Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 119 Gather information and deal with Ma Guanghua

Chapter 119 Gather information and deal with Ma Guanghua
"Brother, what do you want to do?" Xiaodao couldn't turn his head, and didn't understand Xiao Lin's meaning for a while.

Xiao Lin said in a low voice, "Help me find out who in Nancheng was let off by Ma Guanghua. Get me a specific list."

He wanted to deal with Ma Guanghua, he wanted to eradicate him once and for all, and he would never pose any threat to them again.

He could actually ask his old comrades-in-arms to help, but Xiao Lin didn't intend to do that.

He wants to send the Ma brothers to prison with his own hands.

Knife understood.

"Brother, don't worry, leave this matter to me and I promise it will be fine."

Xiaodao picked up the noodle bowl and drank up the soup, wiped his mouth and ran out.

Su Yun groaned twice, and the knife only left her behind.She watched Xiao Dao run away with some worry, "Is he going to be all right?"

"No, Xiaodao is very smart, don't worry, my wife."


Now it can only be like this.

Fortunately, Xiaodao is really as clever as Xiao Lin said, and he collected the information Xiao Lin wanted in three days.In the evening three days later, he came to Su Yun's house and handed over the densely written list to Xiao Lin.

"Brother, take a look. The above list is all because the family surnamed Ma was confiscated and sent down. Many of them have been ruined and died on the farm. Those who barely survived were also sent to the far northwest."

There are quite a few people on the list, but most of them are no longer alive.

And those who survived are not in Nancheng at present, as Xiaodao said.

It seems that the way to start with the people who have been sent down by Ma Guanghua is not feasible at present.

"Brother, what should we do?" Xiaodao was very anxious.

In the past few days when he was collecting evidence of Ma Guanghua's crimes, hearing those old people talk about Ma Guanghua's arrogant attitude during those ten years, he hated his teeth so much.If his brother hadn't told him not to make trouble and not reveal his identity, he could guarantee that he would ask his brothers to kill this beast together.

How many families were destroyed because of his family!

Xiao Lin glanced at the list and said, "He copied so many houses back then, do you think he handed in all the things he copied?"

Xiaodao blinked, "What do you mean brother? You don't want to steal from the rich and give to the poor, do you?"

He is capable of this matter, and he is passionate when he hears it.

Xiao Lin glanced at the eager knife and gave him a superficial look.

Knife: ...

Has been despised to.

Su Yun couldn't help laughing, "Okay, if you have any ideas, you can just say it, is it fun to tease people's knives?"

The daughter-in-law has already spoken, and Xiao Lin, who originally wanted to show off, must have said it outright.

"I'm going to ask Huang Sheng for a favor."

As for how to help, he didn't say.

The next day, Xiao Lin sent Su Yun to the shop as usual, and finished the previous work for her before leaving.Before he left, he greeted the nearby merchants and asked them to take a look at his wife.

The business owners are all out to make money. They saw Xiao Lin's extraordinary bearing, and they must be a person who will do great things in the future, so they also wanted to make friends with Xiao Lin.Of course they agreed to his request.

Only then did Xiao Lin leave the shop and go to the tea house agreed with Huang Sheng.

Huang Sheng's real name is Huang Jiesheng, calling him Huang Sheng is the abbreviation of his name, and it is also the abbreviation of Mr. Huang who is popular in Xiangjiang.

He and Xiao Lin came to the teahouse almost at the same time.

"Xiao Sheng, this way, come here." Huang Sheng greeted Xiao Lin in awkward Mandarin.

Xiao Lin smiled and nodded, the two found a secluded place, ordered a pot of Longjing and ordered a few stacks of Nancheng's special snacks, chatting while drinking tea.Xiao Lin took a bite of the crab roe soup dumpling, and smiled slightly.

This thing is good, I will pack it up and give Xiaoyun a taste later.

"Is Xiao Sheng thinking about the girl? You smile so sweetly!" Huang Jiesheng said exaggeratedly.

Xiao Lin didn't deny it either, put down his chopsticks and raised his head, wiped the corner of his mouth with a handkerchief before saying, "I thought of my wife at home."

"That must be a beautiful and kind girl."


Xiao Lin is not modest, Huang Sheng appreciates his frankness even more.

The economic status between the two is actually not equal, or in other words, the economic status between the two is actually one heaven and one earth.But Huang Jiesheng agreed to do business with Xiao Lin. Apart from feeling that Xiao Lin's proposal could impress him, he also admired Xiao Lin very much.

There is an old saying that many friends lead many paths, and he doesn't mind making friends with Xiao Lin, when Xiao Lin still has nothing.

Xiao Lin was indeed not a pushy person, the two chatted for a while, and he directly mentioned his purpose for asking Huang Jiesheng this time.

"Mr. Huang, I would like to ask you to do me a favor. As the chairman of the Xiangjiang Chamber of Commerce, go meet someone and discuss a business with him."

Huang Jiesheng became interested, "Who is Xiao Sheng talking about? He is better at doing business than Xiao Sheng?"

"He has a lot of money in his hand. More rare things!"

"Oh, so?" Huang Jiesheng is a businessman, and he can smell the smell of profit.He already understood the meaning of Xiao Lin's words, which he didn't mention by name.

He thought about it, considered between interests and favors, and then made a choice.

Huang Sheng chose to give Xiao Lin a favor.

"Xiao Sheng gave me that person's information, and I asked my secretary to make an appointment with him."

Talk to smart people without saying everything.

Huang Jiesheng understood what Xiao Lin wanted to do, and Xiao Lin also understood what Huang Jiesheng meant.

He remembered this favor.

After leaving the teahouse, he went to the company he founded with Li Wei.

It is said to be a company, but in fact it is just renting a few private houses as warehouses. The warehouses are filled with some strange and unique things he has collected in the countryside or on the market.

Everything you need to eat, wear and use.

These were all to be packaged for Huang Sheng to take to the Xiangjiang side, Xiao Lin came to inspect them, and after all the things had to be added up, there was only one car, not too much.

He wants to earn money quickly, and he has to work hard to have his own power in Nancheng quickly.

After walking around the warehouse, Xiao Lin left and went back to the store to pick up Su Yun.

Su Yun just happened to sell out all the things here.

When she saw Xiao Lin coming back, she smiled unconsciously, "Brother Lin is back."

Xiao Lin also smiled back, wanting to make a lot of money, and the desire to become stronger is getting stronger and stronger.His daughter-in-law is so good, he can only protect her if he has enough wealth and power.

"Brother Lin?" Su Yun saw Xiao Lin was in a daze, and thought it was a bad trip.She couldn't help but feel a little worried, "What happened?"

"No, it's fine."

Xiao Lin quickly regained consciousness, locked the shop door and took her hand to go home.

As soon as they entered the alley, the two were startled by the figure sitting in front of their house.Why does this man, who looks like he just crawled out of a refugee slum, in a tattered beard and scumbag, look so much like Li Wei, whom he hasn't seen for several days?
Didn't he go to the village to chase Dr. Song?
Hearing the footsteps, Li Wei also raised his head, and when he saw Su Yun and Xiao Lin, he howled out in a very imageless way.

"Sister, your brother is broken in love, and your brother has no wife!"

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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