Chapter 473

Su Yun couldn't hold back a burst of laughter.

"Brother Lin, are you envious and jealous?"

"No, I am proud that my wife is liked by others. Such a good wife is only mine. I am too happy to be happy. How can I be envious?"


Su Yun gave him an annoyed look, smiled and picked up the melons and fruits sent by the villagers and gnawed on them.

She came back early from school in the afternoon, thinking of all the hardships her man secretly endured for her, she decided to cook a big meal for her man.

Let Mrs. Xiao and Zhang Ma take the children to play in the living room, leaving Lin Chunhua to help.

Su Yun caught a chicken and a duck brought back from Baiwan Village this morning, and asked Lin Chunhua to clean them up for later use.Then take out five duck eggs, chop up the pork belly and prepare to make a fresh meal.

egg rolls.

She cut more than half of the pork belly she bought by the way after school, and used part of it for Dongpo pork and the other part for twice-cooked pork.Then the other half was chopped into minced meat, and the ingredients were added and marinated on the side table.

Pull up the sleeves and fish out the fish in the bucket, ready to kill and make pickled fish.

"Aunt Lin, go tell Meiyu and the others to come here for dinner at night."

"it is good."

Lin Chunhua turned around and went out, and came over after a while, accompanied by Wan Zhaodi and Zhao Meiyu.

Zhao Meiyu kept sniffing the smell of the kitchen, and wondered what day it was that she was lucky enough to eat the food made by Su Yun?It's not that Zhao Meiyu is exaggerating, but since Su Yun became pregnant, she rarely had the opportunity to cook.

Until three months after giving birth, Xiao Lin didn't let her cook.

Zhao Meiyu almost forgot the taste of Su Yun's cooking.

Su Yun glanced at Zhao Meiyu amusedly, reached out and tapped the tip of her nose, "You go and call Sister Wang and the others to come and have dinner together."

Now that we are going to cook, prepare more.It just so happened that I brought back a lot of things from the village today, such as those tender green vegetables that won't last long, Su Yun will cook a meal tonight, and share the rest with their family to help them eat together.

Zhao Meiyu obediently went to make a call.

Su Yun poked her head out again, "By the way, by the way, call my sister to come with me."

"Okay, okay, I promise to notify you."

There were too many people, so Su Yun asked Lin Chunhua to help kill two chickens and a duck.Zhang's mother saw that the child was asleep, so she also came in to help with the work.

There are not many people in the kitchen, but everyone is quick at work, so they work very quickly.

Zhao Meiyu came back from the phone to help pick the green vegetables, while Su Yun was in charge of cooking.

Just after six o'clock, Xiao Lin came back from get off work.Su Yun packed a salt-baked chicken, a lunch box of Dongpo meat, and two sliced ​​egg rolls, and asked Xiao Lin to send them to Mr. Fang.

"You can help grandpa deliver this dish and then you can come back for dinner."

"it is good."

"Remember to tell Xiao Zhao not to let grandpa eat too much Dongpo meat at one time, it will not be easy for him to digest." The old man is old and his intestines are not so good, so for this kind of difficult to digest food, it is better to There must be a degree.

Xiao Lin kept this in mind, and went out the door with his things in hand.

It didn't take long for other people who came to eat to arrive.They quickly helped to set up the table, and put the dishes on the two tables.As soon as Xiao Lin arrived home, Su Yun invited them to sit down and eat.

She wiped her hands and walked to Xiao Lin, asking if he explained to the old man as he said.

"I said it, but I don't know if the old man will steal it."

Su Yun: ...

I'm getting old, as for the childish behavior of stealing food?But she then thought of the old man's temper, and thought it was normal for him to do something like stealing food.

"Okay, don't worry about it, let's eat."

She called Xu Meifen's family to come over, as well as Wang Yufen and Lao Hu's couple. They were all waiting for Xiao Lin, and they could move their chopsticks when he came back.

"Well, this is the wine given by grandpa." Xiao Lin 'handed' the wine brought back by the old man to Su Yun.Su Yun looked at him a little funny, "Why did Grandpa bring you wine back?"

"Grandpa said it's not for me to drink, but for the guests at home."

Xiao Lin thought of what the old man said when he handed him the wine, and it was a little funny.The old man said, the wine brought back to you is not for you to drink, you have to help take care of the three children, so you can't drink.

But this wine was brought back by Xiao Lin, and the gay men who had dinner at their house were invited to drink it.

The old man is worried that Xiao Lin and his family don't even have a decent bottle of wine...

Su Yun had nothing to say about this.

Turning sideways let him go and sit down at the side table. Su Yun originally wanted to sit at the same table with Mrs. Xiao and Zhao Meiyu, but she thought it would be the same wherever she sat, so she sat down to eat beside Xiao Lin. .

While Xiao's family was eating dinner in a lively manner, Liu Meizhu, who had been working all afternoon, and Zhao Cheng and his wife, who were dying, rushed from Baiwan Village to the outside of the village in the afterglow of the setting sun.

After an afternoon of physical work, neither Zhao Cheng nor Liu Meizhu could bear it anymore.The two walked out with heavy steps. Seeing that the sky was getting darker, they were still walking on the road.

After finally coming to the road outside, they didn't even see a shadow of a car, which made Zhao Cheng and Liu Meizhu very frustrated, and the anger they had accumulated after working hard all afternoon completely burst out at this moment.

Liu Meizhu pointed at Zhao Cheng and shouted, "Do you think your sister did it on purpose? We asked her to find us a job, and she threw us so far away. What do you want in this place where no shit It’s nothing, it’s getting dark and we can’t even go home, and they didn’t pick us up by car, I think she wants us to die on purpose.”

If it had been before, Zhao Cheng would have patiently comforted Liu Meizhu, but today he also did a lot of work, and he even helped Liu Meizhu do a lot of work.

No matter how good-tempered he is physically and mentally exhausted, he can't help but want to explode.

"Isn't it what you said to come to the capital to earn a lot of money? Xiaoyu found you a job and you're still not satisfied. What do you want to do? Didn't you say you wanted to stay in the capital?"

Zhao Cheng couldn't help but get angry even if he was face-to-face, "I used to work well in the country, but you just don't think you want to come to the capital, why can't you do it when you come to the capital?"

"Can this be done? Is this a human job?"

Liu Meizhu felt that she was more wronged than Zhao Cheng.

"Look at my hands, my hands are blistered with blood."

"I'm telling you, Zhao Cheng, that I didn't do anything when I was in my mother's house, but I haven't lived a good life after marrying you, and now I'm still tricked by your sister to come here as a coolie, I'm telling you There is no way to go on."

"That's all."

Zhao Cheng shook his hand, turned around and walked into the village without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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