Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 179 The life is bitter, the heart is sweet

Chapter 179 The life is bitter, the heart is sweet

Zhao Meiyu couldn't help but hugged Wang Zhaodi, "Mother..."

His voice was choked, and tears fell silently.

I didn't notice anything when I was at home, but after I got married, I found out after encountering difficulties that her mother really treated her well from the bottom of her heart.

Zhao Meiyu cried, but Wang Zhaodi felt uncomfortable.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you just say that you have a good life? Why are you crying?"

"I was moved by you, mother?" Zhao Meiyu raised her head, shaking Wang Zhaodi's arm coquettishly.

This childish action made Wang Zhaodi chuckle.

"Okay, okay, I'm married and I'm not afraid of being ugly if I cry at every turn. Let go of me quickly, I'm going home."

"Mom, why don't you stay and have lunch before leaving?" Zhao Meiyu asked to stay.

Gu Jinnian on the other side also opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he could only agree with Zhao Meiyu.

"Xiaoyu is right, mother, you stay and have lunch before leaving."

"What to eat?"

Wang Zhaodi glared angrily at this couple who can't get along, don't they know what their family is like?How could the two of them who had eaten the last meal but not the next one have the nerve to keep someone down for dinner?

Heartless guy.


"Okay, stop shouting. You take me out and I have something to tell you." Wang Zhaodi called Zhao Meiyu to follow her out the door. Gu Jinnian couldn't help but look around, worried that his mother-in-law would call Xiaoyu back... …


Gu Jinnian looked down at himself, and then at the surrounding conditions.I felt faintly in my heart that if my mother-in-law really called Xiaoyu back, it should be right, and now he is really not worthy of such a good girl as Xiaoyu.

But why does his heart feel so uncomfortable when he thinks that he might be separated from Xiaoyu?

Gu Jinnian stood there with a pale complexion, his thin figure was a little precarious.

It's just that it turned out that he was thinking too much.

Zhao Meiyu went back soon, and when she came back, she still had a suspicious blush on her face.Gu Jinnian was so immersed in the joy of her return that she didn't notice that the suspicious blush on her cheeks became deeper after seeing her.

He walked over a few steps.


Realizing that his tone was a little anxious, he took a deep breath, adjusted his posture and slowed down his voice, "Did mother go back? What did she tell you? Please rest assured that I will work hard for the college entrance examination next year. I will try to let you pass the exam when I am admitted to university. Have a good time."

So, don't leave me, okay?

Gu Jinnian couldn't say the second half of the sentence, and neither could he.

The current him doesn't have any capital to beg Zhao Meiyu to leave behind.

Zhao Meiyu snapped back to her senses, thinking of what her mother said just now, and seeing Gu Jinnian who was focused in front of her again, she murmured, unable to speak.


Gu Jinnian thought that his mother-in-law still disliked him, and his whole body became visibly decadent.

Zhao Meiyu felt it.

She hurriedly coaxed, "What are you thinking so nonsense? Mother didn't say you, but mother said me." It was not right either, specifically, her mother meant the two of them.

Gu Jinnian didn't quite understand, what would his mother-in-law say about someone as good as Xiaoyu.


Gu Jinnian broke the casserole and asked the end, which made Zhao Meiyu unable to resist or hide her words.

She oops, and said angrily, "Mother said, our conditions are not good now, let us pay attention, we can't have a child so soon."

After the words fell, she clutched her red cheeks and turned into the bedroom.

After Gu Jinnian realized it, her face turned red...


Su Yun didn't know that Zhao Meiyu's life was so difficult.Entering the twelfth lunar month, there are still 20 days to celebrate the New Year, and everyone is busy.Like Xiao Lin and Li Wei, they don't know what they are packing, and they don't see anyone all day long.

For several nights, Su Yun left the food in the pot, and the next morning the food was still there.

If it wasn't for the note that Xiao Lin had left on the table, Su Yun would probably think that Xiao Lin didn't come back last night.

He was too busy, and all his food was taken care of outside.After I came back, I washed and slept with my daughter-in-law in my arms, and I didn't have any desire to eat anymore.And before dawn in the morning, he got up and went out again.

Taking advantage of the period of the twelfth lunar month, people have a strong desire to buy things. He and Li Wei bought a lot of new year's goods, not only for retail but also for wholesale.They don't have enough manpower, and they can't wait to be divided into several people.

Li Wei, who didn't have a family, ate and slept in the warehouse they rented every day, while Xiao Lin would come back no matter how late it was.

Having a family is different from not having a family.

He has a wife, no matter how tired he is outside all day, as long as he thinks that the girl he loves is waiting for him at home, he will be full of energy again.So no matter how far or how late, he will come back home.

Even if he could just sleep with his wife in his arms for an hour, he would feel satisfied.

For several days, Su Yun didn't even see a shadow of Xiao Lin.Not even a chance to talk to him.

Although Xiao Hei was not too scared at home, she also wanted to see him and talk to her.

So, after dinner tonight, Su Yun packed up and washed, took out the unfinished sweater, and waited for Xiao Lin to come back while knitting.Before she knew it, she was about to finish knitting a sweater, and Xiao Lin hadn't come back yet.

Su Yun had already yawned several times. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the watch she put aside, and found that it was almost eleven o'clock.I don't know when Xiao Lin will come back tonight?

She put away the sweater and turned around to tidy up the quilt, feeling a little lost for no reason.

There was a faint sound of a car coming from outside the yard. Su Yun listened carefully, and the sound of the car seemed to have stopped outside her house.

Is Xiao Lin back?

Su Yun listened attentively, and she didn't rush to open the door before she was not sure if it was Xiao Lin.It wasn't until she heard the courtyard door being opened and Xiao Hei's whimpering voice that she was sure it was Xiao Lin.

She turned around and hurried to the door, opened the door just in time to see a familiar figure walking towards her.

"Brother Rin..."

Su Yun yelled, like a swallow returning to its nest, she pounced on Xiao Lin who was walking over.

"you're back!"

There is an irrepressible joy in the words.

Xiao Lin quickly stretched out his hands to catch her firmly.Looking down at the daughter-in-law who was full of attachment to him in his arms, his whole heart was very comforting.

"Why don't you go to bed so late? Waiting for me specially?"

Although she felt a little embarrassed, Su Yun gave a humming hum.After um, he immediately added, "We haven't been able to talk properly for a long time."

Seriously, it's only seven or eight days since I couldn't speak properly, but Su Yun felt that it was a long time.

Even though she knew that he would lie next to her every night after falling asleep, she just wanted more.Maybe she's getting greedy?Su Yun didn't know if this was a good sign, she only knew that Xiao Lin was her man, and she wanted to tell him what she had in mind.

Xiao Lin let out a pleasant chuckle, "Not only did we not seem to be able to talk properly, it seems that there is another very important thing that we haven't done for a long, long time."

Of course Su Yun knew what he was referring to.

Don't blame her for being unreserved, to be honest, after so many days, she really misses him too.She lowered her head, her cheeks were hot and she made a faint sound of mosquitoes and flies.

"Then you go take a shower first."


 two more

(End of this chapter)

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