Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 475 Are you looking down on poor relatives?

Chapter 475 Are you looking down on poor relatives?
"Su Yun..."

Liu Meizhu rushed over and said loudly, "Do you think Zhao Meiyu deliberately punished me? Do you think she looked down on poor relatives?"

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched violently, and her arm was almost broken by Liu Meizhu's shaking, "No, Mrs. Zhao, please calm down first, let go first, let go and let's talk slowly?"

Liu Meizhu raised her hand to wipe her tears, Su Yun took the opportunity to withdraw her hand and stepped aside.

"Xiaoyun, you said I didn't feel sorry for my sister-in-law? How could she be so ruthless and throw me and your Brother Zhao to that place in the countryside?"

"You don't know where I lived in that house last night. There was a gust of wind blowing right in front of the window, and it smelled like chicken shit. It felt like I was living in a chicken coop."

"This is the capital, and this is the capital. I came to the capital to enjoy the blessings, not to live in a chicken coop."

Originally, what Liu Meizhu said before made Su Yun a little funny, thinking that she might have really suffered a big grievance, and she would not be able to accept it for a while because of a gap in her heart.

But hearing Liu Meizhu's last words, Su Yun just laughed angrily.

"Sister Zhao, whose blessing did you come to the capital for?"

"Does it need to be said? Of course it's my sister-in-law Zhao Meiyu. They live in such a big house and eat such good food. They don't remember our poor relatives living in the countryside at all..."

"Wait a minute." Su Yun interrupted Liu Meizhu who was about to howl, "I want to ask, is Meiyu a married girl? No one stipulates that a married daughter should support her elder brother and sister-in-law, right?"

"They treated you to a meal, but did it become the reason for you to cling to her and suck blood?"

"Who would dare to entertain relatives from her natal family after that?"

When Su Yun said this, there was a slight smile on her face, but that smile made people feel very alienated. Liu Meizhu was stunned for a moment, and Wan Zhaodi walked over quickly from the opposite side .

"Liu Meizhu, what are you doing? Why don't you hurry home?"

Seeing Wan Zhaodi, Liu Meizhu was very unhappy, "Which home? Where do I have a home? Doesn't your precious daughter look down on us poor relatives from the countryside?"

"Sister-in-law, it's all right and wrong depending on your mouth." Zhao Meiyu also walked over, with a look of anger on her face, "You said you wanted to stay in the capital to work, so I had the cheek to ask Xiaoyun to let you follow me." Eldest brother went to work in her factory. If you don’t do a good job yourself, you will blame me for the crime?”

"Do you think it's easy to find a job in the capital? If so, you can go find it yourself, we don't care."

After Zhao Meiyu finished speaking, she took Wan Zhaodi home, but Liu Meizhu stood there in a daze, and no one paid any attention to her.

Even those neighbors on Wutong Street who originally thought she was "poor" looked at Liu Meizhu with strange eyes, then shook their heads helplessly and sighed.

Zhao Meiyu is really unlucky to have such relatives.

Liu Meizhu:? ? ?

Su Yun looked at Liu Meizhu, pursed her lips slightly and said, "Sister Zhao, are you planning to go to work in the factory?"

Liu Meizhu nodded immediately when she thought of the physical work.

"Okay, then I get it."

After Su Yun finished speaking, she pushed her bicycle and went to school, while Liu Meizhu stood in the yard, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Mrs. Xiao. She wanted to cry to Mrs. Xiao, but Mama Zhang had quick eyesight and quick hands. Close the door.

Liu Meizhu: ...

He had no choice but to touch the tip of his nose in despair, then turned and left Su Yun's house.She also didn't go back to Zhao Meiyu's home, but made up her mind to go out to find a job by herself, but is the job in reality as easy as she thought?

Liu Meizhu wandered around all morning, only to find that there was a post asking for a job, and it was looking for a dishwasher, 35 yuan a month, and there were five or six people in line in front of it...

Liu Meizhu, who thought that the capital was full of gold, was hit hard again.


Su Yun's recent homework is quite heavy. In addition to remembering the content taught by the teacher in class, she also has to make up for the lessons she missed when she gave birth to a child and was confinement.

Otherwise, if you fail the course at the end of the term, it will be over.

Therefore, when get out of class was over, she was immersed in reading books, sorting out previous study materials, and did not chat easily and leisurely like other students.

After the last get out of class in the morning was over, Su Yun packed her things and was going home for lunch. Before she went out, she ran into Chen Jinzhou who came to look for her.

Su Yun blinked, "You said grandpa wants to see me?"

Ever since Guan Qiuju died and Chen Yuru rushed to their house and pushed the old lady down, the old man never came to Xiao's house again.Su Yun didn't know what the old man was thinking, but since he didn't come, they wouldn't bother to ask, so they just lived normally.

Unexpectedly, the old man wanted to see her suddenly today, and he had already taken the initiative to come outside the school.

Su Yun had no reason to refuse.

"I'm going to make a call and go back and talk to grandma."

Su Yun pushed her bicycle to the phone booth at the school, picked up the receiver and made a call home, telling them that she was not going home for lunch, so there was no need to keep her meal.

Zhang Ma answered the call, she was hugging and coaxing the hungry and crying second child softly, when Su Yun heard the sonorous voice, the corners of Su Yun's lips curled up unconsciously.

"They're hungry."

"Yeah, just now my younger brother woke up first, and after drinking milk for my younger brother, I took a little longer to take care of my elder sister, and my elder sister burst into tears. This little pepper knows that she is arguing with others at such a young age..."

Mama Zhang had a smile on her face and a smile in her voice.

Su Yun said that Mama Zhang had worked hard, and hung up the phone without delaying them taking care of their children.

She took out the money to pay, but Chen Jinzhou over there paid the money one step ahead of her.It was not easy for Su Yun to argue with him for two yuan, so she put the money in her hand back into her pocket.

"Let's go."

"it is good."

The two walked towards the school gate together, Xu Wanhao got out from nowhere, squeezed between the two of them abruptly, put his hand on Chen Jinzhou's shoulder, and said to Su Yun with a smile, "Auntie, what did you cook yesterday?" It’s delicious, especially the salt-baked chicken, I feel like I can eat one by myself.”

This exaggerated tone is worthy of Xu Wanhao.

Su Yun gave him a funny look, "You're not afraid of being broken."

"It's really broken because the food you made is so delicious, Auntie." Xu Wanhao couldn't help but pouted to recall, and raised his hand to pat Chen Jinzhou's shoulder, "Azhou, you couldn't go to Auntie's for dinner last night." what a shame."

Chen Jinzhou glanced at Su Yun, his eyes were inexplicably sad.

Su Yun murmured, "I thought you were busy at the construction site, so I didn't ask your elder brother to call you."

Xu Wanhao hurriedly added, "Yes, who told you to be at the construction site? Hurry up and move the bricks."

"Fuck off."

Chen Jinzhou glared at Xu Wanhao angrily, and the three left the campus chatting and laughing.When he came to the school gate, he saw the Chen family's car. Knowing that the old man was looking for Su Yun, Xu Wanhao didn't bother him, waved to them and went to eat elsewhere.

Su Yun called her grandfather.

Mr. Chen saw her pushing the bicycle, nodded and said, "We'll go to the restaurant in front for dinner, and you let Azhou step over the bicycle?"

(End of this chapter)

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