Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 101 Little Sheep or Little Evil Wolf

Chapter 101 Little Sheep or Little Evil Wolf
"Come lie down again?"

Su Yun gave him an angry look, and threw a piece of clothing in her hand over.

"Why don't you wake up?"

She really underestimated this man.

On the second night of their marriage, he hugged himself to sleep so honestly that it gave her the illusion that this man was not that enthusiastic about that kind of thing...

Who knew that on the third night...that is, last night...cough cough cough...

Su Yun is still embarrassed when she thinks about what happened last night.

On the bed, this man who got cheap and acted like a good-looking man, first seduced her all over her body like a bug bite, so she couldn't help but beg him... He used the excuse of 'satisfying her' to turn her over and over like baking a pie , He tossed everything inside and out.

Just like that, he was still not satisfied, he got up early in the morning and wanted to continue.

In the pretense of saying that he served her last night, she has to satisfy him this morning...

Su Yun kicked him directly on the calf, scolded him to get the hell out and turned over to get up.

In the end, the bed couldn't get up smoothly, and she was pressed down by him, and he said meanly, "Why don't she move on top of her?"Just like when she beat Zhao Qiming a few days ago.

She just plays, he doesn't fight back!

Su Yun was shocked on the spot.

He stared at him with wide eyes, and when he realized it, well, the person had been swallowed up.

What's terrible is that he still bit her earlobe and said, no matter if she is a little sheep or a little wolf, she will always be his sweet baby.


I don't know where I learned these words from.

The man who used to talk sweetly on the bed was kicked again, Su Yun dragged her sore body out of bed to pack her things, and this was the scene from the beginning.

Xiao Lin was shirtless, lying on the bed with her head propped on one hand, and told her to go to bed and lie down again...

It is impossible for her to lie down anymore, if Xiao Lin wants, he can lie on the bed forever.It's just that she went to the city and didn't wait for him.

Packed up and opened the door, ready to cook.

"Xiao Yun..."

Ye Wan's voice sounded under the eaves, Su Yun turned her head to look, she turned and walked over.

"Is there something wrong, mother?"

Ye Wan smiled at her, and said, "Well, Grandma Anzi said that you and Anzi are going to live in the city?"

Su Yun nodded.

"Yes mother."

In fact, regarding going to the city, Su Yun asked Xiao Lin if he wanted to let grandma and mother-in-law go there, but Xiao Lin said that it is not appropriate now, let them live in the village first.

Su Yun felt that this might cause the old man to think too much, so she told Mrs. Xiao to ask her opinion.

Granny Xiao's decision is the same as Xiao Lin's, the homeland is hard to leave, besides, Su Yun and the others didn't go to the city to enjoy the blessings, but to work hard for their careers.Old people like them not only do not help much, but may also distract them from devoting themselves to their careers.

After many considerations, Mrs. Xiao decided to stay in the village.

However, Old Madam Xiao is willing to stay in the village, but Ye Wan doesn't want to stay in the village anymore.

She knew that if she told Xiao Lin or her mother-in-law, she might be rejected.So she stopped Su Yun, she thought that she was also Su Yun's mother-in-law, Su Yun, a daughter-in-law, couldn't refuse her mother-in-law, right?
Ye Wan stopped Su Yun, and said what she had thought up, "Xiao Yun, I heard that the medical conditions in the city are much better than those in the countryside, do you think you can take me to the city to get my leg treated? You are not yet 50 years old, so you can't sit in a wheelchair all your life, can you?"

Ye Wan's proposal was very pertinent, and Su Yun would not be unhappy if she could be made to stand up.

Just as she was about to nod, Xiao Lin came out of their room, "Mom, I asked the director before, and he said that the hospital in the city can't treat your leg, you have to go to see it in Beijing."

At present, his business has just started, and Xiaoyun's is also at the stage of groping. To be honest, they really can't afford the money to let Ye Wan go to Beijing to treat her legs.

It's just that his words fell into Ye Wan's ears, and it became Xiao Lin who had a daughter-in-law and forgot her mother, and she didn't even want to heal her legs.Ye Wan raised her eyes to look at Xiao Lin, her eyes turned red after a while.

"Anzi..." Ye Wan wiped the corners of her eyes, lowered her head and sobbed, "Mother knows that mother is getting older now, and nothing can be said as nicely as others, you..."

"Didn't An Zi heal your leg when you first came back?" A majestic voice interrupted Ye Wan's words.

Mrs. Xiao walked over from her room with her hands behind her back, with a very serious expression on her skinny face.

"Have you forgotten where Anzi's retirement allowance was used? Apart from seeing his father, he was treating your leg. You just lay in your room and forgot about it. My wife hasn't forgotten about it yet."

When Xiao Lin left the army in a hurry, he brought back nearly a thousand yuan in retirement allowance.Where is all that money spent?Mrs. Xiao knew it all.

At that time, a seriously injured patient suddenly appeared in the family, and Ye Wan who was depressed and self-pitying all day long, Xiao Lin alone had no skills, he had to hire a doctor and take care of their husband and wife.

If not, why would Xiao Lin have no time to sleep for days and nights?If he hadn't been up for several days and nights, wouldn't he have been tricked by the thieves who had a grudge against him because he was in a trance?

After Xiao Lin's leg was injured, Ye Wan not only failed to stand up, but also felt more self-pity, like a boudoir.Mrs. Xiao couldn't bear her grandson being exhausted to death, so she supported the family again.

Ye Wan like this, is she ashamed to say that she has been wronged now?

The old lady Xiao looked at her unceremoniously, her eyes were full of sternness.

Ye Wan is a person with no opinions.

In the past, when Xiao Lin's father was still alive, with Xiao Lin's father watching, she was in charge of eating and sleeping, and went to the village when she had nothing to do. The days are so fast.

So she doesn't act like a demon.

Later, Xiao Lin's father had an accident, Xiao Lin came back from the army, Ye Wan's restless natal family, like hunting dogs who smelled meat, came together one by two.Ye Wan has no opinion, she doesn't even know how to judge people.When the Xiao family was in extreme difficulty, she secretly picked up things from home to subsidize her mother's family.

At that time, she didn't seem to realize that the Xiao family was no longer what it used to be.Xiao Lin is no longer the battalion commander who sends back tens of dollars every month...

As long as Mrs. Xiao thinks about the past, she can't help but get angry and want to curse.

Ye Wan glanced at Xiao Lin with red eyes, "I know you all despise me, you all despise me. In this case, I might as well die!"

As she spoke, she turned the wheelchair and went to the room to find something to commit suicide. Su Yun held Xiao Lin's hand, and Xiao Lin lowered her eyes to look at her comfortingly, then held her hand and squeezed it.

The long legs took a step forward.

"If mother, you feel that the life in Xiao's family is too difficult to survive, then I will send you to your mother's house. As for how to send you, mother, you can decide."

 Four shifts!
  The update is complete, and I will catch bugs tomorrow.

  Happy eating, you little cuties!

  I don’t know if it’s because no one reads the article after joining V?Tickets are getting less and less every day, alas, the author is really sad!
  Be cheeky and ask for a wave of praise!

  At last,
  Good night, you little cuties!
(End of this chapter)

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