Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 219 The pot brought the Ye family, but Ye Wan didn't let it go

Chapter 219 The Ye family was taken care of in one pot, and Ye Wan didn't let it go
Xiao Lin hummed, hugged Su Yun, and asked Yu Hu to help Mrs. Xiao go out and get into the car. He was going to take them to the county hospital.

During this period, he never gave Ye Wan a straight look.

"Get the village doctor here so they don't die."

Xiao Lin instructed Yu Hu.Their accounts have not yet been settled, and he will not let them die so easily.

Yu Hu nodded.

Ye Wan who was on the side opened her mouth to call Xiao Lin, but was swept over by his cold gaze, and froze in place.

She murmured, "An... Anzi... Listen to what mother said... Mother is not... Mother doesn't want them to beat people, mother..."

She wanted to stop Su Yun and Mrs. Xiao from going to Xiao Lin, but she really didn't let Ye Long and Ye Hu beat anyone.

Xiao Lin scoffed.

"Don't worry, I'll make your Ye family all tidy."

"Anzi? Anzi..."

Xiao Lin drove to the county hospital, which usually took half an hour, but he took 15 minutes to get there.

The car stopped at the entrance of the county hospital, Xiao Lin called the doctor to help send the old lady in, and went straight to the emergency room with Su Yun in his arms.

On the first day of the first lunar month, there were no patients in the hospital. The doctors on duty were shocked when they saw Xiao Lin coming with two patients alone.

Immediately call the doctors on duty in each department to help treat the two patients.

Fortunately, after a careful inspection, it was confirmed that their injuries were not life-threatening, and they would be fine after waking up in the hospital for a few days.

Xiao Lin nodded, arranged grandma and Su Yun in a ward, and paid for two nurses to help take care of them until the evening, he had to go out beforehand.

It is the duty of nurses to take care of patients, and they definitely don't want to accept Xiao Lin's money.

They reassured Xiao Lin that nothing would happen to the two patients before he came back.

Xiao Lin nodded and left the hospital, making a detour to the Public Security Bureau.

Mo Huaiyu, who had just returned from Zhaojia Village, hadn't rested yet, when he heard that Xiao Lin was coming, he immediately went out, "What's wrong, Brother Xiao?"

Xiao Lin threw a cigarette to Mo Huaiyu, "It's hard work, how many people do you bring, and come with me to catch them?"

"Huh? What happened? Don't be so polite."

The cigarette Xiao Lin gave was Daqianmen, it is very expensive now, a pack of cigarettes costs several yuan.How can he charge it?

"You're welcome."

Xiao Lin patted Mo Huaiyu on the shoulder, took out two cigarettes from his pocket, handed one to Mo Huaiyu, and smoked one himself, "My wife and grandma were beaten. Now in the hospital Haven't woken up yet."


Mo Huaiyu was so frightened that his hands trembled, he almost didn't even hold his cigarette, "Who is so insane? Even the elderly and lesbians can do it?"

"Talk while you walk."



Xiao family.

Ever since Xiao Lin took someone to the hospital, Ye Wan has been anxious at home. She even wanted to go to her mother's house to ask her parents to find a way for her, but she couldn't leave.

Wheelchairs cannot walk on mountain roads.

I don't know what happened to Ye Long and Ye Hu?If they have any troubles, then the Ye family will never be seen again, and parents will never give up with me!

She was very flustered, sitting in a wheelchair and walking around in the yard, trying to find no one to make up her mind.

Fortunately, not long after, the door of the Xiao family was pushed open from the outside.

Ye Wan showed a surprised expression, "Anzi?"

It wasn't Xiao Lin who came in, but two unfamiliar comrades from Public Security.They walked up to Ye Wan and showed the arrest papers.

"Comrade Ye Wan? Now someone is accusing you of colluding with robbers to break into the house, murder and rob. Please come with us and cooperate with the investigation."

Ye Wan:? ? ?
Ye Wan was at a loss, not understanding what happened.

"What are you talking about? Colluding with robbers? Who can I collude with as a person with limited mobility? Are you making a mistake? Are you making a mistake?"

