Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 152 Expose the identity, there is a background

Chapter 152 Expose the identity, there is a background
Su Yun's hand holding the knife and cutting meat paused slightly, but soon returned to normal, and handed the things to the guest in front of her with a smile on her face.

"Comrade, you have a catty of roast duck and a catty of Dongpo meat. It's two yuan and five yuan."

She sells roast duck for one yuan a catty, and Dongpo pork is the same as roast pork belly, which is one yuan and five dollars.

The customer who got the item nodded, paid, and then moved out of the way.

Before the next guest came up, Li Meng jumped in line from the side and stood in front.

"Boss Su, give me a catty of everything? The food you cook is so delicious."

Like a normal person, Li Meng smiled and talked to Su Yun.A pair of eyes stared at the movements in Su Yun's hands.

Su Yun also raised her head and smiled at Li Meng.

"I don't dare to sell my stuff to Boss Li. Otherwise, like before, when Boss Li made it, I wouldn't even have a place to buy raw materials, and I would be forced to close the shop."

"In that case, there will be too many guests, and I'm afraid Boss Li's family will be too busy."

While speaking, she had signaled for the guests behind Li Meng to come forward.

These guests were not fools, and Su Yun's words were already so obvious, they immediately understood the meaning.

While Li Meng's face turned red and white, some guests had already asked.

"Boss Su, did you not open the door yesterday because you couldn't buy raw materials?"

"It is said that Boss Su has a guilty conscience and won't dare to open the door after you have more stores. I'll say it's not true."

"That's right, I've been buying things from Boss Su for so long, and she's said a thing or two less than me, how could it be like what they rumored?" These customers are regular customers, they recognize Su Yun's products, and they also Recognize Su Yun's character.

Su Yun thanked her with a smile, while Li Meng was gnashing her teeth, but tried to maintain a smile on the surface, "What does Boss Su mean by this? Why can't I understand?"

"It doesn't matter if Boss Li doesn't understand."

A cold male voice came from the side, and Xiao Lin came out from inside.

His tall stature carried an inherent oppression, his cold face was serious, and his eyes were so deep that no one could see through them.He walked to Su Yun's side, looked down at Su Yun to make sure she was fine, and then raised his head.

His cold eyes swept over Li Meng's face, and he said word by word, "Everyone is in business, so you should have heard that sentence, stay a line in life, so we can meet each other in the future."

Li Meng's face turned pale.

She can cheat with Su Yun, but she can't bear a man talking about her.This will make her feel very unattractive!
Li Meng brushed her hair around her ears, and pretended to be puzzled and said, "I don't know what this comrade means? Did I do something to make Boss Su misunderstand? If this is the case, then I will first talk to you Boss Su, apologize? Boss Su has a lot of people, don’t you know as much as me?”

Still playing dumb?

Xiao Lin still wanted to talk, but Su Yun pressed his hand and heheed twice, "Although Boss Li told Boss Zhu in the vegetable market not to sell offal to me, it was indeed a very dirty trick. But you are a revolutionary committee member after all. Wife of the director, even if you did something wrong, you are right, how dare we, mud-legged people from the countryside, ask for your apology?"

"Madam Ma, please have a lot of people, please step aside a little bit? Let us small people with no power and power do some business to support our family?"

Li Meng didn't expect her background to be exposed, she couldn't help but clenched her fists.

"Su Yun..."

The customer standing behind Li Meng gasped. It turned out that the boss was the daughter-in-law of the director of the Revolutionary Committee. No wonder the opening was so big yesterday.

I thought he was an honest businessman.

It turns out that there is a backstage, no wonder they are so arrogant.

But having said that, the director of the Revolutionary Committee is not a good person, and his wife is not a good person either.

Everyone looked at Li Meng with disdain in their eyes.

In the past few years, they hated the members of the Revolutionary Committee the most.Especially that insidious and despicable villain Ma Guanghua, they have many relatives who were all sent down because of Ma Guanghua, and their families were ruined!

"Oh, get out of the way, since she is the wife of the director of the Revolutionary Committee, she shouldn't be here."

"That's right, state-run restaurants are the places you should go. Don't stop here and interfere with our shopping."


The people behind you are all attacking Li Meng.No matter how much Li Meng could bear it, he couldn't bear so many men talking about her together.This is a denial of her charm!

Li Meng raised her head with tears in her eyes, glared fiercely at Su Yun, then at Xiao Lin, turned around and walked back to her shop.

Su Yun:? ? ?
No, what does Li Meng's last look mean?She glared at herself in anger, which she understood.But what did Li Meng's look at Xiao Lin mean before he left?
Could it be that she has a crush on her man?

When Su Yun realized this, she was in a bad mood.

Fortunately, there were still customers who wanted to buy things later, so she managed to sell out the things.

After the last piece of char siu was loaded, some customers came to ask if there was any meat left.Su Yun can only let them come over tomorrow, there is nothing left now.

It is not an exaggeration to say that even the marinade she used to make Dongpo pork was packed away by the guests.

Things are really sold out today.

After selling the things, she took out the money from the drawer and put it in her pocket, leaving Lin Sanchun and the knife to tidy up. She went to the market to buy vegetables and prepare the raw materials for tomorrow.

Roast chicken and duck are very popular today, Su Yun decided to cook more tomorrow.

Since the economy was liberalized at the beginning of the year, some people in the village have tried to raise chickens and ducks for sale.Su Yun went to the place where chickens and ducks were sold in the free market, and asked them if they could keep five of their chickens and ducks for her every day?
Because Su Yun often goes to the market, everyone in the market knows her.Knowing that she owns a shop, I used to buy offal from the owner of the pork stall next door to make stewed vegetables. They also bought it a few times and thought it tasted good.

I also have a good impression of Su Yun.

Another point, when Su Yun came to talk to the owner of the pork stall the day before yesterday, they actually listened to it.Knowing that Boss Zhu did not keep his word, he cut off the supply of goods in Su Yun's shop.

Not keeping promises is actually fatal to businessmen.For example, Wan Shun, the owner of the chicken, duck and poultry shop, despised Boss Zhu's behavior.

Now that Su Yun found him and wanted to buy chickens and ducks from him, he must have nodded in agreement.

"Boss Su, don't worry, I promise to keep it for you and I will keep it for you. You just need to give me some time, and I will send you the killed chicken and duck on time."

Su Yun didn't expect Wan Shun to be so forthright.But thinking of Li Meng's existence, she still felt that it would be better to explain the matter clearly to Wan Shun first.

When Wan Shun heard that the director of the Revolutionary Committee might interfere with his business with Su Yun, he was taken aback for a moment at first, but he quickly realized it.

"He is just the director of the Revolutionary Committee. What right does he have to interfere with who I sell to? Don't say he is a director. Even if the mayor comes, he has no right to interfere with me."

After Wanshun finished speaking, he patted his chest again and promised, "Boss Su, don't worry, as long as you want, I can deliver it to you."

"Okay, thank you then!" Su Yun thanked first, and gave a deposit of ten yuan.

She is also a straightforward person, as long as she does business with her sincerely, she will never take advantage of others.

After confirming the source of goods, Su Yun bought the vegetables and went home.

When passing by the pork stall, Boss Zhu seemed to be shy to avoid it.Su Yun didn't have any idea, and left the free market with the things in her hands.

Xiao Lin wanted to reach out to take the things in her hands, but she refused.

"Daughter-in-law, what did I do wrong? You tell me not to be sullen, I feel bad."

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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