Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 181 Is there another man in my heart?

Chapter 181 Is there another man in my heart?

"It seems to be called a horse... why is it dark or light?"

Ma Liang: ...

What kind of people are these dogs?Did it add insult to injury?Ma Liang glared viciously at the people who were discussing all around, and the hostility contained in his eyes made the discussants shut their mouths subconsciously.

Ma Liang turned around.

The voice behind me got louder.I don't know who first grabbed a rotten egg and threw it at Ma Liang. Immediately afterwards, many eggs and rotten vegetable leaves smashed at Ma Liang.

"Go away, you rascal."

"Things that bully others, you still have the face to show up after your brother has fallen?"

"If I were you, I would have rolled to the corner and hid."

The people at that time were very simple and honest. When they heard about the crimes committed by Ma Guanghua, they hated Ma Liang, who took advantage of Ma Guanghua's power and ran amok in the streets.

Someone shot the head of the smashing thing, and the others followed suit.

Ma Liang was forced to run away and fled the scene.

After he ran away, Su Yun came out from the back kitchen and thanked him with a smile.

Those people didn't think it was a big deal. For a bastard like Ma Liang, although everyone can't get it and punish him, it's okay not to give him a good face.

Now that Ma Liang has no backer, they are not afraid of retaliation.

The onlookers said twice that Su Yun didn't need to take it to heart and dispersed, and the streets gradually returned to normal.Su Yun took out the broom and shovel to clean up the garbage on the ground.

"Xiao Su, who is that Ma Liang? I don't think he is a good person. His eyes are not a good thing. You should be more careful."

When she walked into the store, Aunt Li still didn't forget to tell her.

Su Yun nodded.

"Don't worry, ma'am, I will pay attention."

Her thoughts were the same as Aunt Li's. This Ma Liang would definitely not appear here without incident. Someone with an abnormal mind like him must be planning some kind of conspiracy.

For the Ma family, she must be extremely vigilant.

Speaking of the Ma family, Su Yun couldn't help raising her eyes to look at Li Ji on the opposite side.Ever since Li Meng was sent to the hospital by Ma Guanghua, the opposite Li Ji was closed.

A few days ago, Li Ji's signboard was taken off and replaced by another signboard.It is said that the boss has changed from Li Meng to their chef, and now they still sell roast duck and lo mei.

The business was lukewarm, and Su Yun didn't take them to heart.

As long as they don't act like monsters, Su Yun won't crowd out their peers.

Whether the business is good or not, the key depends on yourself.

Thinking of her plan to open ten stores, Su Yun immediately felt that her sore body was full of energy.

"Come on! Su Yun!"



Song Yinyin got off work from the hospital, and before she left the department, she was stopped by a doctor surnamed Li.

"Doctor Song wait, Doctor Song..."

Song Yinyin stopped, turned to look at Li Jianhui who was chasing him, and frowned invisibly.

"Doctor Li, what can you do?"

Although Song Yinyin said that she was a bit slow in feelings, Li Jianhui's intentions for her were obvious, and it was impossible for her not to feel it.

If Li Jianhui was someone else, then she must have ignored it.But the trouble is, this Li Jianhui is the son of Grandpa's student, so she can't directly insult Grandpa.

That's why I patiently listened to Li Jianhui's words.

Li Jianhui smiled and said, "There are a lot of new women's clothing at the Friendship Store, shall we go shopping?"

His intentions were so obvious that Song Yinyin could no longer pretend to be confused.

"Sorry, I already have a date."

"What?" Li Jianhui's voice suddenly increased, "Who did Dr. Song date? Didn't your grandfather say that you have no relationship or are single?"

Song Yinyin: ...

So what if she is single?Who can stipulate that she can't have a date when she is single?

"Doctor Li is really clear about his inquiries."

Song Yinyin snorted, turned and left.

Li Jianhui hurriedly ran after him.

"Doctor Song, I didn't mean to laugh at your singleness just now, I just wanted to..."

"It's useless to think about anything, I don't like it, you understand?" Song Yinyin stopped and rejected Li Jianhui impatiently.

She doesn't understand, what's wrong with being 21 and almost 22 and not having a date?Why do both of them want to introduce someone to her?

What's even more outrageous is that when the person who introduced her got along with her, he always showed a very superior and generous tone.

Just like Li Jianhui in front of him.

No matter how well he hides it, Song Yinyin can still feel it.

So she's disgusted.

Song Yinyin returned home full of anger, and it happened that Song Qishan was also at home. When he saw that Song Yinyin was off work, he smiled and said, "Yinyin is back? Come and see brother, I introduced you to a few partners, You see who is suitable and we will ask him out to meet."

Song Qishan had a stack of photos in his hand, which were all carefully selected by him.

He has thoroughly investigated these people from their family background, to their personal education, temperament, hobbies, and usual friendship activities.

After making sure that everyone in the photo is a high-quality youth, he presented the photo to his sister.

Just wait for Yinyin to pick it up, and then you can make an appointment to meet.

It has to be said that Song Qishan, as Song Yinyin's elder brother, is still very concerned about his sister's lifelong affairs.

It's just that Song Yinyin just happened to be holding her breath today, and Song Qishan just brought up the matter of the object again, so it must have hit the muzzle of the gun.

"You want me to marry that much?" Song Yinyin's tone was very unfriendly.

Song Qishan froze for a moment, not knowing why he suddenly became angry.


"I'm blocking your eyes at home, right? One or two keep trying to push me out?"

During the time she came back to Beijing, there were no less than 50 people they introduced to her, those she met and those she didn't meet.

She knew they were worried about herself, but how could anyone be like this?
Song Yinyin is very annoying.

"Don't introduce anyone to me. If you think my stay at home is an eyesore, then I will move out."

"Yinyin? What nonsense are you talking about?" Song Qishan stood up, and his face became serious, "Why do we have to introduce someone to you? You don't know? You are almost 22, not young."

Song Qishan used to think that he could take care of his younger sister for the rest of his life, but after going to the countryside, he found that if they didn't introduce her a good partner, she might get them a big one sometime.

For example, like finding an illiterate and gangster man like Li Wei as a husband?
This was something Song Qishan couldn't accept, and it was also the reason why he wanted to find a match for Song Yinyin so strongly, and decided to settle her down this morning.

As for despising your sister?That must be impossible.

Song Yinyin is the eyeball of the Song family, little ancestor, how could he dislike her?

"Yinyin..." Song Qishan took a deep breath, convincing himself not to be impulsive, and not to freeze the relationship between siblings.He did not speak until he had done his ideological work well.

"Tell me honestly, do you think they really have nothing to talk about, or do you have someone else in your heart?"

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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