Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 225 The Daughter of the Angry Man

Chapter 225 The Daughter of the Angry Man

The corner of Wu Ningxuan's mouth twitched.

If it wasn't for his precious girl, he would definitely raise his hand and slap her to wake up the water in her head.


"As the father of a rich man in the future, do you want to support me financially?" Wu Shishi had a cheeky face, and spoke first when Wu Ningxuan was speaking.

Wu Ningxuan didn't want to support her, and even wanted to beat her up.

People say that knowing a son is more like a father, this sentence in Wu Shishi's case has become a knowing father than a daughter.No, when she saw her father's indescribable expression, she knew that her father must be unhappy, and he was thinking of a way to beat her up!
Wu Shishi quickly jumped to the side, and said 'warning' with a vigilant face, "Okay, Dad, you want to hit me again, right? I'm going back to call my mother and tell her that you will hit me while she is out."

"Grandpa, uncle, my brother, and thousands of passengers at the train station can all testify."

Wu Ningxuan: ...

If he hadn't personally accompanied his daughter-in-law into the delivery room and guarded the stinky girl she gave birth to, he would never have believed that this was Wu Ningxuan's daughter.

He is a serious university professor, and his wife is also a civil servant engaged in diplomatic work. How could there be a girl like Wu Shishi who is as wild as a monkey?

He couldn't figure it out.

I didn't dare to ask my wife if there was any other reason, so as not to be able to enter the room to sleep.

"Look, look, you're suffocating again, aren't you? Grandpa, look at my dad!" Wu Shishi is not very good at reading, but her brain is spinning very fast, and her tongue is also very sharp.

She turned her head and complained to Mr. Wu.

Mr. Wu glared at his eldest son, "How old are you, and you still flirt with Shishi? Do you think you are very powerful?"

Wu Ningxuan: ...

There is a grievance in my heart, I don't know whether to say it or not!

Just looking at her daughter's face of being a villain, Wu Ningxuan sighed, maybe this sentence should not be said.

"Tell me, how much do you want?"

He compromised.

Wu Shishi jumped up with a cry, "Okay, Dad, you actually hid your private money? I'm going back and telling my mom, and I'll call her right away."

Wu Ningxuan's heart skipped a beat.

It's over, I accidentally revealed my secret.

Looking at Wu Shishi's appearance of catching him, Wu Ningxuan, who was born and bred in Beijing, also realized a cross-age word at this moment.

Cheating, his daughter is definitely a big cheating.

Although this word is a bit awkward and not logical, but as the name suggests, it is a child who cheated his father.Wu Ningxuan felt that it could not be more suitable to describe his daughter.

"Dad, tell me honestly how much money you have from your private house? I promise not to report to my mother, I swear." Wu Shishi blinked and blinked, with so many evil ideas.

Wu Ningxuan asked back: "How much benefit do I need to give you?"

"Just give a little bit!" Wu Shishi smiled sweetly, and gestured with her fingers, "It's really just a little bit."

Wu Ningxuan snorted, "Don't even think about it. I was wrong for stealing money from my house, but I will take the initiative to admit my mistake to my wife, so I don't need you, a black-hearted girl, as an intermediary."

"Ah, don't be like this, old man Wu, you can give me a hundred hush money for a discussion."



"no way."

A group of people walked out of the train station amidst the bickering between the father and daughter.

South City.

Su Yun prepared enough ingredients for a thousand roast ducks in one go.From noon to afternoon, she almost couldn't lift her hands.The old lady Xiao and Xiao Lin looked very distressed, and of course Xiao Lin cooked the dinner tonight.

Not only did he cook, he even wanted to feed Su Yun.

Su Yun was amused by his exaggerated behavior.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to feed her, but she can let him do such tasks as washing dishes, fetching water for a bath, and pinching her sore arms.

After taking a bath, Su Yun was lying on the bed and was drowsy. Xiao Lin pinched her shoulders with a pair of big hands. The strength was neither light nor heavy. It was so comfortable that people wanted to fall asleep.

