Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 160 Children must be slower, Su Yun registered a company

Chapter 160 Children must be slower, Su Yun registered a company

Xiao Lin's eyes fell on Xiao Hei who fawned over Su Yun.

The gloomy gaze made Xiao Hei's back feel chilly, and he jumped into its nest with two groans.He turned his head buttocks and went in first, revealing a small black head, staring at Xiao Lin cautiously.

Su Yun almost died laughing.

"Brother Lin, does it understand dog meat hotpot?"

Xiao Hei woo woo woo twice, understood, really understood.

Su Yun laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist, "No, I'm dying of laughter, I'm dying of laughter." She had never discovered that her little black was so funny.

Is such a humane puppy really good?Are you not afraid of being called a genius?

Su Yun was overjoyed, she didn't smell the sour smell in the air, and she kept praising Xiao Lin, saying how clever Xiao Hei is.

Xiao Lin glanced lightly at the smiling girl beside her, thinking that the child between them should come slowly!Now that there is a puppy at home, it can divert half of her attention from herself.If there is another child...

Xiao Lin couldn't even imagine that scene.

If Su Yun knew what Xiao Lin had imagined, she would definitely be speechless.What are these things?How could there be such a bizarre idea?It's a pity that she didn't know, and Xiao Lin didn't intend to tell her.

When she was sleeping at night, she still wanted to tell Xiao Lin about proper restraint, but he was already lying flat beside her, his body was as far away as a fist from her.

This is?

Su Yun looked at Xiao Lin in surprise.

He was probably really exhausted.

That's okay, then she won't mention it.

Su Yun changed the subject and chatted with Xiao Lin about another idea in her mind, "Brother Lin, I want to open a branch, what do you think?"

The city of Nancheng is quite big.At present, there are several 10 people, and when it continues to develop, the population will definitely increase.If she wants to expand her business territory, she must open a branch.

Xiao Lin also approved of Su Yun's idea.

"I made almost 2000 yuan selling citrus this time. If you see a suitable store, let's buy it!"

"Brother Lin?" Su Yun's tone was full of surprise, she didn't expect Xiao Lin's vision to be so advanced, and she already knew in advance that the house was bought.

Xiao Lin was amused by Su Yun's expression, as expected, he earned too little.If he earns more, he can buy a whole street and give it to his wife instead of buying a small shop.

"Daughter-in-law, you can register a company name first, so as to prevent someone from doing business under your store's name in the future."

"Well, I will go to the industrial and commercial side to register tomorrow."

"it is good."

The husband and wife were originally separated by a fist's distance, but they were chatting and chatting, and the two of them stuck together.

When Su Yun thought something was going to happen, Xiao Lin lowered his head and kissed her forehead, then said hoarsely, "Go to rest early!"

Su Yun:? ? ? ?

A little bit shy.

Also a little... not used to it?

She hummed, and told Xiao Lin again that she was going to cook a family banquet for He Wanjun's house by herself.

This is her first challenge of this type, but Su Yun is quite confident.At the same time, I think that in the company project she registered, there can be an additional item of "undertake small-scale banquets"?
This matter has to be considered in detail.

She is full of hope for the future, but Xiao Lin has another idea.

He felt that his wife was working too hard, all because of his lack of money.

"Thank you, daughter-in-law."

"How hard is it to make a la carte? And I like cooking very much!"

"Well, go to sleep!"

With a low voice, Xiao Lin gently patted her on the back to lull her to sleep.With a little doubt and full of happiness, Su Yun fell asleep in his arms.

Early the next morning, Su Yun went to the Industrial and Commercial Office to start registering the company.Now that the market is gradually opening up, many people have registered shop trademarks or companies.

Su Yun took the form and filled it out, then waited in line for processing.

Now it takes a week or fifteen days to get the permit. Su Yun is not in a hurry, and handed in the things. After paying the handling fee and postage fee, she squeezed out from the crowd.

The flow of people around here is good, and there are many government units working here.Su Yun walked around the neighborhood for a couple of times, but didn't see any news of a shop for rent, but unexpectedly bumped into He Wanjun.

"Boss Su?"

He Wanjun didn't expect to meet Su Yun here, after all, it's some distance from Su Yun's shop.

"Boss Su is here, is there anything to do?"

Because He Wanjun took the initiative to give Su Yun a deposit yesterday, but Su Yun had nothing to do with it. He admired this young girl who is not greedy for money very much.So when I saw her, I took the initiative to say hello to her.

Su Yun did not expect to meet He Wanjun here.She took a look and found that there were two people waiting not far away, as if they were waiting for He Wanjun, and behind them was the city hall.

She just took a look and looked away, smiled and said, "I came here this morning to register a company, and then I stopped by here to see if there were any shops for rent or for sale."

The matter of her opening a branch has already been put on the agenda, so even if she doesn't mention it now, she will meet in the future, so Su Yun didn't hide it.

Besides, she didn't just open a branch shop stealthily, and she wasn't afraid of being known.

After hearing what Su Yun said, He Wanjun appreciated her even more.Now that the country is gradually opening up its economy, what they need is a young man like Su Yun who dares to fight and break through.

"Have you found it?"

Su Yun shook her head, "There are relatively few shops here, and I haven't seen any suitable ones so far."

He Wanjun nodded and waved to Secretary Liu who was waiting for him.

"Xiao Liu, come here."

Secretary Liu ran over quickly.


"Inquire about any shops nearby that are for rent or for sale. If you have any news, please contact Boss Su."

"Okay, I know the secretary."

Secretary Liu readily agreed.

Su Yun was flattered, and she quickly waved her hand to refuse, "Comrade He..." When she opened her mouth and realized that this title was not right, she immediately changed her words, "Secretary He, you don't have to trouble, I can find it myself."

Although she doesn't know what kind of official the secretary is, but she has a small business, so it's really not easy to trouble others.

However, He Wanjun waved his hand and said, "Comrade Su, don't be burdened. I just asked Xiao Liu to keep an eye out and help him find out. He often runs outside and knows more people than you, so it's easier to find him."

Now that he has already said that, what else can Su Yun say?I can only sincerely express my gratitude.

He Wanjun nodded and asked Su Yun to go home and wait for news.

When Su Yun returned to the shop, the slaughtered chickens and ducks had already been delivered, and Xiaodao and Lin Sanchun were preparing for the oven.Su Yun walked over to join them, and told them about her plan to open a branch.

Xiaodao blinked, "Sister, opening a branch so soon? Wouldn't it be necessary to recruit people again? Wouldn't it be tiring for you to manage two stores by yourself?"

Su Yun nodded, "So I plan to let you manage the new store."

The knife was plucking the fine fluff from the duck's head, when it heard the sound, it was almost caught in the clip.He raised his head and looked at Su Yun in disbelief.

"Sister, what did you say?"

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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