Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 295 There is barely a good news

Chapter 295 Barely Has Good News
"it is good."

Li Wei listened to Xiao Lin.He said he would never go west when he said he would go east.No, with one foot on the accelerator, the car jumped up and down on the bumpy road.Continue to drive on the mountain road, galloping all the way, with nowhere to go!
While Xiao Lin and the others were chasing wildly, the car Su Yun and the others were in broke down on the road.

The people in the car were ordered to get out of the car and stand on the side, and then the driver, A Guang and A Qiang, who were good at repairing cars, got under the car.

These two people have good skills, and they repaired the car in about half an hour.

The girls who had just been driven off for air were driven into the car again.

Su Yun stood under the shade of a big tree, looked at the group of girls with tied wrists, and frowned unconsciously.

But seeing those girls who were crying and had no intention of running away, Su Yun felt that it was very difficult.

It is really difficult for them to stand up and resist.

She sighed, and Ma Liang walked over from one side, and said to her, "We will leave in the next town."

Su Yun looked at Ma Liang, didn't speak, and didn't dare to ask random questions.

Ma Liang is a lunatic, she didn't know that what she said would hurt his nerves.But the news that she will leave in the next town is barely good news for her.

With Ma Liang alone, she has a much better chance.

As for the girls who were also kidnapped, she could only try her best to spread the news and let the police come to rescue them.

Either she didn't think about saving them, or she was too weak to save them.

"When the time comes, I will take you to a place that no one knows. Let's start again. Don't worry, I won't let anyone bully you this time. Whoever dares to bully you will kill her."

Maybe Ma Liang really has feelings for Su Yun?It's just that his feelings are very paranoid.Like what he said just now, it sounds normal at the front, but the latter part is something that can only be said by a completely insane person.

Someone bullied her and killed him?No matter how good a man treats you, he can't be trusted if he regards human life as worthless.

Su Yun reluctantly nodded.

A group of people got into the car and continued to move forward. From their conversation, Su Yun learned that the next place they were going to stay was called Hukou Town.

According to the current itinerary, it was already dark when we arrived at Hukou Town.

After Su Yun got into the car and sat down, she closed her eyes to recharge her energy. From yesterday to now, she has been on the road continuously, and she felt that her physical strength was about to be exhausted.

The whole person is listless and wants to sleep.

If she hadn't remembered that she was still in the wolf's den, she would have slept for days and nights without any scruples.

Her mental state was not very good, so Ma Liang thought it was the aftereffects of drinking the drug and riding in the car.Because of this misunderstanding, when the traffickers wanted to drug the girls later, Ma Liang stopped them.

He said that Su Yun's spirit was not good, and it wouldn't affect her if she didn't drink the medicine.

And he promised that Su Yun would not tell the story, and if Su Yun revealed their whereabouts to attract the police or something, he would personally wring Su Yun's neck.

With Ma Liang's guarantee (in fact, it was what he promised, the face of the wealth left to him by his brother Ma Guanghua), Wei Ge told his subordinates to follow Ma Liang's wishes.

Left and right Ma Liang is just one person, when they get the wealth they want, they will kill Ma Liang and get Su Yun to Xiangjiang to sell for a good price.

Now it's time to make them happy.

Wei Ge planned well, but Ma Liang also had his own plan.

At the next stop, he must leave.

As for Brother Wei, if he is allowed to go well, then everyone will be happy.If you don't let him go, then you will die, and he doesn't care.

Ma Liang, who has already had human life on his hands, will not think he has more to lose.

The vehicle continued to move forward, and the "preferential treatment" that Su Yun received without saying a word made Wu Xiaoli, who was sitting opposite her, very angry.In order not to be fed the sleeping pills, she begged Wu Yong and the other kidnappers for a long time, and then betrayed her personality to serve them, without dignity or anything like that.

In this way, she could barely avoid being given sleeping pills.

But why can Su Yun do it?How can you not eat anything?

Wu Xiaoli was indignant in her heart, staring at Su Yun with her eyes, her hatred was about to turn into substance.

But she could only stare blankly like this, because Ma Liang is not a vegetarian, and whenever Wu Xiaoli dared to say a bad word about Su Yun, Ma Liang would not hesitate to pull out the hatchet at her waist and chop him up.

Wu Xiaoli was afraid of Ma Liang, but she didn't want to be humiliated like this.

She was thinking of a way to avoid Ma Liang and kill Su Yun again.

Su Yun sensed Wu Xiaoli's malice, but she ignored it.To be honest, she is actually quite looking forward to Wu Xiaoli being able to do something demonic now, so maybe there is still a chance to escape while taking advantage of the chaos.

I just don't know if Wu Xiaoli has the ability to be a monster?
Su Yun closed her eyes, she wanted to take a nap, but she actually fell asleep.

After falling asleep, she had a dream. In the dream, she saw a dragon fighting with a big bird in the sky. They fought so fiercely that the world was darkened, the sun and the moon changed color. Su Yun didn't know why she dreamed of this, She wanted to walk forward and take a look, but suddenly a big tiger jumped out of nowhere and rushed towards her.

The big bird and the dragon that were fighting suddenly fell down together and hit her.


Su Yun woke up from her dream with a scream!When I opened my eyes, it was already dark around me.

The car was still staggering forward, and the scream she made made all the people in the car turn their attention to her.

Ma Liang asked, "What's going on?"

There was a little concern in his tone.But Su Yun didn't need it.

She shook her head with a pale face, said in a low voice that she had a nightmare, then continued to close her eyes, and put her hands on her belly unconsciously...

Su Yun thought that they would arrive at Hukou Town not long ago, but they continued walking for a while, and were blocked by someone one kilometer away from Hukou Town.

The car stops.

Wei Ge slowly opened his eyes.

In front of the car, a middle-aged man stared at the car with a slight smile on his face, "Brother Wei, right? I'll pick someone up."

Wei Ge narrowed his eyes, but the familiar voice made Su Yun and Ma Liang who were sitting in the back of the truck open their eyes together.Su Yun was shocked beyond measure.

Ma Liang didn't even remember to take care of Su Yun at the moment, he jumped out of the car and staggered forward.

By the light of the headlights, Ma Liang saw the familiar figure standing in front of the car, and tears flowed from Ma Liang's one eye.His brother is still alive, his brother is not dead.

"elder brother……"

Ma Guanghua was also very excited when he saw Ma Liang, but he was more calm than Ma Liang.He nodded slowly, staring at Wei Ge in the car.

Wei Ge, who had always had a gloomy face, showed a smile, opened the car door and jumped down.

"It turned out to be Director Ma of the Revolutionary Committee. I have admired him for a long time, and I have admired his name for a long time!"

 The update is complete, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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