Chapter 121 Su Yun Saved Someone
She smiled like a cunning fox.

There is no way, as long as she thinks of two big men facing each other, one talking and the other taking notes, and the content of the notes is how to make the girl happy, she can't help but want to laugh.

Xiao Lin pointed at the tip of her nose, "The little villain is joking with brother?"

"No, how dare I laugh at our Brother Xiao?"

"Huh? Is it?"

The big hand picked him up by the waist and walked to the room, "I'm going to check."

As for how to check?Naturally, all the obstructions were removed, and an in-depth communication and inspection was carried out.

In the dead of night, in Shanglin Village not far from Nancheng City, Lin Sanchun was kicked out by her second uncle and aunt's family.

Lin Erzhuang and his wife have been waiting, and when the old woman dies, they will drive out Lin Sanchun, an orphan.After driving her away, the three tile-roofed houses that Lin Dazhuang built before his death belonged to them.

No, the old lady died of a long illness and finally passed away tonight.Lin Erzhuang and his daughter-in-law Zhang Cuicui were unwilling to wait for a second, so they came from the next door and drove Lin Sanchun, who was crying heartbroken, out of the Lin family.

Lin Erzhuang broke the mat, rolled up his old mother's body and carried it out the door.

Lin Sanchun wanted to chase, but was caught by Zhang Cuicui, who pointed at Lin Sanchun and scolded him.

"You harmful bereaved star, get out of here quickly. Your father, mother, and your grandma have all been killed by you. Do you still want to stay in the Lin family and harm the rest of us?"

"Go away, go far away."

Zhang Cuicui threw Lin Sanchun's torn cotton-padded jacket and quilt out the door, and stood at the door with her hands on her hips, staring at Lin Sanchun covetously.It doesn't matter whether it's cold or not, Lin Sanchun, who was kicked out of the house by them, will freeze to death.Turn around and slam the door shut!
The inside and outside of the yard are separated into two worlds.

In the early morning of the next day, people from Shanglin Village got up early and went up the mountain to collect firewood. People passed by the door of Lin's house and saw Lin Sanchun sleeping outside with a torn quilt. They asked her in surprise what happened?How could he run outside to sleep in such a good manner?
Lin Sanchun didn't speak, just lowered his head and wiped his tears.

Some neighbors who lived close to her house heard the movement last night. Seeing that Lin Sanchun was silent, they explained aloud.

When the villagers heard that this incident was related to that shrew Zhang Cuicui, they immediately stopped caring about Lin Sanchun.It's not that they are indifferent, but Zhang Cuicui is really too aggressive.

As long as people provoke her, she can chase you and scold you for ten blocks.Let alone people, even if a chicken accidentally falls into her vegetable garden, she will catch it and scold it until its feathers fall to the ground...

The degree of pungentness can be imagined.

The villagers didn't dare to provoke Zhang Cuicui, a mad dog, and left one after another without asking any more questions.There was only one aunt who had a good relationship with Lin Sanchun, who secretly gave Lin Sanchun twenty cents to buy some food, and she left in a hurry.

Lin Sanchun stared blankly at the backs of the villagers leaving in a hurry, and at the house separated by a wall, she suddenly made up her mind.

She wants to resist, she can't let her second uncle and aunt bully others like this.


The weather is getting colder and colder, and Su Yun is getting lazy and doesn't want to get up.She was very puzzled that such a situation had never happened to her in the past, no matter how cold it was, why now that the living conditions are better, she has become lazy after eating enough and dressing warmly?

Is it really what people say that people don't want to make progress when they are full and clothed?
Su Yun shook her head, no, it's not her fault, it's because Xiao Lin has been spoiling herself, making herself lawless.

No, every morning when he wakes up, he warms up the clothes with his body before letting her put them on.

With such a caring husband, anyone would become lazy, right?

Su Yun yawned, got dressed, cleaned up after washing, and ate the breakfast prepared by Xiao Lin, before she went slowly to the store.

Xiao Lin has something to do these days, so Su Yun didn't let him come over to work for her.

