Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 176 Let Yunji go to the world

Chapter 176 Let Yunji go to the world
Su Yun's appearance made Xiao Lin's heart ache.

"Daughter-in-law has worked hard, I will pinch her leg when I get home."

"Aren't you tired?" Su Yun raised her head, just in time to meet Xiao Lin's downcast eyes.His eyes were gentle, and there was no trace of fatigue between his brows and eyes. "You've obviously been standing all day today."

Why is he so uncomfortable when he is not tired?

Xiao Lin smiled lightly and squeezed her hand, "Silly girl, this is nothing compared to being a soldier."

Whether it was when the new recruits entered the camp or during the ten-year follow-up training, the amount and level of training every day was much higher than today, and he was already used to it.

Just seeing his beloved girl so tired made his heart ache.If he wasn't still on the tram right now, he would have wanted to hold her in his arms and give her a good kiss.

"We invite two more people? From now on, the daughter-in-law will collect the bill every day, okay?"

He really didn't want her to be tired.

Su Yun nodded, "Let's talk about it, we have to find the right person to talk about it!"

Although there are many people looking for jobs on the street now, there are not many reliable ones.The stall that Su Yun set up with great difficulty did not want to be ruined so easily.

Of course, recruiting people must be recruiting, not only recruiting people, she also needs to continue to open branches.

Try to open ten Yunji Roast Duck restaurants in Nancheng, let everyone in Nancheng know her roast duck, and then go from Nancheng to the whole country, and even the whole world.

Su Yun thought about the bright future, and unconsciously fell asleep on Xiao Lin's shoulder.

When she opened her eyes, the person was on Xiao Lin's back, not in the tram.

"Huh? Brother Lin? Are we home yet?" Su Yun rubbed her eyes, and saw that the surrounding environment was already Tianshui Hutong.Immediately ahead is their home.

It was getting dark for a while, and there was a person standing outside their house, who looked like Aunt Li next door.

Su Yun wanted to get off Xiao Lin's back, but Xiao Lin walked over with her on his back.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you know people." Besides, it is reasonable and legal for him to carry his own wife, even if he doesn't know people, he can't say much.

Su Yun groaned, but still got off his back.

"Ma'am looks bad."

"Daughter-in-law..." Xiao Lin felt aggrieved, but Su Yun's attention had shifted to Aunt Li, and she walked up to Aunt Li in a few steps, "What's the matter, Auntie? Why are you standing outside in such a cold day so late?" ? Go inside and talk about something.”

Aunt Li showed a hearty smile, "Madam is in good health, not cold." She said and handed the cloth bag in her hand to Su Yun, "Xiao Su, please count, today we sold thirty roast ducks and twenty roast chickens." , this is today’s income.”

Su Yun went to support the opening of the new store at noon. Before she went, she had already roasted the roast duck and chicken, and then Aunt Li was in charge of selling them in the store alone.

In fact, Su Yun originally planned to close the shop here for a day, but Aunt Li offered to let her sell if Su Yun trusted her, and she promised to sell the goods without losing a dime.

When Su Yun invited Aunt Li, it was because she felt that Aunt Li was a good character, so she naturally believed her.

That's why Aunt Li came to pay the money.

Su Yun took the cloth bag and thanked Aunt Li for letting her go back to rest quickly. Then Aunt Li turned and went back to Li's yard.

She just opened the door, and Wang Erni, who was hiding behind the door, was almost run over by the door because she couldn't dodge. She jumped aside and looked at Aunt Li with a flattering smile on her face.

"Mom, that precious thing you just held is money from the roast duck restaurant!"

Wang Erni said it on her lips, but she hated it in her heart.Her mother-in-law is so stupid, she didn't know how to sneak up after taking so much money?
She didn't say to take more, but if she took ten yuan and 20 yuan from it, would Su Yun know?
It's so stupid.

What is Wang Erni thinking in her heart, how could Aunt Li not know?She glanced at Wang Erni, and said with a sneer, "Wang Erni, I'm warning you again, put away your flamboyant intestines."

Wang Erni was not convinced, "Mother, what are you talking about?"

"You don't know what I said?" Aunt Li's face darkened suddenly, her momentum was stronger than ever before. What kind of sneaky things will you do? If you, Wang Erni, don't like a family like ours, you should get out of here."

"If you still want to stay in the Li family, put away your pig-like ingenuity and flowery guts, otherwise, sooner or later, my mother will definitely send you to labor reform."

Aunt Li shook her arm and left after speaking.

Hearing the movement in the room, Li Erniu came out, and was startled when he saw his mother's dark face.

"What's the matter, mother? Why did Wang Erni make you angry with her stupidity? Don't be angry, don't talk to her."

Aunt Li snorted.

"Li Erniu, what are the family mottos and rules of the Li family?"

"Do things in a down-to-earth manner and be a serious person."

"Then keep your eyes open and look at your daughter-in-law. What has she done?" Aunt Li was really angry.Wang Erni usually has shallow eyelids and likes to take advantage of things. In her opinion, that is barely tolerable.

But today, Wang Erni turned her attention to the income of Xiaosu's shop, which is absolutely unbearable for Aunt Li.

Xiao Su was kind and didn't dislike her when she was old. Giving her a job and paying back 30 yuan a month was already considered a great kindness.Wang Erni is such an idiot, not only does she not know how to thank Xiao Su, but she even wants to covet other people's money secretly.

Is this something that humans can do?

"You ask for half a day off tomorrow, and send Wang Erni back to her Wang's house. When she has figured it out, let her come over. If she can't figure it out, she will stay at her Wang's house."

"Our Li family can't afford such a daughter-in-law."

"Yes, mother."

Li Erniu has no objection to Aunt Li's arrangement.It's not that he doesn't feel sorry for his wife, it's that Wang Erni is too capable, and she can't live a good life, so let's send her to Wang's house to reflect for a while.

The voice of Li's family next door was so low that Su Yun's hearing was deaf.But Xiao Lin heard it, but he didn't react and didn't tell Su Yun.

Su Yun is sitting at the table counting money at the moment.

There was a pile of scattered bills similar to hills on the table, and Su Yun divided them up bit by bit.There was a look of joy on her face, all the exhaustion was worth it after seeing this pile of bills.

"Brother Lin, come and help me count together, finish counting early and go to bed early?"

Su Yun turned her head and frowned to call Xiao Lin for help, Xiao Lin's lips curled into a faint smile.

"Then in order to hug my daughter-in-law to sleep earlier, I have to move faster."

He walked to her side, picked her up with his long arms, sat on Su Yun's original position, and then pressed her into his arms to let her sit on his lap.

"The stool is cold, but my legs are hot."

Su Yun gave him an annoyed look, and ignored it, counting the money is the most important thing.

Turning around and continuing to count the money, Xiao Lin also joined the money counting 'team' with a smile.

It took almost an hour for the husband and wife to count the turnover of the two stores.

This pile of bills actually cost a total of 600 yuan.

"600 yuan, 600 yuan brother Yelin." Su Yun turned her head happily, and smacked Xiao Lin's cheek, "I'm going to get rich, I'm going to get rich!"

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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