Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 138 There is a suspect, Dr. Song is urged to marry

Chapter 138 There is a suspect, Dr. Song is urged to marry
Boss Zhu delivered the meat himself, and when he saw the altered shop and the broken door, he stopped Su Yun and asked what was going on.

Su Yun didn't know what was going on.

"It was when I came here in the morning that the store was smashed."

Boss Zhu took a deep breath, "Did you offend someone, Boss Su? Or did you say that your business is so good that others are jealous? By the way, hurry up and see if you lost anything?"

Su Yun shook her head.

There are no valuables in the store, and even the marinade for cooking braised pork is brought from home by her.Whether the taste of braised meat is good enough depends entirely on the marinade.

And Su Yun's marinade is a secret, exclusive recipe.Of course she would not put such a valuable thing in the shop.

And she had a vague feeling that the person who smashed her shop should not be jealous of her business.More like revenge?Or, give her a warning?


"Brother Lin..."

Su Yun called Xiao Lin who was ordering the price tag, "I thought of someone, maybe it would be him."

Xiao Lin paused.


Su Yun walked over and whispered Ma Guanghua in his ear.

"Him?" Xiao Lin frowned slightly.

Su Yun recounted what happened yesterday, and after Xiao Lin finished listening, he also approved Su Yun's deduction.

Their shop was smashed by Ma Guanghua, so it's almost the same.

Ma Guanghua...

The corner of Xiao Lin's lips curled up in a cold arc, like a hunter looking at his prey, with a sneer that was determined to win.When the eyes fell on Su Yun, her face softened immediately.

"Don't worry Xiaoyun, he won't be jumping for long."

"Well. I believe Brother Rin."

With the object of suspicion, this matter is much easier to handle.Xiao Lin was helping to clean up the things in the store, and went out together with a knife.

Su Yun cooked two pots of braised pork and sold them normally.

The customers who came to buy things all heard about the smashing of Su Yun's store, and couldn't help being angry for Su Yun.How could such a nice person as Boss Su have enemies?The person who smashed her shop was mentally ill, right?
Su Yun smiled and thanked her.

Although it was just a simple greeting of concern, it was enough to make Su Yun happy.Because the mood of the shop being smashed gradually improved, Su Yun unexpectedly found that something was wrong with Lin Sanchun today.

It's easy to get distracted while doing things.

She thought that because the shop was smashed up today, she didn't take care of Lin Sanchun well. She wondered if her return to the village was smooth?Taking advantage of the fact that there were no guests in front of her, she opened her mouth while arranging the coins.

"Sanchun, have your affairs been settled? They didn't dare to embarrass you with Xiaodao going back with you, did they?"

Lin Sanchun nodded.

Cheeks are slightly flushed.

Su Yun:? ? ?
What's going on?Is there a situation?
"Miharu? You and Xiaodao?"

If it makes a lesbian cheek turn red, it's probably only a gay man.But Lin Sanchun's interpersonal relationship is not complicated, Su Yun can only guess on Xiaodao after thinking about it.

Could it be that Xiaodao went to the village with Lin Sanchun yesterday, and what happened between the two of them?
Facing her curious gaze, Lin Sanchun couldn't help but nodded slowly.

"He said he wanted to date me."

"Ah..." Are you moving so fast?

Lin Sanchun added shyly, "I agree."


The action is really fast!Su Yun couldn't help feeling sincerely, the young man was indeed a young man, and after only two days of acquaintance, she immediately fell in love with her.

But having said that, this is also the case with the object at this time.Many people just met once and then settled down, and there are many things that got married soon.

Thinking about it carefully, she and Xiao Lin seem to be far behind.

Anyway, there are no customers right now. Although Su Yun is a boss, she is also a young man, and her curiosity is very strong.After being aroused by Lin Sanchun's curiosity, Lin Sanchun must tell the story of her and Xiaodao.

"There is no story..." Lin Sanchun said, his cheeks flushed again, very shy and pure.

She went back to the village with Xiaodao yesterday, Xiaodao supported her, drove the second uncle's family out, and then found the village head to lease her yard and land to the village for ten years.

After getting the signed and sealed contract, the village head gave her another 300 yuan, which was the money for renting her yard and fields.Ten years, 300 yuan together is really not much.

But fortunately, the village head said that if the harvest is good, he will give Lin Sanchun some grain as an extra reward.

Lin Sanchun saw that the village was not rich, so the 300 yuan was won by the village chief, so he nodded and agreed.

She and Xiaodao came out of the village office, and Xiaodao went to Lin Erzhuang's house again, asking where Lin Erzhuang buried her grandma's body.

Lin Erzhuang was still stubborn at first, but he didn't know what Xiaodao brought him into the room and said to him. Soon Lin Erzhuang came out of the room with trembling hands and feet, walked in front and led the way, and brought them to the The place where Mrs. Lin was buried.

A small mound with three pebbles of different sizes in front is considered a tombstone.

Lin Sanchun thought of how grandma used to be to her, crying out of breath in front of the tombstone, Xiaodao not only comforted her, but also told jokes to make her laugh...

Unknowingly, the relationship between the two became much closer.

On the way back from the village to Nancheng, Xiaodao asked her if she would like to date him, Lin Sanchun nodded in agreement...

After Su Yun heard it, she called him a good guy.

"Xiaodao can still tell jokes to make you happy?"

Although Lin Sanchun was shy, he still nodded.

Su Yun sighed a few times, "If my elder brother can realize one-third of Xiaodao, is he afraid that he won't be able to catch up with Yinyin?"


Su Yun sighed heavily, what will her elder brother Li Wei do in the future?

Also troubled was Song Yinyin who was far away in Beijing.

Ever since she came back from Zhaojia Village, she didn't know why that idiot Song Qishan was going crazy, so he arranged a blind date for her out of nowhere.Song Qishan arranged almost all the children of the right age in the three compound of sea, land and air.

Although Song Yinyin didn't like any of them, her reputation of hating marriage spread unknowingly in their circle.

When she first heard it, she didn't care at all, and even wanted to laugh a little.

She hates marrying?Just kidding, who is Song Yinyin?How could it be possible to hate marriage?

The voice of Mr. Wu came from the side, "Although you are 21 years old, you don't have to worry. You are an old girl if you are not married at 22 years old. Don't worry, don't worry!"

The corner of Song Yinyin's mouth twitched, "Grandpa, is there anyone who comforts people like you?"

First mention the fact that she is an older youth, and then tell her that she will be an old girl after the Chinese New Year?Song Yinyin didn't think that her grandfather was comforting others, she felt that it was more of a mockery of her.

But she couldn't refute.

Mr. Wu walked to Song Yinyin's side with a kind smile on his face, "Tell grandpa what kind of man you like, and grandpa can be found by someone."

"If you find one, I will tie one back for you."

 here we come

(End of this chapter)

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