No matter what she said, the police were unmoved.

Holding one of the wheelchairs, they carried Ye Wan away from Xiao's house.

At the same time, Xiao Lin brought Mo Huaiyu and several police officers to Yejia Village, which was tens of kilometers away from Zhaojia Village.

On the first day of the first lunar month, the police came to the door, which was not a good thing for the villagers.The Ye family was stunned when they saw the police, but after seeing Xiao Lin, they smiled again.


Xiao Lin's eyelids twitched, "Comrade Public Security, this family is with the robbers, and they admitted that this family ordered them to go to my house to rob and kill people."

Young and old of the Ye family:? ? ?
Robbery and murder?
How is this going?

And what robbers Xiao Lin said, how could they not understand?
Old man Ye thought he was very knowledgeable and old, and the police would give him some face. He stood up and said, "Anzi, what nonsense are you talking about? Is there a grandson who says that about his own family?"

Xiao Lin scoffed.

None of these bastards in the Ye family were worthy of him talking to them.

"Comrade Public Security, they not only ordered the robbers to rob and kill my house today. They also stole my retirement allowance from my house a year ago, and made my father who was seriously ill die because he had no money for treatment. Everyone in this family Mastermind, their hands are covered with my father's blood."

Xiao Lin didn't know about this at the beginning.

He really thought that his dad had spent all the money he sent back and still couldn't save it.

It's true, who would have thought that his mother would secretly take the money that saved his father's life back to her mother's family to subsidize her mother's family?

Although Ye Wan said later, the old man and old lady of the Ye family said that they had medicine that could cure Xiao Lin's father, so she would give them Xiao Lin's retirement allowance.

But what does this mean?
This can only mean that Ye Wan is so stupid that she can't help herself, and the Ye family has grown from old to young.

"I don't know if you are taking my dad's life-saving money, how are you doing these days?"

Xiao Lin asked with a sneer, looking at Old Man Ye and Mrs. Ye.

Old Man Ye was at a loss for words.

Old lady Ye opened her mouth in a hurry and wanted to scold, Xiao Lin saw this, quickly grabbed a piece of rotten rag and stuffed it in Old lady Ye's mouth.

"Save your energy, you'll have to cry for your two grandsons in a while!"

After Xiao Lin finished speaking, she smiled contemptuously, turned around and left Ye's house.

The young and old of the Ye family were shocked by what Xiao Lin just said, he... what does he mean?
What does it mean to cry for two grandchildren?What happened to Xiaolong and Xiaohu?

The Ye family was in a state of confusion, these are the only two males in their family, if something happened to them, wouldn't the Ye family's incense be cut off?

Mrs. Ye, Mrs. Ye was so anxious that she passed out.

But even so, he couldn't avoid being taken away by the police.

Mo Huaiyu asked the rest of the Ye family to carry the fainted old man and old lady on their backs, and they left Ye family village together for the Public Security Bureau.

They can't do it if they don't want to, Mo Huaiyu came with a gun.

The Ye family could only be forced to leave home.

Many people in Yejia Village pointed at their family, saying that they had done too many bad things, and they finally got retribution.

If Granny Ye had jumped up and scolded the villagers a long time ago, but now she fainted on her son's shoulders, she could only be laughed at for no reason.

Not long after Ye Wan was imprisoned, the door of the cell next to her was opened, and the Ye family was locked in neatly.

The Ye family who wanted to find Ye Wan to find a solution:?
"Xiao Wan, why were you locked in?"

Old man Ye, who had been in a coma all the way, finally woke up when he entered the police station. He saw the only hope and immediately opened his mouth to ask.

Ye Wan numbly shook her head, "I don't know."

Mrs. Ye rushed to the side and said, "What other reason is there? It's Xiao Lin's white-eyed wolf who turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, even his own mother. What else is there to guess?"

"I said you are a stupid girl. You didn't listen to me when I told you to give that bastard Xiao Lin to me to help you raise him. He broke his heart with us and didn't even kiss you. You can't even enjoy the blessings."

"What's the use of keeping such a son? It's better to drown in the urine bucket after birth."

(End of this chapter)

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