Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 269 Remarry if you don't listen to the chapter

Chapter 269

Isn't he afraid that his body will be overwhelmed?

Su Yun snorted and wiped away her tears with her hand.

"Tell me how this injury came about."

"Wife, do you really want to listen? It's not good to listen to it in the middle of the night, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep."

"Isn't it convenient for you not to be able to sleep?" Su Yun continued to stare at him.

Xiao Lin laughed dumbly.

"That's right, then I have to polish it up and try to make my daughter-in-law sleepless at night."


Su Yun pinched the soft flesh around his waist, Xiao Lin smiled and took her hand and kissed her on the lips, and then slowly told about the bandits who met Xu Baotou on the road.

When he spoke, his tone was very flat, so flat that he didn't seem to have met a group of bandits, but some people selling cabbage.

Su Yun couldn't calm down when she heard this. She didn't dare to imagine how dangerous this trip would be if Brother Rin was a little weaker, or a little less courageous.

She hugged Xiao Lin's waist tightly.

"Fortunately, you are fine. Brother Lin, you are not allowed to go in the future, and you will never be allowed to go again. It doesn't matter if you earn less money, and you are not allowed to go to such a dangerous place in the future."

"Well, not going, never going again."

There is no need for Xiao Lin to go in person in the future.Because all the checkpoints on that road have been cleared by them.In the future, as long as the truck of Ji'an Trading is attached, the journey from Nancheng to Xiangjiang is guaranteed to be smooth.

"What you said, if you dare to go out and run around again and encounter such danger again, then I will..." Su Yun puffed her cheeks and threatened, but she couldn't think of any very intimidating words for a long time.

She was reluctant to say words that were too harsh, but she couldn't get angry if she didn't say anything.

Her cheeks were puffed up like a pissed-off bunny.After thinking for a long time, he squeezed a few words out of his teeth, "If you dare to run around again, I will... I will remarry!"

Xiao Lin originally looked at her with a smile, but when he heard her words, he immediately frowned.


Looking down at her, there was a hint of danger in his tone.

It just so happened that Su Yun didn't eat the fine wine after toasting, so she snorted, "Yes, you didn't listen... um..." The typo couldn't be said.

But Su Yun knew that she was wrong.

If it is said that Xiao Lin still sympathized with her before, but after she said to remarry, good guy, this person is like a scourge that has been trapped for a long time, that is a ruthless one!

Su Yun wanted to cry but had no more tears.

The next day, she got up late again.

When I woke up, I looked at my watch, it was already 10:30 in the morning.

OK, don't go to work again today.

She slowly got up from the bed, and suddenly yelled, "Oops! I still have to go to school."

She thought that she was the boss and could be absent from work for a day, but she forgot that she was also a student.

"Damn Xiao Lin, I was hurt by you."

She put on her clothes and almost fell to the ground when she got out of bed.Fortunately, she supported the bed on one side, so she didn't fall to the ground.

Xiao Lin walked in from the outside, was shocked when he saw this, and immediately walked over and hugged him onto the bed.

"Daughter-in-law, are you okay? Did you fall somewhere?"

"I'm fine, but you might be." She stared at him, pulled him over and put the watch in front of his eyes, "Look, what time is it? It's time for early school, you know ?"

"What are you going to do?"

Her almond-shaped eyes widened, staring at him covetously.

As if he had said something inappropriate, she tore him right away.

Xiao Lin hugged her with a light smile, pretending to be pitiful, "Daughter-in-law, can you be considerate of your man who has been starving for months?"

"Is it because I don't understand you, or are you going to punish me to death?" She is not so easy to fool, and she will not be fooled by the big bad wolf in a pitiful coat.

Xiao Lin couldn't stop laughing, he forced his smile back, and continued to pretend to be pitiful, "Who made your daughter-in-law say you want to remarry?"

"So it's still my fault?"

"Um... not."

Strong desire to survive.

Su Yun snorted, looking extremely arrogant.

"Let me tell you, if you don't care about your own safety again, then I will not only remarry, but I will even take your money... well, if you have children in the future, I will take your money with you." The child and grandma remarried together."

"Let another man sleep with your wife and beat your child..."

"I was wrong about my daughter-in-law."

Xiao Lin apologized again and again, "Don't say such words that poke my heart, I will go crazy."

Thinking that other men might sleep with his wife, he wanted to kill someone.How could something like this be allowed to happen?Even if there is only one breath, it will not be allowed to happen.

Seeing that Xiao Lin was really nervous and uncomfortable, Su Yun groaned and softened her body, "Then you can't take your own safety seriously in the future."

"Well, I remember my daughter-in-law, I remember."

Xiao Lin made repeated promises here, so Su Yun gave up.

After getting out of bed and having breakfast, it was too late to go to school, so she simply went out with Xiao Lin to look for Wanshun in the free market.The rabbits in Qinjia Village will not be available for a while, and she still has an order of [-] rabbit meat, so she has to find a way, and she can't really refund all of them.

If it is a refund, she must not only refund the full amount but also compensate.

After the compensation is completed, the company does not have to open.

Xiao Lin pedaled her bicycle and drove her through the alley.

She was wearing the red dress that Xiao Lin brought back from Xiangjiang, with a pinched waist, which made her waist extraordinarily slender.

The skirt is matched with the same red woolen coat, black leather shoes, and a small black leather bag that Xiao Lin said is very popular with the wives in Xiangjiang.

In the early spring weather, it is not cold to wear like this.

Su Yun's complexion is the cleanest cool white among whites. Therefore, the whole red outfit not only did not make her complexion look dull, but on the contrary made her skin white and rosy, extremely delicate.

With a graceful figure, she sat sideways on the back seat, holding her bag on her lap with one hand, and wrapping her arms around Xiao Lin's waist, as she walked through the streets and alleys, attracting many people's attention.

Just seeing the tall and handsome man on the bicycle, those who looked sideways and had other thoughts, had to take their thoughts back.

This is what people call a real male talent and female appearance, and the famous flower has its own owner.

But having said that, a girl as beautiful as that flower can really only be worthy of a gay man riding a bicycle.

Su Yun didn't know what passers-by thought, she followed Xiao Lin to the free market with a smile on her face.

Wanshun's poultry shop has been expanded by one storey compared to years ago, and the storefront is much wider.On both sides of the wall, there are two rows of cages, which keep chickens and ducks respectively.

There are also many more shops in the free market than last year. Now it is lunch time, and many people are buying vegetables and meat in the free market, which is very lively.

Wan Shun is calling people ducks, and since delivering chickens and ducks to Su Yun, he has recruited two assistants in his shop.When he saw Su Yun, he immediately passed the duck in his hand to the guy beside him.

The man walked over quickly after washing his hands.

"Boss Su, Brother Xiao, why are you here?"

Su Yun glanced inside the store, there were two or three customers, and she wondered if Wanshun's staff would be able to come over.

"I have something I want to consult with Boss Wan."

"Then let's talk later."

(End of this chapter)

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