaoqiao and the others are already numb. Don't talk about Su's father as a father, just say that her family's uncle is the uncle and the second child is the second uncle. The two of them are usually very enthusiastic about Qin Linchuan.

But it was about Su Tian, ​​the two of them were not polite anymore, even though Su Jiayao was a businessman, his work was not delayed at all.

When the old man agreed to Su Jiayao to go into business, his requirement was that his kung fu should not be lower than that of Su Yaoguo. One usually treated training as a meal, and the other got up early and went to bed late, so his kung fu could not fall behind. One can imagine how much kung fu Su Jiayao put in.

Let’s just talk about Dad Su, it’s a good thing he’s from the Su family, he has his own blood in his bones, so he can keep up with a few people for a long time to train, but he really doesn’t treat himself as a human being when he trains, as long as he doesn’t die, his kung fu will gradually improve .

The two sisters-in-law looked at each other, and spread their hands helplessly!

Turning to look at Su Yuqing, who was watching with relish, the eyes of several people met, and they all pursed their lips and laughed.

Don't look at her husband as a literati, but don't look at whose son-in-law it is, this kid Qin Linchuan is going to be terrible.

Su Yuqing was happy to see, the girl from the Su family is not easy to marry.

Qin Linchuan looked around and was in a cold sweat. Among the peers, he could still retaliate a little bit. What should he do with these elders?Could it be that he was beaten up by others?
Qin Linchuan couldn't help touching his handsome face. Today, the old man must greet him from this face. How can he save this face?After all, the little girl is a face-seeker, and he still has to seduce the little girl with his face. If he doesn't have a handsome face and can't confuse people, he will have no soup to drink. Could he just run away?

But... one, two, three... nine, ten, eleven, look at the number of people, Qin Linchuan gave up his escape plan, how could he afford to run, and then glanced at Su who took off his suit with a smile and rolled up his shirt sleeves Qi, Qin Linchuan narrowed his eyes dangerously, but today Su Qi is not afraid of Qin Linchuan, he directly gave a provocative look, today they are a family, there are many people, even if Qin Linchuan beats him, he has to stay next to each other, unless he doesn't care about his demeanor As long as he dares to run away, the old man can get rid of Qin Linchuan, his grandson-in-law.

Qin Linchuan rested his forehead and sighed, did he really forget how he helped him back then?
I really thought that Li Ping was easy to marry. He was so desperate for his uncle, but it turned out to be him, and his uncle betrayed him. There is such a reason for this, and one cannot be so shameless.

"Grandpa, today we're going to talk about evidence, let's talk about it another day." It's a day that can be pushed.

Su Tian got up quickly, squeezed past uncles, uncles and brothers in three or two steps, and grabbed old man Su's arm. Anyway, don't try to bully Qin Linchuan today.

It's too much, so many people beat that one, should we add her, two to eleven?

Everyone waited for the old man's order, and looked at the old man one after another, even the female family members looked at the old man. In this family, except for the old lady and Su Tian, ​​the other female family members really dare not ask the old man casually.

Even Li Ping, who had a cool demeanor, was no exception, but the old man was never too serious with his daughter-in-law and granddaughter-in-law.

Everyone sighed, and it turned out that the girl was extroverted.

Su Tian and Qin Linchuan successfully obtained the household registration booklet to register, but there were more than a dozen people following them, and the crowd should not be too large. Fortunately, they all drove when they went out. Although the number of people was not obvious, it was five or six when they left. A small car is scary enough.

Holding the freshly released marriage certificate, the two smiled sweetly. Su Tian and Qin Linchuan wore the clothes they were most satisfied with in order to discuss the certificate. Bi people.

As for Father Su and Old Man Su who watched this scene, of course they looked unhappy, and their hearts were extremely complicated.

From today onwards, their family's little padded jacket will belong to someone else's family, but fortunately there is still a wedding that can be postponed, so the two thought of this by coincidence.

But what they didn't know was that the marriage certificate had been taken away, so how long could the wedding be delayed?

Only sooner rather than later!

"Okay, okay, don't look at it, go home quickly." The eyes of the people watching it hurt.

The old lady glared at the old man.

Su's mother also held on to Su's father, who couldn't think about it, and didn't let go. Didn't you see the veins popping out of the clenched fist?
She didn't understand. As a mother, she had already figured it out, why couldn't her husband figure it out until now?

"Let's go, let's go home!" Su Tian pulled Qin Linchuan to the manor. If she followed Qin Linchuan to their new house now, the people present would probably be blown up. I didn't see her elders using sharp Eyes, have you been looking at Qin Linchuan?
And her brothers? They also looked at Qin Linchuan suspiciously.

She always felt that the elder brothers were going to put sacks on Qin Linchuan.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." The marriage certificate is in hand, is the wedding still far away?

Qin Linchuan laughed so hard that he couldn't see his teeth.

It's legal, it's finally legal!
It's time to get ready for his wedding.

The elders were not so ruthless and insisted on going back with the new couple. After taking pictures together, they drove away early, leaving Su Tian and Qin Linchuan in a car.

(End of this chapter)

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