Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 246 No one taught Su Yun the experience of being a daughter-in-law

Chapter 246 No one taught Su Yun the experience of being a daughter-in-law

"Hey, yes, our village public has a phone."

The old man Qin left the phone number of the village department to Su Yun, and then returned home in a good mood.

The employees in the store, Koizumi and Xiaoshan, cleaned up the rabbits and cut them open. Su Yun smeared ingredients on them. Because it was an experiment, she put different ingredients on the two rabbits. She wanted to see if the spicy one was more delicious. It still tastes better.

Marinate the rabbit meat for about 10 minutes before putting them in the oven.

Aunt Li asked from the side, "Xiao Su, do we want to sell rabbits in our store?"

Su Yun hummed, "Try first. Rabbits are easier to raise than cows. Let's try to see if I can make them."

Aunt Li cheered, "Xiao Su, there is nothing bad to make with your hands."

"Auntie, don't praise me, I also have some bad ones." It's the first time she cooks this kind of rabbit meat, so she is really not sure how it will taste.

However, my grandfather told her before that to make good food, the formula, raw materials, and heat of the ingredients are all important.

Although these made by Su Yun belong to instant jerky, in addition to the fact that the ingredients must be fresh, the ingredients are just as important as the heat.

Rabbit meat weighing two to three catties is very thin. When it is baked in the oven, in order to prevent it from being burnt, it must be rotated continuously so that the whole rabbit body is heated evenly.

Su Yun asked Koizumi to bring her a stool, stood on the stool, and roasted the rabbit for the first time.

It didn't take long for the scent of the rabbit to waft out. The special ingredients made the fresh ingredients taste more tender. Just smelling that scent can already make people move their index fingers.

Su Yun saw that both sides were browned, and when she felt that it was almost done, she took them out of the oven and put them in a tray specially used for holding meat.

"Ma'am, find a knife and cut up the rabbit meat, let's taste it and see how it tastes?"

Aunt Li didn't expect Su Yun to let them eat, she quickly refused.

Even Koizumi and Koyama waved their hands together to refuse.

"Boss, you can save such a valuable thing and sell it to customers. We won't eat it."

"Yes, don't eat."

Although the two also felt that the roasted rabbit meat was yellow and fragrant, it would definitely be delicious.But they know how to control themselves, this is something the boss paid for, and they can't eat it.

Su Yun was overwhelmed by their politeness.

She jumped off the stool and went to the sink to wash her hands.Picking up a knife, she chopped off each of the two rabbits in half. After a few knives, she chopped the two halves of rabbit meat into pieces.

Neat yards in a sea bowl.

Although her knife skills are not as good as Master Zhang's, she is barely passable.

"Here, try it and see how it tastes."

Su Yun took the chopsticks and handed them to Koizumi Xiaoshan.

The two showed hesitation on their faces, and looked at Aunt Li who was uncertain.

Aunt Li is a transparent person, since Su Yun has chopped off the rabbit meat, it must be for them to eat.So she nodded and let the two of them have a good taste.

Su Yun also wanted to try it.

Aunt Li grabbed her hand, "Xiao Su, you can't eat."

Su Yun blinked, "What's wrong, ma'am?"

Xiao Shan and Koizumi also looked at Aunt Li together.

Aunt Li sighed, pulled Su Yun's arm aside and said in a low voice, "Have you been married to your eldest nephew for a few months, have you used contraception?"

Su Yun blushed slightly.

I don't know why the aunt suddenly asked this question?She was a little embarrassed.

Yes, without her answering Aunt Li, she knew it was gone.

"Well, since you are already planning to have children, then you can't eat this rabbit meat."


There are some things that are common sense to girls, but Su Yun doesn't know about them.Because other girls will have mothers or grandmas to teach them when they grow up, and impart some experience from those who have experienced it.

As for Su Yun's previous relationship with Li Cuifen, Li Cuifen just wished she didn't hate her to death, so how could he tell her about his experience as a daughter-in-law?
Aunt Li saw that Su Yun really didn't know, so she said earnestly, "For pregnant people, children born after eating rabbits tend to have three-petal lips, so you must not eat them." (This is a folk saying, There is no medical basis, please don't believe the little cuties who read the book.)
"Three-petal lips?" Su Yun was still a little confused, "What do you mean? Are they lips like rabbits?"

Mrs. Li slapped her leg with a slap, "What's the matter? So you must not eat it, you know? If you have a cub in your stomach, if you can't control your mouth, it will hurt him for the rest of his life."


Is it that serious?

Su Yun had never heard of it.

But she thought that since Aunt Li had said it, she would not eat it.

"Okay, then I won't eat."

"Well, that's right. You pack the two halves back and give them to Xiao Lin and Aunt Xiao to eat. You can't steal them." Although Aunt Li is Su Yun's employee, she really knows her experience in life. He is Su Yun's elder.

Su Yun snorted.

"Then auntie, go and eat it while it's hot, and tell me how it tastes when you're done eating it? If it's sold out, will someone buy it?"

"Okay, then you are not allowed to steal it."

Facing Aunt Li's so uneasy, Su Yun really couldn't laugh or cry.

"I did not eat."

Besides, she is not pregnant yet, Aunt Li is so nervous that she seems to be pregnant.But then again, is she going to the hospital too?

Why haven't I been pregnant with a child?
Su Yun made up her mind and decided to go to the hospital when she was free.

Right now, the rabbits she made have received unanimous praise from all three people in the shop except her.Su Yun asked Koizumi Xiaoshan to serve the remaining meat to the owners of other shops on the street to try it out.

Let them see if the rabbit meat they made is a success.

The two walked out the door with a groan.

After a while they came back with empty bowls in their hands.

"Boss, they all said it was delicious."

"Yes, the boss who sells ready-made clothes said that it would be better if it was a little spicy."

"Spicy ones are indeed more popular."

The two reported to Su Yun the feedback they received, and Su Yun nodded, "Spicy, this is exactly what she thought, so the spicy rabbit head can be arranged?"

She glanced at the watch on her wrist, it was almost five o'clock.Su Yun packed the remaining two halves of the rabbit and packed it home, intending to let Xiao Lin and the others taste it.

When I walked to the entrance of Tianshui Alley, I happened to meet Song Yinyin who was off work. She casually asked Song Yinyin if she wanted to come over for dinner?There is roast rabbit tonight.

When Song Yinyin heard about eating rabbits, she immediately cried out.

"Ah, Xiaoyun, how can you be so cruel? The rabbit is so cute, how can you eat it?"

Su Yun blinked.

Isn't rabbits raised for people to eat?What is that for?Let them go back to the forest and let them eat up the grass in the mountains and then harm the crops in the field?

She also saw in the white light that many people in future generations will keep pets, but that is also a pastime when the living conditions are better.Now their conditions are not as good as in the future, the primary goal is to have enough food and not be hungry, right?

Su Yun couldn't figure it out, she shook her head, "Then pretend I didn't say anything."

"taste good or not?"

Her voice and Song Yinyin's voice sounded in tandem.

Su Yun looked at Song Yinyin.

Song Yinyin touched the back of her head and smiled.

"Lovely things need to be put in the stomach to keep them longer."

 Second update, still ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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