She handles her business by herself, and Xiao Lin has to fight for his career.Although she doesn't mind raising Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin is not willing to let her raise him.

While thinking wildly, she came to the street where the shop was located, and saw someone standing at the door of her shop from a distance. Her first thought was that it was Ma Liang. She rubbed her eyes and looked carefully, but found that she was wrong.

The person at the door is a girl.

Su Yun came over.

As soon as she was about to reach the door of the shop, the standing girl heard the approaching footsteps and turned around. Just as Su Yun saw her face clearly, her eyes darkened and she passed out.

Su Yun:? ? ? ?

She hasn't touched her yet, what's going on?

Before she had time to think about it, she walked up to the girl in a few steps, brushed her messy hair away, and after a closer look, she found that it was the girl who had met in the free market before. She remembered that her name seemed to be Lin Sanchun?

How could she faint at the door of her shop?

Su Yun opened the door, wanting to get Lin Sanchun into the shop first.

"What's wrong with Xiaoyun?" Zheng Ying's voice interjected, and she also walked over in a few steps.

"Xiaoying, you came just in time, help me to see the situation of this lesbian."

"Okay, let's get her into the house first."

The two worked together to help the fainted Lin Sanchun into the house.

Zheng Ying checked Lin Sanchun, and Su Yun went to the back to boil water.Finding that Lin Sanchun didn't have any trauma and just passed out, Zheng Ying pinched her and made people wake up.

Lin Sanchun opened his eyes in a daze.

The unfamiliar environment made her a little dazed, not knowing where she was now.

"Little sister, drink some hot water first."

Su Yun filled half a bowl of warm water with the bowl in the store, and handed it to Lin Sanchun.

Lin Sanchun didn't expect to meet Su Yun again, and she was stunned when she saw Su Yun.

"It's you."

Su Yun bent her lips.

Zheng Ying asked from the side, "Do you know each other?"

Su Yun briefly talked about the process of her acquaintance with Lin Sanchun, and then she turned to Lin Sanchun and asked, "You said you bought medicine for your grandma, is your grandma getting better?"

It was fine if she didn't ask, but when she asked, the tears that Lin Sanchun had finally held back fell down again.

"What's going on here?"

Zheng Ying looked at Su Yun, who also said she didn't understand.

Fortunately, Lin Sanchun stopped crying after shedding tears for a while. She sniffed and shook her head, "I'm fine, it's just that my grandma passed away."



Regarding what happened to her family, Su Yun and the others didn't know what to say other than mourning.

"Then why did you faint in front of my shop?" Su Yun asked again.

"I'm here to look for a job. I saw a job offer posted outside and wanted to wait here, but I was too hungry..." Lin Sanchun was a little embarrassed, and when she finished speaking, a growl came from her stomach .

Lin Sanchun blushed even more.

Zheng Ying groaned, and promptly helped Lin Sanchun out, "Is there anything Xiaoyun can eat? I'm hungry too."

"Okay, wait for me, I'll go and order some noodles for you."

When Lin Sanchun heard this, he quickly stood up and staggered to Su Yun's side, "No need, no need..."

Food is still very precious now, white flour is even more rare, Lin Sanchun doesn't want Su Yun to spend money for someone who has nothing to do with her.

"Okay, it's okay, you can wait at ease, don't you want to come to work in my shop? How can you work hard if you don't eat enough?"

There was light in Lin Sanchun's eyes, "Sister..."

"However, I still have to observe you for a few days first. If you can get used to it, then we will sign a contract, 30 yuan a month, including food and lodging."

Seeing Lin Sanchun, Su Yun thought of her former self.

If grandpa is not around, she can also meet someone to help, maybe she won't end up with a mistake and death in her previous life.

Therefore, for Lin Sanchun, she will help as much as she can, and it happens that she also needs to recruit people in her shop.

"Good, good! Thank you, thank you!"

 The fourth change is over, catch insects during the day!

  Dear cuties, for the sake of my hard work and updating, you really don't plan to give me the tickets in your hands to support me?
(End of this chapter)

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