Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 140 Compensation, beating people with sacks

Chapter 140 Compensation, beating people with sacks
"What do you say?"

Xiao Lin asked with a half-smile.

Su Yun was crying.

She hugged his arms with both hands and acted like a baby.

"Just forgive me once, okay? Okay, Brother Xiao?"

"Isn't it Old Brother Xiao?"

Does this person still remember?
Su Yun cried.

The kind of crying that wants to cry but has no tears!Knowing that this matter can't be messed up, she snorted and put on a straight face, "Hmph, you don't feel sorry for your wife at all, I apologized and you still don't forgive..."

Before he could say forgiveness, his lips were blocked by him, and the unfinished words were swallowed back into the stomach together with the saliva...

While eating, her lips were still a little numb. Su Yun touched her fingertips lightly, and then she took a breath and hissed in pain.

She glared angrily at the man across from her.

"It's all your fault!"

Now it was Xiao Lin who was at fault. With a doting smile on his face, Xiao Lin picked off the lean part of the pork belly in the bowl with chopsticks and picked it into Su Yun's bowl.

"It's my fault for my daughter-in-law, why don't you eat a piece of meat to calm yourself down?"

"I'll eat your meat to calm down." Su Yun glared at him, threatening with gnashing of teeth.

An arm was stretched out in front of her.

Su Yun: ...

Bah, she doesn't want to eat, her lips are still sore!
After dinner, Xiao Lin was in charge of cleaning up. Su Yun practiced self-defense moves in the yard for a while, and wanted to practice again, but she was caught and carried back to the room.

Su Yun hammered his shoulder vigorously, "What are you doing!"

"Fulfill your compensation for admitting your mistakes."

Xiao Lin didn't stop walking, and he didn't forget to answer Su Yun.

Su Yun cried, what time is it?

"It's still early, brother, will you honor the compensation later?"

When she was cornered by Xiao Lin before, under his 'forcement', she was forced to agree to unequal conditions, but what she said was after going to bed, not now.

It's still so early, how many times will she have to 'compensate' him before dawn?

"Get benefits early, I have to go out later."

"Hey? Where are you going?"

Su Yun was curious.

But Xiao Lin didn't answer her again.

Well, being too busy is one reason, and another reason is that what he's going to do is kind of violent, which is kind of a bummer to bring up when he's doing something so wonderful.

spoil the fun...

Su Yun didn't feel disappointed, she would rather he had no interest at all.

But it's a pity that she didn't have the chance to speak out what was in her stomach, or in other words, Xiao Lin didn't give her a chance to speak at all.


Others say that when the moon is dark and the wind is high, it is time to kill someone.

The moon is very round tonight, so it is indeed suitable for doing this!There was a person sitting outside the gate of Xiao's courtyard. The moonlight elongated his figure and cast it on the ground like a hill.

The courtyard door was gently opened from the inside, and Xiao Lin came out energetically.He glanced at Li Wei who seemed to have been here for a while, and said without a trace of guilt in his heart, "Xiaoyun just fell asleep."

Li Wei is single, but he has never eaten pork but has seen pigs run.

Seeing Xiao Lin's face as if he had taken Shiquan Dabu pills, what else did he not understand?But it's understandable, if he married Dr. Song, then he must be too happy to leave and don't want to get up every day.

"Let's go, brother."

Xiao Lin left early, Li Wei quickly withdrew his thoughts and followed Xiao Lin's footsteps.

Ma Guanghua had a dinner party tonight, and when he came out of the dinner party, he was already a little drunk.

He walked towards the car, and within a few steps, a sack suddenly fell from above, and immediately covered Ma Guanghua's head.Just as Ma Guanghua was about to shout, a fist as big as a bowl hit his stomach, causing him to groan and lose his voice in pain.

Another punch hit him in the face, smashing Ma Guanghua's cheek through the sack and knocking out two of his teeth.

This punch was powerful enough, knocking out Ma Guanghua's teeth, and at the same time making his ears buzzing, and he couldn't hear anything else.

The two people outside looked at each other, dragged him to a more secluded alley with sacks attached, and then beat and kicked Ma Guanghua until Ma Guanghua screamed and had no ability to resist.

In the end, Shengsheng knocked people out.

Seeing that Ma Guanghua fainted, Li Wei kicked Ma Guanghua with his toes, and asked Xiao Lin, "How are you, brother? Let's go or wait for him to wake up before beating him again?"

If he dared to bully his sister, he would be sorry if he didn't hit her two or three times.

There was a cold smile on the corner of Xiao Lin's lips, and he said with a half smile, "Doesn't he like to catch other people's style problems?"

As soon as Li Wei heard this, he immediately became energetic, "How are you doing? What else is there to arrange?"

"I don't know what will happen to him after he is caught by others?" The smile on the corner of Xiao Lin's lips widened, and he had already thought of an idea...


Early the next morning, Ma Guanghua was woken up by being splashed with cold water.His whole body hurts when he moved slightly, and he hasn't realized what's going on yet.

A burly man he didn't recognize held an empty basin in his hand, stared at him with one hand on his hip, and opened his mouth to curse.

"Where the hell did you get the white-cut chicken? How dare you even sleep with my wife?"

Ma Guanghua:? ? ?

What's the meaning?what happened?

Who did he sleep with?Didn't he get sacked last night?
There were low weeping and trembling voices from the inside of the bed. Ma Guanghua turned his head and saw a strange woman in a vest holding the quilt and looking at him.

Ma Guanghua:? ? ?

Who the hell can explain what's going on?

Before Ma Guanghua could figure it out, and the vicious man on the opposite side didn't give him a chance to figure it out, he just scooped up Ma Guanghua with a big hand, and carried him to the Public Security Bureau like an eagle catching a chicken.

No matter how Ma Guanghua tried to reason with this man, he didn't seem to listen.

He was taken away to the Public Security Bureau.

Along the way, he was surrounded by many people.

It would be fine if ordinary people were watching, but among them, some people recognized Ma Guanghua.

"Yeah? Why did you get together with someone else's wife?"

"That's right. Didn't he catch this kind of behavior every day before? Why did he know the law and broke the law today!"

"Or is he just catching others hard, and he is actually a rotten thing?"

The passers-by spoke one after another, and the conversation fell into Ma Guanghua's ears, as if they were slapping him across the face.

And rumors are powerful.

In the morning, most people in Nancheng knew that Ma Guanghua got mixed up with other women and was caught by a man on the spot.

When Su Yun heard the news, she was sitting on a stool in the shop rubbing her waist!

That hateful Xiao Lin, in order to prove that he is really young, let her experience it several times.

She even once suspected that she would fall apart, but fortunately, her bones were stronger and she didn't fall apart.

But today the sequelae are really enough.

Accidentally pushing harder, Su Yun hissed and took a deep breath.

"Sister Yun, what's the matter with you?"

The innocent Lin Sanchun asked with a worried face.

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched, this topic is really difficult to talk about.

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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