Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 256 Li Jiabao's Evil Heart

Chapter 256 Li Jiabao's Evil Heart
"Come on, stop making excuses, you think your man is legal, no one will laugh at you." Song Yinyin patted her on the shoulder and smiled.

Su Yun pouted.

No matter how nice Song Yinyin said, she wouldn't believe her.Otherwise, she would definitely say it in front of Xiao Lin, saying that she would cry every night when she thought of him.

Then she will not live!
She is the boss of Yunji, she needs to save face.

Su Yun snorted twice, put down the bowl and went back to her room to read a book.

Granny Xiao's voice sounded behind her, "Xiaoyun, you don't want to eat? You only drank a bowl of chicken soup and you stopped eating?"

"Grandma, I ate it. I ate it with Meiyu and the others in the store."

She did come back after taking a few casual bites of dinner in the store.I don't know if it's because the weather is getting hotter. She feels that her appetite has been terrible recently.

Talking about this to Zhao Meiyu yesterday, Zhao Meiyu still wondered if she was pregnant?

Su Yun immediately vetoed it.

She said that her good friend had only left for half a month, but Zhao Meiyu didn't believe it, so she insisted on taking her to the hospital to have a look at her to be relieved.

Su Yun didn't really want to go to the hospital, mainly because it was too far away and time wasted.Zhao Meiyu couldn't hold her back, so she had to follow her to an old clinic near Jiefang Street to see Chinese medicine.

The person sitting in the hall was an old doctor. He took Su Yun's pulse and made sure that she was not pregnant.

By the way, Su Yun asked if there was something wrong with her body. The old Chinese doctor said that her cold was very severe. If she didn't take care of it, the chance of pregnancy would be almost zero.

Hearing the old doctor's words, Su Yun's heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, it was her problem.

Zhao Meiyu was furious at the side, "You must have gone to the mountains to look for Su Ying for frostbite when you were young. That bastard Su Ying asked you to search for her all over the mountains and plains, and ended up sleeping at home by yourself."

Zhao Meiyu couldn't help but want to curse when she thought of the grievances suffered by Su Yun in the past.

Even if Su Ying is dead, Zhao Meiyu still wants to scold her to death.

Su Yun pressed Zhao Meiyu's arm, "She has already received what she deserves, we won't talk about her anymore."

"Yes, talking about a short-lived ghost is really disappointing." Zhao Meiyu came back to her senses and asked the doctor how to deal with Su Yun's situation.

Yes, the doctor said treatment, but didn't say it couldn't be cured.

Su Yun can afford the price here, and let the old doctor decide according to her physical condition. It doesn't matter if the medicine can be better, she will definitely insist on taking it.

The old doctor gave her medicine for half a month and asked her to go see it after taking it.

Because Su Yun is mostly in the company and school, she puts the medicine prescribed by the doctor on Zhao Meiyu's side, and Zhao Meiyu helps cook it every day when she cooks.

She went to eat and drank medicine along the way.

It is convenient and does not waste time.

Not to mention, I don't know if it's a psychological effect or something. Su Yun just drank the medicine yesterday afternoon and today, and she felt that her body had changed a little.

She couldn't say anything about the specific changes, but it felt like she was more energetic and energetic?
Su Yun didn't know.

She shook her head and smiled, even the magic medicine is not so fast, she must be thinking too much.

Withdrawing her thoughts, she concentrated on the notebook in her hand and began to review it seriously.

In the Li family two houses away from theirs, Li Jiabao tossed and turned on the bed, unable to sleep.

In the past few days, he secretly looked at the Xiao family's wife from behind the door every day, seeing her more and more graceful figure, and her radiant white skin, his heart felt as if it was being bitten by ants, and it was extremely itchy.

He, Li Jiabao, is not bad in talent, why can't he find a beautiful wife?

Li Jiabao tossed and turned, unable to sleep, feeling uncomfortable.

He knew that Xiao Lin had gone out, only the old lady Xiao and Su Yun were left in the Xiao family, oh, there was also Li Wei's wife who moved in to live with them.The three women did not pose a threat to Li Jiabao.

The tricky thing now is the wolf cub of the Xiao family.

He wants to kill it in a way so that there is no potential safety hazard, so is he afraid that he won't be able to get Su Yun?
Li Jiabao thought about it, and planned to ask someone tomorrow if there was any colorless and odorless poison that could kill Xiao Hei.

Su Yun, who was studying hard and preparing for the college entrance examination, did not expect that there would be such a vicious person as Li Jiabao in the Li family next door to theirs.

In order to avoid going to bed early and thinking about things, Su Yun decided to start from tonight and review every night until eleven o'clock before going to bed.The lights of the surrounding residents had been turned off for a long time, but the lights in Su Yun's room were still on.

Dim light shines through the glass window, making it impossible to see the figure in the room clearly, but a vague outline who is studying hard at the desk.

Early the next morning, Su Yun got up on time to go to work again.

When I went out, I met Zhu Guihua in the alley, and she was still shouting at her voice that she was wrong.Seeing Su Yun as the real master, Zhu Guihua's slanted eyes drooped even more, as if it was Su Yun's fault that she got to where she is today.

Su Yun was a little funny.

But her time was precious, so she didn't stop to argue with Mrs. Li.

She passed by on her bicycle, ignoring Mrs. Li who was cursing behind her.The mouth grows on her body, and she can curse at will.

As long as you don't scold yourself in front of yourself.

Su Yun rode a bicycle and walked away.

Li Jiabao, who had never gotten up early before, opened the door and walked out. When he heard his mother, Mrs. Li, still cursing, he rolled his eyes and walked over.


Mrs. Li sighed, feeling very sorry for why her youngest son got up so early.

"Why do you get up so early? Don't you sleep for a while to nourish your body? Did your sister-in-law say something again?"

Zhu Guihua's eldest son and daughter-in-law are also unlucky. The couple have to raise not only two children, but also an old lady who makes trouble all day long, and a brother who is obviously good at hands and feet, but idles around and dares not do anything. .

This Li Jiabao is not young, he is in his twenties, he hangs around here and there all day long, and he makes friends with a group of people of all levels.

Nothing serious has been done.

Whenever Mrs. Li and Mrs. Li have a word of dissatisfaction, Mrs. Li can roll around at home, beating the floor mournfully, crying and complaining that Mrs. Li and Mrs. Li are not filial...

Very headache.

Relying on Mrs. Li's eccentricity, Li Jiabao became more and more unscrupulous.In the Li family, the elder brother and sister-in-law who went to work even had to live by his face.

But even so, the relationship between Li Jiabao and Mrs. Li was not very good.

In other words, on the surface, the mother is kind and filial, but in fact Li Jiabao has no heart to respect Mrs. Li at all.No, he saw Mrs. Li scolding Su Yun and the Xiao family for nothing, so he immediately walked over.

"Mother, my son thought of a way to help you vent your anger, do you want to hear it?"

"What way?" Mrs. Li asked.

Her resentment has been in her heart for a long time, but she has not been able to come out. Mrs. Li is in a hurry and has no good solution.

Now that her son said this, she immediately regained her spirits.

See, that's why she loves her younger son. The younger son knows how to give her advice.Unlike the boss couple, three sticks can't make a fart.

Li Jiabao glanced around mysteriously, then leaned into Old Madam Li's ear and said.

"Mom, we can't mess with their family, can't we mess with their dog?"

"It's not a big problem to die a beast or something?"

 The fourth watch is over, catch the bugs later.

  I hope that the little cuties who like Wenwen can comment and vote for more, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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