Chapter 501
Xiao Lin: ...

Maybe he's getting a little serious?Thinking of this, he put on a smile on his face (as he thought), and said to Dabao, "Brother, be good, get up by yourself."

Dabao's mouth was flattened, and suddenly he burst into tears.

Su Yun, Xiao Lin: ...


Brother, this is too disrespectful to father, right?Doesn't he remember who was the one who washed his excrement and urine every day, changed his diapers and fed milk powder in the middle of the night?How can you dislike your father so much?

Although Su Yun was amused in her heart, she still wanted to fight for Xiao Lin's injustice.

She picked up the crying Dabao and coaxed softly, "Brother is wrong, that's Dad, brother must give Dad face!"

How could the little milk doll know what face is?Therefore, Su Yun's words were as if she hadn't said anything, and it had no effect at all.

And the other two little guys didn't know if they were jealous that their brother was hugged by their mother. They were playing well, and suddenly their mouths shrunk, and they cried for no reason.

Su Yun:? ? ? ?

How is this going
Did siblings infect each other with crying syndrome?
She didn't know, but Xiao Lin could see clearly.These little guys will compete for favor at such a young age, but when they grow up, won't they be fine?His daughter-in-law is soft-hearted and innocent, and when the little guys cry and make noise, the daughter-in-law's attention will be distracted by them.

How can I win against them?
Xiao Lin was once again worried about her future status in the family.

The old lady and the others smiled and looked at the family of five, their faces full of satisfaction.This is probably the family happiness mentioned in the book. She never expected to see it in her lifetime. It is such a good fortune that she has accumulated virtue and talent in her previous life.

"Okay, let's eat first, and then play with the brothers and sisters after eating." The old lady felt sorry for her great-grandson, but at the same time she also felt sorry for her grandson and grandson and daughter-in-law. After a busy day outside, they must have a steaming meal when they get home.

The old lady felt that there was nothing she could do to help Su Yun and the others because she was at work, so she had to arrange things at home so that they wouldn't worry.

So the old lady, together with Lin Chunhua, prepared the meal according to order, and it will be served when Su Yun and the others come back.

"Okay grandma, I'll be here soon." Su Yun patted Dabao to comfort him, and handed it to Mama Zhang who came to pick him up.I got up and went to wash my hands and eat.

As the babies are getting bigger and bigger, now they can't leave people around.

Since these three little guys haven't learned how to crawl yet, they won't be able to run to other places.It is that they can sit up now, maybe they will fall down again at any time, if they fall on something, or accidentally fall down and press their mouth and nose, it will be bad.

Therefore, the family unanimously decided that the three babies should not be away from others at ordinary times.

Su Yun and the others went to eat, and Zhang Ma took over the task of taking care of the baby, taking care of them by gently shaking her fan.

When Su Yun came back after eating, the three babies were about to fall asleep because they stared at the fan for too long.The appearance of the eyelids drooping continuously but trying to support them is very funny.

Su Yun couldn't help laughing, and together with Zhang Ma and Xiao Lin, carried the child upstairs to take a bath, and then carried them to their room to let them sleep.

It was also getting dark by this time.

Su Yun looked at the street outside, and told Xiao Lin to go to Zhao Meiyu's house.

"Do you want me to accompany you there?"

Xiao Lin was working at the desk, and asked Su Yun uneasy.

Su Yun gave him an angry look, "It's only a few steps and I need you to accompany me there? It's not like I'm going to walk a thousand miles, don't be so exaggerated."

"Take care of the kids at home."

After she finished speaking, she went downstairs, went out and walked through the street a few meters wide between the yard and the middle, and came to Zhao Meiyu's house.

Wan Zhaodi also just helped Zhao Meiyu's child take a bath, and the child who was still in confinement fell asleep quickly.She didn't dare to take a bath and drink milk before falling asleep. When Su Yun walked in, she deliberately walked lightly, for fear of waking up the baby.

Zhao Meiyu was amused by her actions, "Do you have to be so exaggerated?"

Why do these words sound familiar?

Su Yun suddenly realized that she had just said it.

She smiled and sat down at the side. Seeing that they seemed to have something to say, Wan Zhaodi took the sleeping child to the next door, and she also slept next door, leaving time and space for the two of them.

"Where's Jinnian? What did you instruct me to do again?" Su Yun looked around but didn't see Gu Jinnian, and asked Zhao Meiyu with a smile in her tone.

Zhao Meiyu clicked her tongue, "Are you here to chat with your sister and me, or to talk to Gu Jinnian about work?"

"We have to talk about the sky, and we have to talk about work." Su Yun added, "This is called two without delay."

Zhao Meiyu: "You are the only one who is amazing!"

She hummed twice and explained that Gu Jinnian went to buy apples.

Su Yun almost didn't need to think, she could guess that this must be Zhao Meiyu's sudden inspiration and want to eat apples, and then Gu Jinnian, who loves his wife, went all over the street to find apples.

By the way, it seems that it is not the season for apples to ripen, right?I don't know if Gu Jinnian can find it?

She felt that it might take a while.

Su Yun's guess was indeed correct. After she sat here for half an hour, Gu Jinnian hurried back with a nylon bag. He saw Su Yun greeted him politely, and then said hello. Peel the apples that he bought with great difficulty and give them to Zhao Meiyu to eat.

Zhao Meiyu stretched out her hand to Gu Jinnian, "Okay, give me the knife. Your President Su has been waiting for you here for a long time. She has something to talk to you about. Hurry up and talk about your work. After the talk, she has to go home." Sleep with my son and daughter."

Su Yun: ...

This domineering tone is indeed very Zhao Meiyu.

She smiled and said, "Meiyu, do you want to listen? We have nothing to talk about, I just want to ask about the company's financial statements."

Gu Jinnian glanced at Su Yun.

Zhao Meiyu quickly covered her head and waved her hands, "I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen, your finances are as smelly and long as the old lady's foot wraps, so I don't want to listen."

"As for what? Those long numbers are all money!"

Su Yun laughed and teased Zhao Meiyu, which was naturally dismissed by Zhao Meiyu.After seeing that the situation was almost over, Su Yun smiled and called Gu Jinnian, "Let's go, waste a few minutes of Gu Finance's personal time."

Gu Jinnian nodded, told Zhao Meiyu not to bother peeling apples until he came back, and then followed Su Yun out of the room.

They came to the yard.

Before Su Yun could speak, Gu Jinnian asked, "Is it Xiaoyu's elder brother's business? What did they do?"

The reason why Gu Jinnian is said to be smart is reflected here.Su Yun deliberately recited what Zhao Meiyu was about to say, and Gu Jinnian guessed it right away.

Su Yun was not polite either, she was indeed suspicious of Liu Meizhu, otherwise she wouldn't have come here to ask Gu Jinnian about it.

"Your sister-in-law... is Liu Meizhu, have you ever heard her talk about any relatives in the city?"

 After the update, I have said many times that I want everyone to support the new article, and I still want to say it for the last time. If you like period texts, don’t miss it. The new article is absolutely sweet!
(End of this chapter)

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