Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 174 The Evidence Is Solid, There Is No Escape

Chapter 174 The Evidence Is Solid, There Is No Escape
Solemnly and involuntarily, he took the two brothers of the Ma family to the old house of the Ma family.Seeing this, the members of the Ma family also followed far behind Comrade Gong An.

On the road from Ma's ancestral hall to Ma Guanghua's old house, villagers continued to join in.Xiao Lin, who pretended to be an ordinary villager, also followed the crowd far away and walked towards Ma's house.

Seeing so many police officers surrounding their house, Ma Guanghua began to have a premonition that something was wrong.Before he could react, a policeman with a bad smell ran out of it.

"Captain, the information is correct."

The policeman was from the search and evidence collection department. He had just led someone to open the pigsty of Ma Guanghua's house and uncovered the hidden cellar cover. A seemingly ordinary cellar appeared in front of their eyes.

Several comrades from the intelligence department jumped in, checked around in the ordinary cellar, and finally they touched the place that Xiao Lin had marked in advance.

They opened the place, and a room with about tens of square meters appeared in front of their eyes.The room is full of boxes, and those boxes contain countless gold and silver treasures, rare antiques, celebrity calligraphy and paintings, and more than a dozen boxes of small yellow croakers...

The team members of the search department arranged for one to come out to report the news, and the other four or five retreated to the cellar outside, waiting to take people down solemnly.

Nod your head solemnly.

"Go, take Director Ma to have a look."

Ma Guanghua's heart was full of alarm bells, and he felt very bad.He was reluctant to go forward, and said with a smile on his face, "What's wrong with Officer Zheng? Is there some misunderstanding? I don't usually come back to my old house. Did someone use it to do something? What kind of filth was framed on me?"

"Officer Zheng, you are an enlightened and good police officer, you have to find out and don't wrong me, a good person."

At this time, Ma Guanghua looked calm on the surface, but he was actually very flustered in his heart.

Zheng Zheng didn't talk too much with him, and directly escorted him to the yard.At this time, colleagues have already crawled out of the cellar one after another.When Ma Guanghua saw the open cellar door, his eyes darkened and he almost fainted on the spot.

His painstaking efforts, the painstaking efforts he has worked so hard for so many years!
How was it discovered?
Ma Guanghua is still holding the last sliver of luck in his heart, hoping that the police will not find the room hidden behind the cellar.The policeman who just opened his mouth shattered Ma Guanghua's last illusion.

"Captain Zheng, the amount of money involved is huge. We have to report it to the procuratorate and the comrades from the city government, and the three parties can check it together."

Zheng nodded.

"Go and call!"


A policeman ran to the village headquarters.

Ma Guanghua's face became paler and paler, his legs trembled, and his lips kept trembling.

Taking a serious look at him, he knew what was going on with Ma Guanghua.

Ma Liang, who didn't know the inside story, saw his brother's face was very bad, and he couldn't help asking, "What's the matter, brother? What happened? Why is there a hole in our pigpen? Is it because these police officers want to frame us?" what?"

"Brother, don't be afraid that you will speak out. At worst, we will fight with them."

"What are you fighting for? What are you fighting for?" Ma Guanghua suddenly yelled at Ma Liang, "You will never get rid of this impulsiveness. You have to use your brain when encountering things, you know? Just use your fists and kicks, how many times have you hit?" ?”

"Remember to use your brain more when encountering things in the future."

After yelling at Ma Liang, Ma Guanghua turned to the side and said solemnly, "Officer Zheng, Ma Liang doesn't know about this, please let him go."

He knew that there was no way to escape.

Up to now, he can only take care of everything by himself, and try to minimize the involvement of Ma Liang and his two sons.

Zheng Zheng's eyelids moved, "Director Ma plans to explain?"

Ma Guanghua nodded and bowed with a compensatory smile, and his attitude was very humble: "It's my problem. I am willing to accept any punishment from the organization. I also ask the organization to look at my hard work over the years and not to implicate my family. They are Innocent."

"Be conscientious..." He repeated Ma Guanghua's words with a solemn smile, "Director Ma has never been slack in collecting money!"

Ma Guanghua has no choice but to admit his mistake with a smile on his face.

If you want to smear the soles of your feet and run away, obviously it won't work.The Ma's yard and outside the yard were surrounded by police officers.Some of them were armed with guns, Ma Guanghua would not be so stupid to fight against them.

For now, he can only give in first, and then find a way to escape.

Because Ma Guanghua pleaded guilty here, Zheng Zheng didn't bother him.They asked their brothers to temporarily take their brothers aside to wait for arrangements, and then they personally took the people from the procuratorate and the city government down to the cellar.

The comrades of the procuratorate who had copied many corrupt officials' homes couldn't help but gasped when they saw the underground room full of gold, silver and jewels.

How bad was Ma Guanghua's hands back then to collect so much property?
Such a huge sum was discovered by someone else, and Ma Guanghua may be facing a death penalty this time...

Seeing the police escort Ma Guanghua brothers back to the police station with his own eyes, Xiao Lin left from the other side of Majia Village.Before leaving, he also told the people working in the orchard that he would come to pick the fruit tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and let them pick it in advance and put it in a bamboo basket.

The fruit growers nodded in response, and Xiao Lin returned to the city in a happy mood.

In the afternoon, Su Yun got off work and walked towards home with Aunt Li.As soon as I entered Tianshui Hutong, I heard Wang Erni's loud voice at the door of Li's house, bragging with a group of idle women.

"I'm not exaggerating. Let me tell you, my mother-in-law just knew she couldn't live with us and couldn't adapt to life in the city, so she quietly went back to the countryside alone."

"Let me tell you, this person has lived in the village for a long time. When he first came to the city, he felt fresh, but after a long time, he couldn't do it, and he felt uncomfortable. My mother-in-law is like that. She feels uncomfortable all day long. No, Even though Er Niu and I didn't let her do anything, she still packed up her things and went back to her hometown."

"She's not used to it!"

Wang Erni's voice was high-pitched, and she knew she was in a good mood as soon as she heard it.

The women onlookers praised her one sentence at a time, saying that she had defeated her mother-in-law, and her mood would be even better.

He opened his mouth and continued to make up the falsehood that Mrs. Li was under her command, and she didn't dare to say a word.

"Let me tell you, don't think I'm afraid of her outside, it's because I'm giving her and brother Er Niu some face. At home, I have the final say. If I say go east, my mother-in-law will never dare to go west."

That's enough nonsense.

Who in Tianshui Hutong doesn't know that Wang Erni is as afraid of Aunt Li as mice are afraid of cats?

Su Yun couldn't bear to listen anymore.

She glanced at Aunt Li beside her, and felt that Aunt Li was really amazing.Living with such a bad-hearted daughter-in-law and still not being pissed off, she is really capable and ruthless!

Aunt Li gave a half-hearted smile and heheed twice.

"Little Su."

"what's up?"

"If you had a daughter-in-law like Wang Erni, what would you do?"

Aunt Li's voice rang in her ears, and Su Yun faintly felt the gnashing of teeth in her words.

She couldn't help but persuade her out loud, "Ma'am, please be merciful, lest she get hurt and you have to miss work to take care of her."

Aunt Li heheed twice.

"Xiao Su, don't worry."

She crossed her arms and walked up quickly. "Then you are really majestic! Wang Erni.

 The third watch is over, catch the bugs later.

  Thank you for the little cuties who voted for my monthly and recommended votes, I love you.

  I will continue to work hard!
  good night!

(End of this chapter)

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