Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 229: A Smart Beijing Agent

Chapter 229: A Smart Beijing Agent
It has to be said that Wu Shishi's business mind is really very flexible.

She was so keen to grasp the business opportunity that there was no beef jerky made by Su Yun in the capital, and thus contacted Su Yun.

It can be seen that Wu Shishi must be a successful businessman in business in the future.

Su Yun originally wanted to expand the market, and of course she would not refuse Wu Shishi's offer.But the premise is that she has to understand Wu Shishi's situation, and she can't affect her life because of selling beef jerky.

Wu Shishi waved her hands indifferently, "Hey, it's okay, I'm preparing for the college entrance examination now, and my family doesn't care about me."

Su Yun: ...

Still a high school student.

"How about you finish the college entrance examination?"

"No, no, the college entrance examination is still a few months away. What if someone finds you and sells beef jerky here first? No, you can't delay the business opportunity."

At a young age, I know that business opportunities cannot be delayed.

Su Yun was a little dumbfounded, and at the same time felt that Song Yinyin's cousin must have lived in a very privileged family in order to have such a cheerful personality.

Just like Song Yinyin.

Children who grow up in such a family are really enviable.

"Well, how about you sell it on weekends or holidays? Without affecting your studies?"

"No problem. Sister Su Yun, please give me an account number. I will transfer the money to your account first, and you will send me fifty catties of beef jerky."

When Wu Shishi opened her mouth, she weighed fifty catties.

"Fifty catties? Is it too much?"

"Don't worry, fifty catties is just a small amount. As for my classmates, fifty catties is not enough for them."

Wu Shishi promises.

Su Yun nodded, and at the same time, she was also thinking that it really deserves to be the capital. In the era when ordinary workers paid 40 yuan a month for three, students in Beijing could have pocket money of a few yuan or even ten yuan.

It's better to go to the capital to do business better!
After discussing the details with Wu Shishi, Su Yun hung up the phone, looked up at the sky in Nancheng and took a deep breath.

She can't become a fat person with one bite, as long as she works hard to use Nancheng as her base, she will definitely have her own place in the capital in the future!

Come on!

After cheering herself up, she stepped on her bicycle and headed to the department store to buy groceries.

The current department store business is not as good as before, and it is much worse than when Su Yun came here years ago.Self-employed businesses are springing up like mushrooms after rain, and department stores may completely lose their foothold if they do not reform.

No, Su Yun is the only customer in the department store at this time besides the salesperson.

Its desolation can be seen.

Su Yun walked to the butcher's stall, planning to buy some pork ribs and pork belly, butcher Zhang saw her smiling, "What will Xiao Su buy today?"

She pointed to the spare ribs and pork belly that were left a lot, "Master Zhang cut three catties of each for me."


Master Zhang raised the knife and put the cut meat on the scale. Three catties was not too much, not too little.

This method is absolutely impossible.

Su Yun was amazed.

Master Zhang smiled and said, "I've been a craftsman for decades. If you don't have this ability, then don't eat this bowl of rice!" After finishing speaking, his expression darkened, and he sighed, "Hey, even if you have craftsmanship, you may not be able to eat this bowl of rice. gone."

Su Yun became interested, "What's wrong, Master Zhang?"

Master Zhang sighed, "I just came to work today and the manager informed me that the department store has been contracted by a private owner, and we will be laid off soon."

Now all companies are undergoing transformation. Many friends around Master Zhang have been laid off or had their salaries reduced because of the transformation of the enterprise.

There is no way, there are too many people looking for a job, you dislike the low salary, if you don’t do it, there will be a group of people waiting to come up to grab your position...

"Life is hard!"

Master Zhang sighed, put the meat Su Yun asked for in an oiled paper bag, tied it with a rope and handed it to Su Yun.

Su Yun thanked her.

She took the things, thought for a while, and opened her mouth in a low voice.

"Master Zhang, if you really don't plan to do it here in the future, you can find me at No. 18, Tianshui Hutong, and I invite you."

"What?" Master Zhang's voice suddenly increased.

Attracting the attention of a sleepy salesperson, he immediately lowered his voice.

"Xiao Su, what do you mean by that?"

"Let's talk to me when you have time?"

"it is good."

Master Zhang was very happy, the joy visible to the naked eye hung on his face.He was only worried about the upcoming layoff and unemployment at the last moment, but he didn't expect a surprise in the next second.

Although I don't know what Su Yun wants to ask him to do and how much he will pay him.But it was better to have a job than not to have one, and he was happy to think of it.

After sending Su Yun away happily, Master Zhang felt that the meat in front of him became pleasing to the eye.

The unknowing salesperson glanced at Master Zhang, and snorted, "You're going to be laid off and still giggling? No wonder you've been a butcher all your life!"

We are about to be laid off, and everyone has accumulated dissatisfaction in their hearts. It is normal to have some opinions.Master Zhang ignored them, or rather, he didn't want to bother with these people at all.

He lives his life behind closed doors, and he will not affect his life because of other people's few words.


Su Yun carried the meat and vegetables back home and went into the kitchen.

For dinner, she plans to cook braised radish with braised pork and sweet and sour pork ribs.Fry another small green vegetable.Soak the dried plums brought from my hometown the day before yesterday and use them to cook soup.

There are meat and vegetables, and the portions are quite large, enough for them to eat.

At around six o'clock, Xiao Lin and the others returned home.Before entering the door, Su Yun in the kitchen heard Song Yinyin's cry from outside.

"Wuuuuu Xiaoyun, I'm about to starve to death, is the meal ready?"

The exaggerated tone made Su Yun think that Song Yinyin was treated harshly by the Song family.

Granny Xiao heard the voice and went out.

Song Yinyin has already arrived in the yard.She handed the big and small bags in her hand to Old Madam Xiao, "Grandma, please take the presents for you and auntie yourself, I'm about to starve to death, I'm going to eat meat."

She rushed into the kitchen in a hurry.

"Xiao Yun..."

Song Yinyin rushed in and embraced Su Yun, "I miss you so much."

Facing such an enthusiastic Song Yinyin, Su Yun really couldn't stand it!She glanced at the braised pork on one side, trying to distract Song Yinyin's attention and save herself from her 'claw'.

"Aren't you hungry? I cooked braised pork."

"Ah, I'm so hungry. I'll eat meat for a while before I tell you what a brutal life I've lived these past few months."

"Well, do you miss our elder brother too much?" Su Yun joked with a smile.

Song Yinyin just picked up a piece of braised pork and wanted to feed it to her mouth. When she heard Su Yun's words, her hands trembled, and the meat on the chopsticks fell back into the bowl with a clatter.

She turned her head and looked at Su Yun in disbelief, "Xiao Yun, why do you think so?"

"How do you think men are more attractive to me than food? What gave you such an illusion?"

"In my heart, it must be Xiaoyun that your food ranks first."

Li Wei, who just came in, clearly heard Song Yinyin's voice from the kitchen.

He giggled.

Xiao Lin glanced at Li Wei, he must have been froze by the snow in the capital, right?Listening to the object say that he is in the queue for eating, he can still laugh?


Li Wei didn't know that he was being slandered by Xiao Lin, so he happily walked into the house,
Don't say Dr. Song is hungry, even he is hungry.

Xiao Lin: ...

Confirmed, they are a couple who only know how to eat.

 The third watch is over, catch the bugs later.

  Thank you Chenchen, I wish you two lovely rewards, thank you.

  Also, thank you to everyone who voted for Wenwen monthly and recommended votes.thank you all.

  Your support is the motivation for me to write, and I will continue to work hard!I also hope that all the babies can continue to support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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