Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 187 Buying a Bicycle, Almost Had a Car Accident

Chapter 187 Buying a Bicycle, Almost Had a Car Accident
An hour later, Su Yun got her first car in her life.

Although it is a bicycle, it is also marked with the word car.She was very satisfied, holding the handlebars with both hands and looking at the newly acquired bicycle without blinking her eyes.

The silver bodywork gleamed, and every gleam was like money shining.

230 yuan, this is 230 yuan!
If she didn't know how to ride, she would definitely jump on it and ride around a few times.

"Brother Xiao..." Su Yun tilted her head, her eyes bent into a crescent shape, "Did you teach me to ride a bicycle to delay your work?"

Xiao Lin couldn't help chuckling, "No delay, as long as you are with your wife, no delay."

"That's good, brother Xiao is awesome!"

"Well, I prefer my daughter-in-law to praise me at night."

Xiao Lin is not serious.

Naturally, Su Yun rolled her eyes and looked disgusted.

Fortunately, Xiao Lin knew his mistake and corrected it, stabilized his bicycle and invited Su Yun into the car with "very respectful" "Comrade Su Yun give me a chance to atone for my sin? Let your man take you to see the scenery?"


Su Yun suppressed a smile and slapped Xiao Lin's palm, and then sat on the back seat of the bicycle.

Xiao Lin pushed for a while, got on the bike neatly, and stepped on the bike steadily.

They came to practice on an open space on the side of the free market. This open space should be used to develop and build houses or expand the free market in the next year. Now there is nothing on the open space, and the bare floor is also very compact. Use There is nothing better than learning to ride a bicycle.

Although it is said that winter makes people's movements a little slow, but also because of the thick clothes, so I am not so afraid of falling psychologically.

After all, it doesn’t hurt much if you want to fall, right?There are two or three thick clothes on the body, dressed like a ball.

With this in mind, Su Yun became much more courageous when riding a bicycle.

In the first few laps, it was still wobbly, and Xiao Lin needed to support it from behind.But after going around a dozen times, she was able to let Xiao Lin let go.

"Brother Lin, let go, I will ride by myself for a while."

Su Yun spoke without daring to turn her head.

She was sitting on the bicycle, her body looked very stiff.

Xiao Lin smiled helplessly, "Then be careful."


Xiao Lin let go, Su Yun tilted a few times at first, and gradually got better, and was able to turn around the open space twice.

Looking at Su Yun, who has excellent comprehension ability, Xiao Lin was relieved but also a little bit disappointed. He thought that he could hug his wife for a while while teaching bicycles, but he didn't expect her to learn it so quickly.


So lost.

Maybe God heard his call?Or maybe Su Yun didn't grasp it very well?I saw that she, who was driving normally, suddenly lost control and rushed towards a road ridge for some reason.

"Ah... brother Rin... ah... ah..."

Su Yun gripped the handlebar of the bicycle tightly, her face turned pale with fright and screamed, she forgot all the riding skills that Xiao Lin taught just now.

"Brother Rin... ah... help..."

"Xiao Yun..."

Xiao Lin's face changed drastically and he rushed over, the moment the bicycle rushed down the road ridge, he grabbed the back seat of the bicycle with one hand, and wrapped around Su Yun's waist who was frightened on the bicycle with the other, and hugged her When he got down, the bicycle was thrown aside by him with one hand.

"Brother Wuwu Lin... you scared me to death..."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, daughter-in-law, don't be afraid of me being here."

Xiao Lin wrapped his hands tightly around the person in his arms, and his heart was beating wildly.

What if she moved a little slower just now, and she rushed down the road with people and cars?
Although it is said that there is a ridge of about two meters next to it, which is not very high, but there is a ditch beside the ridge. If it is washed into the ditch...

Xiao Lin didn't dare to think about it.

The person in his arms was still trembling slightly, Xiao Lin lowered his head and kissed her hair.

