Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 242 The rich and powerful, unable to look directly

Chapter 242 The rich and powerful, unable to look directly

Su Yun glanced out the window, wiped her hands and walked out.

The light projected from the house illuminated the open space outside, and Su Yun saw three people walking towards her.

When I got home from get off work, I didn't see anyone, so Xiao Lin came to pick him up.And Song Yinyin and his wife, who heard that Su Yun was working overtime in the factory, were curious and pestered Li Wei to come over to play.

Song Yinyin saw the unpacked beef jerky left on the table from the door, grabbed Su Yun's arm and told her not to pack it, she wanted all the rest.

Su Yun looked at the beef jerky, which was nearly ten catties, and the corner of her mouth twitched, "Why do you want so much? Too much will expire."

"No, my dad and brother like to eat the jerky you made. When Li Wei and I came to Nancheng, my dad still wanted to live in Nancheng with me! I know he doesn't want me, he just doesn't want you made jerky."

"For the sake of him being my father, I'll send him ten catties with reluctance!"

Song Yinyin was reluctant, and it was really reluctant.

Su Yun was a little worried that Wu Shishi had already asked for [-] catties of beef jerky, whether Song Yinyin's father would ask Wu Shishi for it.Unexpectedly, Song Yinyin waved her hand and spoke indifferently.

"That girl Shishi's classmates are more gluttonous than me, fifty catties of jerky is not enough for them."

"Is it that exaggerated?"

Su Yun couldn't believe it.

Song Yinyin nodded her head vigorously, "Yes, Xiaoyun, you really should go to the capital to have a look. Your products must be very popular in the capital, and the supply exceeds demand."

"It's not that exaggerated!" Su Yun smiled shyly.

However, Song Yinyin's words strengthened her determination to expand the business as soon as possible.

Song Yinyin had to take away ten catties of dried meat, Su Yun packed another fifty catties for Wu Shishi and sent them to the capital, and then took some of the rest to sell in her two shops, and He Wanmin also shared some Go to the store in Beicheng to sell it.

After dividing the things, Su Yun was free.

It was also the weekend at this time, and it was the day when Song Yinyin and Li Wei had a wedding banquet.

Her shop closed early that day, and everyone went to help Song Yinyin and Li Wei hold the wedding banquet together.

Li Wei is a native of Nancheng. Although he used to be a fool, he still has some relatives in his family, so they set up five tables for the wedding banquet this time.

At this time, five tables are not too small.

Originally, Song Yinyin wanted Su Yun to be a bridesmaid, but Su Yun was already married, so she refused.She wanted to find an unmarried girl for Song Yinyin, but Song Yin waved her hand indifferently.

"It doesn't matter, I have slept anyway..."

Su Yun quickly covered Song Yinyin's mouth.

He looked out nervously.

"I said big sister, you can keep a low profile, can you say this?" Seeing that no one noticed, Su Yun put down her hand and glared at Song Yinyin with some resentment.

"Aren't you afraid of being listened to program you?"

"Arrange what?"

Song Yinyin didn't understand that this was a fact, so what could be arranged?
She blinked, leaned in front of Su Yun and spoke mysteriously.

"Why are you so nervous? Don't say that you and your elder brother Xiao are just chatting under the quilt at night? Last time grandma said that Xiao Lin couldn't conceive a child. Could it be that he can't do it?"

Su Yun has black lines all over her head, what is it all about?How could anyone like Song Yinyin, a big girl, dare to discuss this kind of private affairs in broad daylight?And why did grandma decide that brother Lin is no good?

She blushed slightly and glared at Song Yinyin, "Be serious, you are a bride today."

"Oh no, it has nothing to do with whether I'm a bride or not. Tell me, and I'll analyze it for you?"

Song Yinyin became interested and assumed the attitude of a good teacher who wants to teach students.

Su Yun couldn't laugh or cry.

"Analyze what?"

"Just tell me about your specific situation? Let me give you professional advice from a doctor's professional point of view?"

"No thanks, don't bother Dr. Song."

It's not that Su Yun is bragging, she can guarantee that as long as she utters a word, Song Yinyin will never 'let it go'.And although she said that she had been married for several months, she still couldn't discuss it so calmly like Song Yinyin.

She always feels shy.

Song Yinyin snorted, very disappointed.

Just when Su Yun thought this topic was over, Song Yinyin grabbed her arm again.

"If you don't tell me, I'll tell you."

"Say? Say what?" She opened her almond eyes slightly, looking extremely innocent.

Song Yinyin couldn't help pinching her cheek, and sighed.

"So young, if I were Xiao Lin, I would die of happiness!"

Su Yun's face flushed, and she turned aside and looked at Song Yinyin angrily, "What are you doing? Can you be a bride if you are dignified?"

"What's the use of dignity? Can dignity be eaten?" Song Yinyin waved her hand indifferently, then pulled Su Yun who wanted to escape from her, and whispered the 'secret' in her ear.

"Let me tell you, when you are like this at night..."

Su Yun blushed so much that she was about to explode. She really couldn't believe that what Song Yinyin said came from a girl's mouth.Especially when she is so bold...

She felt that she couldn't look directly at Song Yinyin.

Song Yinyin didn't realize it.

She patted Su Yun on the shoulder, "You know how to ride a horse? Have you ever seen someone ride a horse before?"

Su Yun covered her ears and ran away.

If she stays any longer, she will definitely find something to cover Song Yinyin's mouth. In order to avoid such a thing from happening, she should sneak outside to get some air!
Su Yun came to the corridor on the second floor.

She wanted to go to the public restroom to wash her face. When she turned the corner, she saw Zhao Meiyu's back not far away. She thought Zhao Meiyu was alone, and just as she raised her hand to say hello, she saw a hand resting on Zhao Meiyu's back. shoulders.

He hugged Zhao Meiyu into his arms.

Su Yun's raised hand immediately covered her mouth.

She shouldn't be here, and she shouldn't be in the room.

Where should she be then?
The dazed Su Yun turned around and slammed into the firm embrace.

Looking up and seeing Xiao Lin's familiar and doting eyes, she suddenly realized, oh, maybe she should be in Xiao Lin's arms?
"What happened to the daughter-in-law?"

Today, when Li Wei served wine, there were some things that Li Wei couldn't handle, so he entrusted Xiao Lin to help.He had just arranged the things at hand, thinking that he hadn't seen his wife for a while, so he went upstairs to look for her.

She just ran into his arms.

Su Yun looked at Xiao Lin's face, thought of what Song Yinyin said just now, and then unconsciously connected that picture with Xiao Lin and herself, and the temperature on her face that had finally subsided was quickly ignited again.

No, can't think.

Song Yinyin is poisonous.

She shook her head and withdrew from Xiao Lin's arms, turned around and walked downstairs, "I'm fine, I'll go see grandma, she doesn't know if she's used to it or not?"

The back view of her running away made Xiao Lin even more curious about what happened.

Looking at her expression, he vaguely guessed a general idea, and more specifically, he could only ask after coaxing his daughter-in-law to lose her mind at night.

Perhaps, it was a pleasant surprise?
The corners of Xiao Lin's lips curled into a shallow arc, and she also turned around and went downstairs.

"Daughter-in-law, slow down and watch out for the stairs."

 here we come

(End of this chapter)

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