Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 185 Welcome her to visit the company

Chapter 185 Welcome her to visit the company
Finally, with Manager Huang's recommendation and Su Yun's comparison, the kraft paper food packaging bag was finalized.She explained her needs to the master craftsmen of the paper factory, and asked them to print a little daisy on it, with the word Yunji next to the little daisy.

In order to prevent others from fraudulently using it in the future, Su Yun worked hard on the trademark.

After discussing with the old craftsman for a long time, it was finally decided that the word Yunji should be written in official script.

This font is best matched with small chrysanthemums, and the effect is very good.


There are three styles of bags, large, medium and small, totaling [-] bags.

Small bags cost five cents each, medium ones cost eight cents, and large ones cost ten cents.For this batch of bags, Su Yun had to pay 300 yuan.

She was not ambiguous, and gave 200 yuan on the spot, and the rest of the money will be paid after the bag arrives.

Manager Huang was frightened by Su Yun's courage, so he smiled and said to Xiao Lin, "Brother Xiao, Boss Su's courage is not inferior to yours at all!"

The corners of Xiao Lin's lips twitched, "My daughter-in-law brought me into business."

Manager Huang laughed out loud, and Su Yun bent her lips.

After agreeing to deliver the first batch of [-] paper bags in three days, Su Yun and Xiao Lin left the paper factory.When she came here, she came by tram, but when she went back, she naturally took Xiao Lin's car.

Xiao Lin didn't send her back directly, but asked her if she wanted to visit his company.

"Can it? Will it affect you?"

Su Yun knew that Xiao Lin had rented a place to be a warehouse and start a company.But she has never been there, there is no time to be one, and the other is because she is afraid of affecting Xiao Lin.

Seeing her serious and focused appearance, Xiao Lin was a little amused.He parked the car on the side of the road, leaned over and approached Su Yun's face.The breath sprayed on her face.

"What is the silly girl thinking? It is my wish that you can go there. How will it affect me?"

"Really...really...doesn't affect it?"

If it doesn't matter, why is he so close?It's still broad daylight, and their car is parked on the road again, so he probably wants to do something, right?

Su Yun's heart beat like a drum, and her curled eyelashes kept blinking.

Xiao Lin burst out laughing, and stepped back.

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay, he didn't...uh...

The pressed lips interrupted her thoughts.

Her eyes widened at once.

This person... why is this person like this?This is the main road, what if someone walks over here?Is he not afraid?
Su Yun was terrified.

She didn't know that the more she worried about being seen by others, the more it would arouse Xiao Lin's desire.Fortunately, Xiao Lin did not forget that he would take his wife to visit his company.

Unsatisfied, she backed away.

Su Yun's face was blushing, and she breathed in the fresh air with big gulps.

She couldn't stop glancing at him and gouging him out, her appearance was really coquettish.

Xiao Lin said in a hoarse voice, "Daughter-in-law, why don't you go to the company to see it another day? Let's go home now?"

Su Yun's hair stood on end when she heard it, "What are you thinking? Hurry up and drive to your company."

Want to go home in broad daylight?Could it be that he is thinking about farting.

Xiao Lin who was 'scorted' smirked, "You can't blame me." If you want to blame, you can only blame his daughter-in-law for being too beautiful, who can always arouse his evil thoughts anytime and anywhere.

Su Yun had nothing to say about this.

"Hurry up and drive."

He pinched Xiao Lin's soft waist, like an angry kitten, scratching Xiao Lin's heart soft and itchy.

It really is his daughter-in-law, she is so cute even when she is angry...

"Let's drive!"

Su Yun yelled again, and Xiao Lin laughed and started the car and started on the road again.

It was already 10 minutes after arriving at their company. Su Yun looked at an iron-boron warehouse surrounded by high courtyard walls, and there was a sign of Ji'an Trading Co., Ltd. at the door.

There is a security booth at the door, and there is an old man guarding it here, looking decent.

Seeing their car go in, Uncle Li at the door greeted Xiao Lin with a smile.

Xiao Lin also stopped the car and poked his head out, and introduced to Uncle Li, "Master, this is my daughter-in-law, Xiaoyun."

Su Yun: ...

Uncle Li laughed and nodded, "So it's Xiao Xiao's daughter-in-law. You are so lucky to marry such a beautiful girl. Hello Xiaoyun."

Su Yun was about to answer Uncle Li's words, but Uncle Li added, "By the way, Xiaoyun, do you have sisters or something in your family? Uncle, I have a son who has never been married. He said he wanted to find a good-looking girl. I I think Xiaoyun, your sister must be very good."

Su Yun: ...

I thought the uncle was serious.Unexpectedly, he turned out to be an old naughty boy who saw a lesbian and wanted to find out if there were sisters in his family.

Xiao Lin smiled from the side, "Master, your calculation is wrong, my wife has no sisters."

"Ah... really not? Cousins ​​and cousins ​​are fine too!"

Uncle Li's face was full of disappointment, people who didn't know were really bluffed by his expression.Xiao Lin knew that Uncle Li was joking.

Su Yun didn't take it to heart either.

After saying hello to Uncle Li, they continued to drive forward, and Xiao Lin stopped the car when they reached the open space for parking.

The two opened the car door and got out of the car. Before entering the warehouse, they heard Li Wei's voice from afar.

"Brother...I'm going to pay the phone bill." Li Wei came out anxiously, sharing his happiness like a stunned young man, "I just called Dr. Song, and I fell silent while talking. I went to the information desk to ask and found out that our phone bill is in arrears... Huh girl? Why are you here?"

When he saw Su Yun, he showed a surprised look and joked, "Is this sister here to inspect the work? Or did you say that you know that big brother is about to have a good thing and come here to bless big brother?"

Since contacting the Song family, Li Wei has automatically regarded him as the son-in-law of the Song family.I can't wait to let the whole world know about his relationship with Song Yinyin.

Now more than a dozen employees in their company know that their older boss finally has a partner.

The subject is still a doctor.

This is all thanks to their boss, who talks about his doctor Song and his doctor Song all day long.Others can know it even without deliberately inquiring about it!

However, Li Wei didn't feel wrong at all.

Su Yun felt that, in the words of later generations, Li Wei is a proper showman and madman!There is only one horoscope for an object, and I can't wait for everyone to know about it.

If they were really married, would Su Yun think that Li Wei would have to confess every day?
She couldn't help laughing at the thought.

Fearing that Li Wei would see that she was laughing at him, she pursed her lips and lowered her eyes to cover up the smile in her eyes.

Li Wei couldn't figure it out, "What's wrong with the girl?"

Su Yun quickly waved her hand, "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, brother, go and pay the phone bill."

Li Wei nodded: "Yes, Doctor Song is still waiting for me to call her."

 Two more!
  For the time being, I will update two chapters for the time being, and I will resume the third update in a week
  good night, everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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