Chapter 336 Are You Amorous?
"What?" Wu Shishi was taken aback, unable to react.

On the contrary, Lu Zhenghuan's face turned red unconsciously. Fortunately, he was dark, so he couldn't tell much.Otherwise, there must be a big joke!

Su Yun snorted, she didn't care about this little girl like Wu Shishi.

After Xiao Lin cleaned up the things on the table, he went to wash the lunch box and came back.It's still early and it's not time to go to bed, so Wu Shishi suggested playing big cards.

Su Yun knew about big-character cards. Many old people in their village used to love to play.But she never played!

But right now, sitting in the car is boring, and she didn't fall asleep so quickly, so she obeyed Wu Shishi's suggestion and played cards together.

The so-called big-character cards are also a type of cards, and players need three cards to play.

There are four of them now, obviously one more.Originally, Lu Zhenghuan didn't plan to play, but asked Xiao Lin to play with them.But how could Xiao Lin become rivals with his wife?

Of course, he refused without thinking, and then sat next to Su Yun, euphemistically saying that the husband and wife count as one.

Wu Shishi has no objection to this.

Lu Zhenghuan could only obey the majority.

The playing of this big character card is not difficult, it is similar to the poker of later generations, except that the card is rectangular like a leaf, and the numbers on it are capitalized Chinese characters one two three four five six seven...

Su Yun didn't know how to do it at first, so she lost two games at the beginning.But I have to admit that Xiao Lin is a very good teacher. He taught Su Yun a bit, and Su Yun figured out the rules.

Soon she successfully won a game!

After she won one round, Su Yun seemed to be on the hook for the next few rounds, and she was able to win every round. In the end, Wu Shishi threw away the cards in her hand, and she was so angry that she almost pouted. I can hang the oil can.

Lu Zhenghuan was at a loss, not knowing how to comfort Wu Shishi.

"I don't play anymore."

Wu Shishi lost her temper, threw the cards on the table, and called Su Yun to go to the bathroom with her.

Su Yun just wanted to go for a walk after sitting for a long time, she nodded, and followed Wu Shishi to the toilet at the end of the carriage.Xiao Lin was worried about her, so he came out and sent her to the door of the toilet, then turned around and walked back.

Wu Shishi curled her lips, "I said before that Brother Xiao Lin is too clingy to you and is a big jealousy. Now it seems that a man like Brother Xiao Lin is a good man."

Su Yun washed her hands beside her, and it was a little funny to hear Wu Shishi's words.

"What's the matter? What happened that made you change your mind about my Brother Rin so much?"

"Hey, stop talking, I'm so mad."

Wu Shishi gritted her teeth with a wrinkled face, as if she was really angry.Su Yun couldn't help becoming curious, wondering what provoked Wu Shishi to be so angry.

"what happened?"

Wu Shishi sighed, she seemed a little embarrassed.But after thinking about it, I did my own ideological work. First, I looked here and there to make sure that no one was eavesdropping on them, and then I lowered my voice and said, "I just feel that I am being sentimental."


Pretentious?This hat is not small.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Tell me well?"

"Hey, it's that...that..."

Wu Shishi's eyes flickered, she glanced at the box where they were, and said as if she had made up her mind, "I just mistakenly thought that Comrade Lu liked me, but I found out that I was being passionate."

Fortunately, she was secretly proud of herself after learning this, and she, Wu Shishi, was also liked by someone.

It didn't take long for her to be happy, but she realized that she was thinking too much, and she felt very uncomfortable.

Especially uncomfortable.

That's when Su Yun was called to the bathroom, the purpose was to talk to Su Yun about this matter.Otherwise, if this matter has been stuffed in her heart, she won't be able to sleep well tonight.

Su Yun blinked, "What? What do you mean?"

She still doesn't get it!Why did Wu Shishi suddenly become enlightened, and suddenly feel that Lu Zhenghuan doesn't like her anymore?what happened?She doesn't understand.

Wu Shishi sighed, and said her reason in a low voice.

"It's like this. When we went to the dining car for dinner, didn't I say invite him to dinner? But he wouldn't let me pay anyway, saying he was rich."

Wu Shishi didn't know what she was thinking at the time, so she teased Lu Zhenghuan that men had money to spend with their partners, and they couldn't just spend it on other lesbians.

Lu Zhenghuan looked at her and answered two questions.

First, he has no object.

Second, he is willing to spend money for her.

Wu Shishi was not an idiot, but she didn't dare to think too much about Lu Zhenghuan's words.

She carefully recalled her time with Lu Zhenghuan these past few days, and found that she also had a good impression of him. Of course, this good impression was not because he was the cousin of the man she married with her fingertips, but because she was really attracted by his character and Impressed in every way.

At this moment, if Lu Zhenghuan said so seriously that he was willing to spend money for her, how could Wu Shishi not think about it?

She was thinking so many things that she couldn't eat well...

"So? How do you judge that he doesn't like you anymore?"

Wu Shishi's words were out of order, and Su Yun still didn't understand.

Wu Shishi let out a oops, and stomped her feet fiercely, "Sister Yun, how do you get along with brother Xiao Lin? Look at him again? If nothing else, just say that he didn't let me play cards just now. "

Su Yun: ...

An inexplicable smile came to her heart, and she tried very hard to control her smile, but sorry, she really couldn't control it.

" are too cute, right? Hahahahahaha..." Su Yun bent over laughing directly, no, it is really too funny.

Wu Shishi was dumbfounded by her laughter.

"Sister Yun..."

"Sorry, sorry, let me laugh first hahahaha..."

Wu Shishi: ...

Angry, but can't stop her!
Su Yun laughed for a long time before stopping, her waist was a little sore from laughing, she didn't dare to laugh too much for fear of hurting the baby in her stomach.

Enough laughing, she stopped, supported her waist, looked at Wu Shishi and said, "My sister Shishi, let's not talk about what Comrade Lu thinks about you, shall we? Let's just assume that you like each other now?"

"Who wants to like each other with him?"

Wu Shishi felt very depressed, she just felt embarrassed by her self-indulgence.Thinking about it now, her depression was really unreasonable.

Su Yun patted Wu Shishi's shoulder and continued, "Brother Lin and I, that's because we're married, we have a marriage certificate, and our relationship is protected by law, so he's allowed to be closer to me."

Lu Zhenghuan and Wu Shishi haven't even pierced the window paper in the middle, how dare Lu Zhenghuan be intimate with Wu Shishi?At this time, except for the bum who doesn't respect lesbians, who would dare to be intimate with a partner before marriage?

Not to mention that they are not objects yet!
Su Yun carefully analyzed it for Wu Shishi, Wu Shishi actually thought of it after calming down, she nodded embarrassedly.

"I see, Sister Yun, don't tell Comrade Lu."

It was she who was thinking about it.

"Huh? Let's not talk about what he thinks of you, I'll just ask you, do you like him?"

 Come on, it's a little late today, I'm really too busy, I just finished writing

(End of this chapter)

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