"My daughter-in-law, let's stop learning, okay?"

It doesn't matter whether you can ride a bicycle or not, at worst, he can just pick her up and drop off to get off work every day.For a situation like just now, Xiao Lin really didn't want it to happen again.

As long as she thinks that she will be hurt where he can't see, Xiao Linxing feels like being cut by a knife.

Su Yun was indeed very scared when she lost control just now, but she never thought of not learning.

She raised her head when she heard Xiao Lin's words, her wet eyes were full of stubbornness, "I should have pressed the brake wrongly just now."

The voice was still a little trembling, but it was also tenacious.

"I can learn, you trust me."

"Xiao Yun..."

"I know Brother Lin, you are worried about me, can I promise to drive carefully?" Su Yun really wanted to pedal a bicycle.

She also found the feeling in the few laps of training just now, and she believed that as long as she practiced again, she must be a skilled driver.

The daughter-in-law has promised so, can that man refuse?
Xiao Lin nodded reluctantly.

Su Yun immediately showed a smile, "Okay, I knew Brother Lin that you are the best." She quickly withdrew from his embrace, planning to step on it a few more times.

Xiao Lin: ...

Su Yun picked up the solitary bicycle that was lying on the side. Seeing the slightly deformed stool in the back seat, she couldn't help but widen her eyes, and at the same time felt very distressed.

This is a new car, a new car...

"Brother Lin...the car broke down."

Xiao Lin came to Su Yun's side, and looked at the deformed position of the stool, which happened to be the place where he just held it in a hurry.He coughed in embarrassment, " might be...I was too anxious...and deformed."


Hearing this, Su Yun felt a picture floating above her head, the protagonists of the picture were naturally her and Xiao Lin, but because she made Xiao Lin angry, he crushed all his bones.

The crackling sound is like chewing soybeans...

Su Yun shivered suddenly.

too frightening.

Her untimely fantasies made Xiao Lin think that she was feeling sorry for the bicycle.He said embarrassingly again, "Daughter-in-law, don't be sad, I'll try to break it back again."

Su Yun: ...

Seeing that Xiao Lin was about to reach out to break the deformed back seat, she quickly stopped him, "Don't, don't your hands hurt? Are you stupid?"

No matter how new or important a bicycle is, it is not as important as him, is it?

He was able to have such explosive power just now because he was in danger.He's doing well now, where did he get his explosive power?Just don't hurt your hands.

Su Yun stopped, Xiao Lin naturally failed.

I had to lift the bicycle up and let her ride it for a few laps.This time Su Yun became more obedient and rode very carefully, riding back and forth in the middle of the open space, making sure that what happened just now would not happen again.

After practicing all morning, Su Yun is already very proficient in riding.She even ambitiously wanted to carry Xiao Lin.

He stopped the bicycle, put his toes on the ground and tried to control his nervousness and smiled at Xiao Lin, "Where are you going, little brother? Do you want a ride?"

Xiao Lin laughed angrily at Su Yun's sloppy tone and actions, and wondered where his precious daughter-in-law learned such frivolous language?But it felt wonderful to use it against him.

"Okay..." Xiao Lin hadn't finished speaking, when a low sobbing sound interrupted his words, Su Yun who was sitting on the bicycle and Xiao Lin who was standing beside the car turned their heads together.

I saw two people who looked like farmers pulling a cart forward. On the cart was a group of unknown things covered with linoleum cloth.The two people pulling the cart cried in a low voice from time to time, very sad.

Could it be that their family members passed away?

Su Yun looked at Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin shook his head, and helped her to move aside.

Get out of the way.

The two farmer men raised their heads and nodded to Su Yun and Xiao Lin with their red eyes. The two continued to cry and dragged the cart forward.

A gust of wind lifted a corner of the linoleum, and Su Yun caught a glimpse of something under the linoleum.

"Wait a moment."

 The second update is over, good night everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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