Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 149 The woman who likes brain supplements is not lightly ill

Chapter 149 The woman who likes brain supplements is not lightly ill

"I'll fold your clothes in the closet..." She pushed the door open with both hands, and before she could finish her words, she was picked up by the man hiding behind the door.

"Daughter-in-law, it's too cold to take a bath by myself, can my daughter-in-law rub my back?"

Su Yun: ...

I believe in you.

She firmly refused to believe that Xiao Lin just asked her to rub his back.

It turned out that her guess was right, this man couldn't just let her rub his back.

The water in the barrel flowed all over the place. Fortunately, there is a threshold between the small bathroom and the bedroom, so that the water here will not flow over.Otherwise, the bedroom floor must be soaked.


Li Meng's store has a good turnover today, because they are very aggressive in promotion, so everything is sold out.In the evening, she counted the money handed over by the servants, and there was a total of almost 100 yuan.

After deducting the cost and giving away about 50 yuan, the remaining net profit is [-] yuan.

"so little……"

Li Meng frowned, this amount of money was really too little for her.

Ma Guanghua walked in from the outside and saw Li Meng thinking about something while holding a stack of banknotes. He asked, "What's wrong? The business is not satisfactory?"

Ma Guanghua seldom cared about these things, so Li Meng was a little flattered by his sudden inquiry.She quickly stood up and replied, "No, I earned 50 yuan today."

"It's not too much, how much does the shop opposite earn?" Ma Guanghua was more concerned about Su Yun's shop.

"She's closed today."

"Oh, it's closed?" Ma Guanghua became interested, and glanced at Li Meng with a little appreciation in his eyes. That woman has no way out."

"I know the director."

"Well! Go to sleep!"

After saying that, Ma Guanghua left the room without intending to stay and sleep.

Li Meng stared at his back, and then his eyes fell on the money in his hand.She still needs to earn more money. Only by earning more money can she have the confidence to talk to Ma Guanghua on an equal footing.

She was fed up with this kind of life that was clearly a husband and wife, but because of unequal status, they lived the same life as their superiors and subordinates.

the next day.

Xiao Lin rarely went out.

When Su Yun woke up, he was still sleeping.

She opened her eyes and looked at the sleeping man. He pursed his lips slightly and closed his eyes tightly, with a high nose bridge and a resolute side face.Even when he was asleep, his face didn't look too relaxed.

It can be seen that he is really busy and tired recently.

"It's like this, and I still think about that every night." Su Yun gave the sleeping man an angry look, and tried to sit up with her arms propped up, but the sleeping man subconsciously pulled her into her arms.

Su Yun's nose hit his chest and almost broke.


"Daughter-in-law..." The culprit opened his eyes and looked down at the girl who was holding her nose and looking at him weeping. For a moment, he didn't know whether he was in a dream or awake. with.

It's just that this doesn't stop him from coaxing his wife.

"Daughter-in-law, don't cry, be good..."

The warm kiss fell, and the bass with a strong tiredness fell into the ears, making people involuntarily soften their hands and feet...

Li Ji Shaolu opened the door for a while, but Yun Ji's side was still quiet, and there was not even a single person at the door.Sitting on the second floor, Li Meng couldn't help but curl her lips into a smile, Su Yun seemed really scared.

Just as he was thinking, his eyes fell on two people walking side by side not far from the street.

A tall man was walking beside the petite woman. He was carrying a lot of things on one arm, but he was still holding the hand of the person next to him tightly with the other hand.The two were talking while walking, the man lowered his eyes and looked at the girl beside him intently, his eyes were full of tenderness.

The pen in Li Meng's hand was cut off by her with a click.

It turned out to be Su Yun.

What does it mean that she deliberately came with a man because she couldn't compete with her in business?Do you want to laugh at yourself that although you are married to the director of the Revolutionary Committee, you don't get the love of a man?
"Su Yun..."

The hatred in Li Meng's eyes was so strong that Xiao Lin, who had been lowering his head to talk to Su Yun, noticed it.He raised his head and glanced at the second floor where Li Meng was. Even through the window, Li Meng could feel Xiao Lin's cold gaze seemed to penetrate the window.

She trembled involuntarily.

But after seeing Xiao Lin's face clearly, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

She raised her hand to close the hair bun next to her ear, wondering if Su Yun would not be able to survive after being robbed of her business and her man?

She was looking forward to this happening.

Su Yun, who was complaining about Xiao Lin's misbehavior in the morning, didn't know that Li Meng's mental activities were so rich. If she knew, she would definitely suggest Li Meng to go to the neurology department to see if the doctor can cure Li Meng's neurosis.

At this moment, she was rubbing her soft and sore waist, and she was still a little unhappy with Xiao Lin's behavior in the morning.

Originally, she planned to come over early this morning to open the door, and then let those who said her shop was going to close down see that not only will her shop not go down, but it will get better and better.

But I didn't expect that after being pestered by Xiao Lin twice, it was already this time.

I'm afraid someone said that her shop is going to close down again?

Su Yun snorted, it doesn't matter.

Those who speculate that her shop is going to close down are waiting to be slapped in the face!

The couple came to the door of their store, Su Yun took out the key and opened the door, Xiao Lin took the things in his hand.

"A new store opened opposite my daughter-in-law? Will it affect our store's business?" Xiao Lin didn't know yet that Li Meng had monopolized all of Su Yun's supply of goods in order to prevent Su Yun from doing business.

Su Yun didn't tell him either.

She felt that she could solve this little matter, so she couldn't bother Xiao Lin and make him worry.

But now that Xiao Lin asked, Su Yun would not fail to tell the truth.

"It's a bit of an influence, but it doesn't matter. Your wife and I are excellent. I can cook many other dishes besides lo mei." Li Meng's chef can't imitate her taste.

Moreover, she is using pork instead of pork offal, so she doesn't want to believe that Li Meng can tell the department store not to sell pork to her.Taking a step back, even if the department store doesn't sell pork to her, there are still supply and marketing cooperatives and other department stores.

No matter how powerful Li Meng is, it is impossible to cover the sky with one hand in Nancheng.

Therefore, Su Yun is not afraid.

Xiao Lin nodded after listening, "That's right, my wife is the smartest girl in the world."

"Is it just smart?"

There was no one in the shop, Su Yun was in the mood to joke with Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin was a little unaccustomed to the lively daughter-in-law, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, "My wife is hardworking and smart."

"Hey, don't get distracted." Su Yun wrinkled her nose in distaste, smiled and started the preparations before making the barbecued pork.

At this time, Lin Sanchun and Xiaodao also came to the store.

They came just in time, Su Yun looked at Xiao Lin, and asked Xiao Lin to fetch some bricks to build her an oven in the back kitchen.

Xiao Lin is not displeased with the arrangement of his daughter-in-law.

Called the knife and went out together.

Su Yun lowered her head and continued to work, when Li Meng's voice came from outside, "Boss Su, good morning!"

"I packed a tofu curd at the State-owned Hotel today, would you like to eat some with Boss Su?"

 Four changes are complete!
  Thank you to the little cuties who voted for my recommended monthly ticket, I love you, I will continue to work hard

(End of this chapter)

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