Chapter 341

Besides, what else could they do?Zhu Guiying is not happy, but not happy, there are so many people in this car, if you are not happy, there will be no corners in a while!
These two people who originally wanted to take advantage of other people's sleeper cars not only failed to take advantage of the sleeper cars in the end, they even took the hard seats that originally belonged to them.

Bullying the good and fearing the evil, they don't even have the courage to ask for their position back, so they can only shrink in the corner!

The train keeps going.

In the middle of the night, many passengers boarded and disembarked from the bus. The crowd was so crowded that it was inevitable that Zhu Guiying, who was on the outskirts of the corner, would be stepped on. Before she got angry, those people had already crowded away.

Zhu Guiying wanted to get angry, but she didn't dare to disturb her sleeping wife, so she could only bear it.

When the sun rose the next day and the pointer on the watch pointed to ten o'clock in the morning, the announcement of the arrival at the final station, Beijing North Station, finally came from the train broadcast.

Su Yun and the others packed up their things and got out of the car under the protection of Xiao Lin.

They had a lot of things, and no one came to pick them up, so after getting off the bus, they hired two people to help pull the things out of the station to the tram stop.

Su Yun glanced at the people coming and going, and Beijing North Station, which was obviously much bigger than Nancheng Station, couldn't help showing a smile.In her previous life, she had never been out of their county until she died. She never thought that she would be able to come to the capital so soon after being reborn.

And if there is no accident, she will go to school here and settle down to do business, and the children in her belly will also be born and go to school here...

After thinking about it, she couldn't help stretching out her hand to gently put it on her lower abdomen, looked up at the blue sky in the distance, and took a deep breath.

Beijing, here I come!

She withdrew her gaze from the distance and landed on something like a hill at her feet, feeling a little embarrassed.

It's unrealistic for Wu Shishi to carry several bags of things by herself.Do you want Lu Zhenghuan and Xiao Lin to help her send the things back first?I don't know if Wu Shishi will be scolded by Mr. Wu when she goes home alone?

Su Yun was a little worried for Wu Shishi.

Wu Shishi looked indifferent, she took out the key in her pocket, shook it, and said to Su Yun, "Sister Yun, let's go to live with my sister first."

Before returning to the capital, Wu Shishi, a clever little ghost, went to Song Yinyin to get the key to her courtyard house in the capital.Wu Shishi thought beautifully, she came back to the capital to do business.

If her grandfather insisted on getting her engaged to that Lu Heitan, then she would not go home and live with her sister.Anyway, if the house is empty, it is empty, and she can gain some popularity by living there.

If her grandfather and father can "get back from the wrong way" and abandon the so-called marriage contract of finger pulp, then it is not impossible for her to go home and live...

Of course, this was her previous thought.

That's because she didn't find Lu Zhenghuan such an interesting person at that time, but now she has, and under her 'induction', he has successfully become her object, so Wu Shishi can't go home for the time being Living.

Otherwise, what if they objected to her being with Lu Zhenghuan?
So how precious is it for her to have a key to someone else's house at this time?
If Su Yun was the only one, she would probably accept Wu Shishi's proposal to invite her to live in Song Yinyin's house.But now she is not alone, both of them are here.

It's not easy to live in someone's house.

Although Song Yinyin probably didn't pay attention to this, she couldn't go either.

She smiled and declined Wu Shishi's invitation, "We won't go there, the house over there is a bit far from where I'm going, so it's not very convenient."

"Ah... Sister Yun, where are you going?" Wu Shishi was very disappointed. She really liked Su Yun and wanted to stay with Su Yun very much.

Su Yun smiled and explained that the place where their company was going to build a factory was in Beijing and Hong Kong. As a local, Wu Shishi naturally understood that the distance was quite far.

She could only give up resentfully.

"No one will play with me when you leave."

Wu Shishi is still thinking about taking Su Yun around the capital, and wanting to have fun in her territory!How can she be happy when she hears that Su Yun is busy with work now?

Lu Zhenghuan on the side coughed, "That...Comrade Wu...I still have a few days off..."

The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Without knowing it, Su Yun looked at Lu Zhenghuan, and then at Wu Shishi.

Wu Shishi also blushed rarely.

She understood something in an instant.

No wonder she said that since getting up this morning, the atmosphere between Wu Shishi and Lu Zhenghuan has been weird, so it's... so it's like this!Fortunately, she thought it would take a long time for them to be together.

Didn't realize it was just one night.

I don't know what happened tonight?She was a little curious.

But it's obviously inappropriate to ask now.

Ever since, Su Yun frowned and smiled at Wu Shishi.


Wu Shishi groaned, and stamped her feet shyly, "Sister Yun!"

Jiao Didi's voice makes people get goosebumps.

Su Yun laughed and didn't tease her anymore.After figuring out her relationship with Lu Zhenghuan, Su Yun no longer worried about her safety.

"Then Comrade Lu, I will leave Shishi to you?"

She's busy here, so she really doesn't have much time to chat.

Lu Zhenghuan nodded, stood up straight and saluted her with a military salute, "Please rest assured, sister-in-law."

Su Yun's tongue almost flickered at such a serious address.She waved to Wu Shishi, then boarded the tram with Xiao Lin and left.

Gu Jinnian and He Wanmin were still waiting for her, she had to go there as soon as possible.

After the couple left, the atmosphere between Wu Shishi and Lu Zhenghuan who were still on the platform was a little different.Lu Zhenghuan looked at Wu Shishi with a good eye, but when Wu Shishi raised his head, he quickly looked away.

Don't be too obvious about the appearance that is trying to hide it.

Wu Shishi, who was a bit shy at first, regained her hooligan feeling in an instant, she elbowed Lu Zhenghuan's arm, "Comrade Lu Zhenghuan, do you want to go home first or what?"

Lu Zhenghuan will definitely not go home first.

"I'll take you home,"

"Huh? Take me back? Go back to my house? Do you want to see your parents so soon?" Wu Shishi teased Lu Zhenghuan with a smile, her little expression should not be too irritating.

Lu Zhenghuan coughed, and said solemnly, "I haven't prepared anything today. Isn't it good to go to your house like this? I'll go there tomorrow when I'm ready?"

He took Wu Shishi's words seriously.

Wu Shishi pouted, "Just kidding, who dares to let you go to my house so soon? My grandfather and father must beat me to death."

Besides, she told her family that she "hooked up" Lu Heitan's cousin before she went out. If she just brought Lu Zhenghuan to the door like this, Wu Shishi can guarantee that it's not just her, but even Lu Zhenghuan Maybe she will never escape her father's beating!
"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's move the things to my sister's house first, and I will sell these goods and exchange them for money!"

It happened that a tram came towards Song Yinyin's courtyard. Without saying a word, Wu Shishi picked up a few big bags and got on the bus.

The sky is big, the business is the biggest!
Lu Zhenghuan was responsible for taking all the rest, and got into the car together.

The target of the new office wants to do business, and he who has no research on business can only act as an errand!
While several young people were busy worrying about their future, Wu old man Zhu Guiying, the old couple who came from afar to sue, finally came to the gate of Wu's house in the family courtyard.

Before entering the door, old man Wu shouted at the top of his voice, "Brother, brother, you have to save me!"

 update completed!Happy Dragon Boat Festival, everyone, remember to eat zongzi!Good night!

(End of this chapter)

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