Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 307 Of course it's the wife and the singer

Chapter 307 Of course it's the wife and the singer
Their families, relatives and friends are all in Nancheng.

The people I know are all here in Nancheng. Su Yun went to the capital to go to school, so far away, if something happens, it will be too far away!
Just like this time, Ma Liang took advantage of her and took her away under his nose. If she was further away...

Xiao Lin didn't dare to think about it.

He stretched out his arms and gently brought Su Yun into his arms.Put a kiss on her head.

The voice is low and hoarse.

"Daughter-in-law, I don't want to go through what happened before."

During the two days when Su Yun was kidnapped by Ma Liang, Xiao Lin didn't know how he survived.

He doesn't dare to think about it now, even if she is already in his arms, he still feels like a knife is piercing his heart when he thinks about what happened back then.

"young married woman……"

Xiao Lin's voice was low and hoarse, with suppressed pain in it.

Su Yun hugged Xiao Lin distressedly, "Brother Lin, I promise that what happened before will never happen again. Can you trust me?"

In fact, she is so determined to go to the capital. Apart from being admitted to the university there, there is another very important point.If Yunji wanted to expand, he had to break into the capital.

She has the ambition to establish a business empire, so it is absolutely impossible for her to be trapped in Nancheng and only do business in the south.

Xiao Lin also understands Su Yun's ambition.In other words, if Xiao Lin and his company want to expand, they can't avoid the huge population of the capital...

He thought for a while, and looked down at the girl in his arms who was looking up at him longingly.

She has lofty ambitions, a smart mind, and a poisonous vision for doing business. She really shouldn't be trapped in this small place!

Xiao Lin suddenly smiled, "Well, go."

"Let's go together."

Since the daughter-in-law wants to go to the capital, then he should go to the capital to create a world.

He is not capable enough at the moment, and he will be worried if he is afraid that she will be in danger!Then, he just works so hard that no one dares to think of her!

"Brother Xiao, you are so kind."

Su Yun hooked his neck, pressed a kiss on his lips, and then slipped out of his arms while Xiao Lin was stunned.

"Brother Lin, let's make a bet, let's see whose company does better in the capital?"

Her voice was cheerful, like a lark singing cheerfully on a tree branch.

Xiao Lin laughed dumbly.

The daughter-in-law of other people's family wants to be a little bird, but his daughter-in-law is better, and whose company is stronger than his company?
As a good man whose daughter-in-law can do whatever she wants, Xiao Lin of course agreed to her.

Now that the decision was made, Su Yun started to prepare.

Originally, she thought she could go to work right away, but Xiao Lin was worried, and Mrs. Xiao was also worried.Let her rest at home for another two days.

This rest is really a rest!Not doing anything, just opening his mouth and stretching out his hand, no matter what Xiao Lin wanted to do, he would do it for her.It can be said that except for going to the toilet and eating, which cannot be replaced, Xiao Lin has done everything else for her.

Su Yun: ...

If it weren't for her hands and feet, she would have suspected that she was a disabled person!
During the two days of her rest, some friends also came to visit her with gifts.Secretary He, Secretary Liu, and Mo Huaiyu all came over.

Secretary He and Secretary Liu were very busy, they sat down and chatted for a while and drank a cup of tea before leaving. Su Yun asked Xiao Lin to send them out.

Mo Huaiyu didn't leave, he stayed behind and had something to say to Su Yun.

He took out a list and handed it to Su Yun, which clearly recorded the girls they rescued from the gang of human traffickers this time.

The large number made Su Yun gasp!This...these crazy people have done so many unconscionable things!

Su Yun couldn't help holding each other tightly.

Compared with these unfortunate girls, she is really too lucky.

She was still able to escape from the hands of the traffickers, except for a shock and a fever, she did not suffer any other substantial injuries...

"Officer Mo, have all the missing girls returned to their families?"

After she asked this sentence, Mo Huaiyu's expression darkened obviously.

"What's the matter, Officer Mo, is there a problem? Are the parents and brothers of those murdered lesbians unwilling to accept them?"

Su Yun originally didn't want to judge others with malice.

But Mo Huaiyu's expression was too obvious, even if she didn't want to use malice to speculate on others.

Mo Huaiyu nodded.

He sighed and said, "Based on the confession, we found the trafficked lesbians. Except for those who were unwilling to come back, the rest of them..."

"What happened to them?"

Su Yun asked.

Mo Huaiyu looked at her, hesitant to speak.

"Officer Mo has something to say, it doesn't matter." Su Yun is impatient, and the most unbearable thing is hesitating.

Mo Huaiyu sighed heavily, "Sister-in-law, you must be prepared."


"They..." Mo Huaiyu sighed again, and only then did he tell the things that had kept him busy for the past few days.


"So many? Was it forced to death by family members or rumors in the village?"

Is what Mo Huaiyu just said true?

Su Yun really didn't dare to imagine.

Mo Huaiyu nodded silently.

Although the truth is cruel, it is the truth. Mo Huaiyu cannot deceive Su Yun, nor can he deceive himself.

Su Yun leaned back in frustration, "Didn't you make it clear to the villagers or their family members? They are also victims. Why did the family members and villagers not only not comfort them when the victim came back, but help them forget the past? "

"They also use rumors to hurt the victim. What is the difference between them and those executioners?"

She really couldn't figure out how the family members of those abducted girls could watch their miserable daughters commit suicide.

Is it really necessary to be so malicious to the victim?

Su Yun was indignant and felt sad for those abducted girls. At the same time, she looked down at the list in her hand and clenched her hands tightly.

"Officer Mo, can you gather all these girls on the list?"

It's fine if she doesn't know about it, but if she knows, there is absolutely no reason to do nothing.Although her current strength is not great, she also wants to do her part.

Mo Huaiyu looked at Su Yun suspiciously, "Sister-in-law, what is this?"

"Gather them together, and I'll go find Secretary He."

She had a bold idea in her heart, and she needed to discuss it with Secretary He.

She thought that since these people couldn't bear to hurt the lesbians who came back, there was no need for those lesbians to stay in such families.

She was about to go out, and Xiao Lin, who had just sent off Secretary He and the others, hurried over to greet her, "Wife, slow down, where are you going?"

Su Yun held Xiao Lin's arm instead.

"Brother Lin, have Secretary He and the others left? I have something to tell him."

"They just left, don't rush into the room and sit down, I'll chase Secretary He back." Xiao Lin didn't ask Su Yun what he wanted to do, in short, he unconditionally supported what Su Yun wanted to do.

Su Yun nodded, "Thank you, Brother Lin."

"Silly girl, what's so hard about this? You are my wife!" Xiao Lin raised her hand and rubbed her hair, then turned around and went to the shed, rolled out their bicycle and stepped out the door.

In about 10 minutes, Secretary He left and returned.

Su Yun had been waiting under the porch, and when Secretary He came back, she immediately walked over.

"Secretary He..."

 The update is complete, good night everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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