And Xiao Lin was also very honest, unlike his usual style.

Su Yun yawned, opened her eyelids with difficulty, and finally closed them.

Xiao Lin made sure he was fast asleep, so he got out of bed lightly and went to the bathroom, and poured cold water to put out the fire.

The next morning, Su Yun, who slept very comfortably, woke up early, but Mrs. Xiao woke up earlier than her, which surprised Su Yun very much.

"Grandma, why do you get up so early?"

Mrs. Xiao sighed, "When I get old, I feel less sleepy, and I will wake up by then."

"Huh? Don't wake up so early in the future. It's cold. Sleeping a little longer is good for your health." Su Yun really thinks that sleep is good for her health.

Isn't beauty sleep still popular in later generations?Although she doesn't know what beauty sleep is, as the name suggests, people will become more beautiful if they sleep more?
"Besides, you have nothing to do when you get up early, right? You might as well sleep a little longer!"

"I'll make breakfast for you," the old lady said.

Su Yun definitely didn't want the old man to cook breakfast. The old man has worked hard all his life, so there is no reason for her to keep busy for them at such an old age.

But Su Yun was afraid that not letting the old man do anything would make her even more bored.She could only think for a while and said, "Then how about this, grandma, can you get up at seven o'clock in the future? Under normal circumstances, Brother Lin doesn't go out until eight o'clock. It's just right for you to get up at seven o'clock to make breakfast."

It was too early to wake up at six o'clock like today.It was still dark outside.

The old lady agreed.

Su Yun happily followed her grandma into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Xiao Lin left very early today, so it was only the two of them who had breakfast, and it was enough to make something simple.

After breakfast, she asked the old lady if she wanted to go to the store with her?The shop over there is close, so she can just ride her bicycle and drive her there.

"I heard that your aunt Li also works for you in the store?"

Mrs. Xiao asked.

Su Yun nodded, "Well, my aunt is working in our store. She works very quickly and has a good personality. I plan to promote her to be the store manager after observing for a while."

Years ago, she could still stay in the shop every day, but after the next year, she won't have so much time.

It is to let the employees look at the store.

Moreover, her ideal is not in a few small shops.

The old lady Xiao nodded, she did not participate in any other opinions on Su Yun's explanation.She just wanted to make sure that Mrs. Li was working in her shop.

"I don't need you to drive me. I'll walk with you, Mrs. Li, and we can still talk on the way."

"Grandma, although it's close, it will take more than ten minutes to walk there."

Mrs. Xiao waved her hand, "What is that? Walking won't bother me."

"Okay, then I'll go there on my bicycle, grandma, you and Aunt Li, come slowly."

"Well, if you have something to do, go and do it, don't worry about me."

"it is good."

Su Yun is indeed very busy today, since the old lady said so, she didn't stay any longer.Pushed the bicycle out the door, greeted the old lady and left first.

Xiao Lin is also very busy here, because he is determined to go to Xiangjiang in person, so there are many things to be arranged in advance before he can travel.

As soon as he arrived at the office, he started his work. Not long after, around nine o'clock, the phone on the desk rang.

Xiao Lin glanced at the incoming call, it was the number from the capital, and he picked up the receiver.


"Hello, is Comrade Xiao Lin here?" A beautiful female voice came from the other end of the phone.

Xiao Lin frowned invisibly, "I am, who are you?"

"Oh, that's you? Hello, my name is Wu Shishi, and I'm Song Yinyin's cousin."

It turned out that Song Yinyin's relatives called.

Xiao Lin hummed lightly, staring at the notebook in front of her all the time, and the hand that was writing didn't stop.

"What's the matter?"

A businesslike tone.

Wu Shishi on the other end of the phone didn't feel that she was treated indifferently, she said in a 'serious' tone, "Comrade Xiao, can you ask Sister Su Yun to call me? I have business and want to talk to her."

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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