Chapter 298
The masculine male voice pierced through the rainy night, and the traffickers who stayed by the car were taken aback. They never expected that someone would block them on this mountain road.Wei Ge stared at Ma Guanghua with those dark eyes.

The meaning is very obvious.

Ma Guanghua is such a bastard, how dare he plot against him!

Ma Guanghua still felt that Wei Ge had tricked him, so he also narrowed his eyes, which were full of murderous intent.

"Are you plotting against me?"

"Are you plotting against me?"

The two spoke in unison.

Wei Ge snorted, "I and them are mortal enemies, what am I planning to do with you? If you are full, take your own life?"

Ma Guanghua immediately replied, "Do you think I will cooperate with a group of people who make me a street rat?"

The two understood the meaning in each other's eyes. Since neither of them betrayed each other, as grasshoppers tied to a rope, they had to fight against each other and kill these police officers.

Hope not many people come.

As soon as the thoughts in their hearts fell, flashlights lit up around them, illuminating the mountain road on a rainy night.Around them, people were already standing around them at some point.

Wei Ge was taken aback, this time it was over, this time it really fell.

Not to mention the cargo on the car could not be kept, and even his life might be lost.

At the critical moment, Wei Ge also had the determination of a strong man to sever his wrist.He grabbed a companion beside him and pulled him in front of him, drew a gun from his waist and pressed it against his temple.

"Let me go, or I'll kill him."

Such a cruel person is inhumane.At the critical moment, his companion is the best person to block the bullet.

The man trembling with fright when Wei Ge put a gun to his temple, he thought that he might be arrested in the future, but he never thought that one day he would be used by the boss to block the gun. He raised his hand in fear, his body trembling constantly .

"Brother Wei...Brother Wei...We...we are brothers...Brother Wei..."

"You stand in front of me, we are brothers. If you want to play tricks, then I will kill you first."


The man's legs were so frightened that he almost fell to the ground.

Ma Guanghua on the side also followed suit, and also grabbed a person in front of him.He also held a small pistol in his hand at the same time. As he walked to the side, he asked Ma Liang to follow.

In the approaching team, Xiao Lin, Li Wei, and Mo Huaiyu heard Ma Guanghua's voice together.

"Ma Guanghua!"

"Ma Guanghua!"

Xiao Lin and Li Wei spoke together.

Ma Guanghua raised his head, and his eyes fell on the tall figure standing in the rain. He took a big mouthful, gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Lin, Li Wei, you two yellow-mouthed children, what kind of grudges do I have against you?" ? Let you harm me to such an extent?"

"If it weren't for you two bastards, I'm still the director of the Revolutionary Committee, so I would have to pretend to be dead and escape from the farm? You two bastards, you killed me!"

After seeing the enemy, Ma Guanghua was so excited that his hand holding the gun was shaking.

"However, I'm taking revenge now. If I can't kill you, Xiao Lin, it's the same if I kill your woman, hahahahahahaha!" It's this time, and Ma Guanghua still doesn't forget to provoke Xiao Lin.

Even if it is only a bad breath, it is very refreshing for him.

Sure enough, Ma Guanghua's words really stimulated Xiao Lin. When he heard that Su Yun might be in danger, his whole aura changed instantly, and his face was darker than this rainy day.

"What did you say?"

The cold voice seemed to have a sharp blade of ice.

"Say it again, what did you do to Xiaoyun?"

Unaware of the danger, Ma Guanghua laughed and said, "I killed her. Oh, do you want to know how she died? How can a woman die if she falls into the hands of a group of men? Of course, she was killed first. Ah ha ha……"

Before Ma Guanghua could finish laughing, Xiao Lin suddenly became violent, grabbed the pistol from Mo Huaiyu's hand and pulled the trigger.

"I am going to kill you."

The bullet pierced through the rain curtain, passed through the hostages in front of Ma Guanghua, passed through Ma Guanghua's Yintang, and then came out from the back of his head and pierced into a tree trunk on one side.Ma Guanghua, who was still laughing up to the sky a second ago, still maintained a smile on his face, but his body fell down straight.

It hit the muddy ground full of rainwater!
"elder brother!"

Ma Liang, who was only immersed in the great joy of seeing his brother not long ago, saw his brother who had just reunited not long ago being beaten to death with his own eyes. Ma Liang's seal was hit with one shot.

"Pfft..." With a sound, Ma Liang's legs gave way and his head fell to the ground. Blood kept pouring out of his mouth. Only one eye was left, and he stretched out his hand desperately.

Trying to climb to Ma Guanghua's side.

But in the end he died completely two meters away from Ma Guanghua.

Xiao Lin's perfect marksmanship really scared many people.The kidnappers, including Wei Ge, did not dare to challenge Xiao Lin's marksmanship.

Not to mention the human traffickers of the enemy, even the police behind Xiao Lin was frightened by Xiao Lin who is now like a murderous god.

Wei Ge raised his hand and spoke nervously.

"Don't be too impulsive...that...that...that lesbian who ran your wife...she didn't...not die, Ma Guanghua lied...a liar...she ran the mountains ..."

In the face of life and death, all the backbone and arrogance are not so important, the most important thing is to survive.

The cold aura on Xiao Lin who was about to run away slightly subsided, "Where?"

"Over there, she ran into the mountains over there, and she has been running all night."

Wei Ge replied with rolling his eyes.

He secretly planned to send away Xiao Lin, who was extremely accurate with marksmanship, and when the number of people decreased, the chance of him escaping would be much greater.Before the thoughts in his mind settled down, Xiao Lin moved his thumb again.

Two shots, each hitting Wei Ge's knees on both sides.

He knelt down with a puff, completely cutting off the possibility of him escaping.

Wei Ge's eyes were red with hatred.

Xiao Lin ignored him, handed the gun back to Mo Huaiyu, and took Xiao Hei to the woods.With such a heavy rain and such a dark night, Xiaoyun must be very scared by herself. He wants to find her as soon as possible, as soon as possible.

If it doesn't rain usually, it is very convenient to take Xiao Hei to find people in the mountains.But unfortunately, the heavy rain washed away all the breath.

It became very difficult for Xiao Hei to find Su Yun through the smell.

Knowing that Su Yun was in this mountain, Mo Huaiyu asked some people to help find someone, and he led the other people to the side of the car.Handcuffed all the traffickers who put down their weapons, uncovered the wooden boards disguised as carriages, and rescued all eighteen unconscious girls underneath.

Among these kidnapped people, several families had reported the case, and Mo Huaiyu had even received their family members.

Now that he was rescued, Mo Huaiyu breathed a sigh of relief.

The sky gradually brightened, and the mountains and forests were filled with the sound of birds chirping.Xiao Lin searched almost every inch of the mountain, but couldn't find Su Yun.

"young married woman…"

Galloping all the way, Xiao Lin who didn't drink a sip of water punched the tree trunk in front of him, his dry voice was so hoarse that he could hardly utter a sound.

"Where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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