Chapter 503 Doomed to fail
"It won't happen."

According to Xiao Lin's subsequent investigation, Wang Dazhi, the elder brother of the Wang family, who is the minister of a certain department, once secretly asked someone to inquire about their relationship with Mr. Fang.

Although he didn't know what the people Wang Dazhi invited found out, but Xiao Lin could be sure that Wang Dazhi never asked the Wang family to trouble Su Yun again.

To be more precise, Wang Dazhi had told Wang Dadong and the others not to trouble Su Yun no matter what.This also led to Wang Dadong abandoning Baiwan Village, and opened a brick factory next door to Baiwan Village, which is relatively not very geographically located.

"So this is ah!"

Su Yun nodded thoughtfully, "Then Wang Dazhi should have found out about our relationship with Grandpa."


Xiao Lin hugged his daughter-in-law for a while, obviously he was not in the mood to talk about work anymore.Su Yun didn't know it, and continued to say, "Then speaking of it this way, we have borrowed the power of Grandpa invisibly!"

"Although this is not my intention, why do you feel that this feeling of bullying others is so refreshing?"

Because the power in his hands is strong enough, it directly caused the competitor who wanted to assassinate him to voluntarily give up and take a back seat. This feeling is really not bad.


Xiao Lin agreed, but her hand had already slipped under her clothes.

Su Yun turned her head and gave him a disgusted look.

"Can't you just wait?"

"I can't wait any longer, my daughter-in-law is too tempting."

Su Yun: ...

Listen, is this a human language?It doesn't look like a human at all, okay?

The night is still long...

in the courtyard.

Wan Hengwang got drunk and went home humming a song.Mrs. Wan came out to open the door for him. When she saw her drunken grandson, she felt distressed and worried at the same time.

The grandson is not young anymore. Look at the boy from the Chen family next door. It is said that he and his brother have been working on the construction site for a long time.But her grandson still came back drunk all day, slept until late afternoon before going out, and came back drunk again in the middle of the night, what should I do if this continues?

The old lady Wan reached out to support Wan Hengwang, trying to persuade him that young people should not waste their time like this.It's just that she was waved away by Wan Hengwang before she could speak.

"Don't touch me."

Old Madam Wan was taken aback, "Xiaowang...what's wrong with you?"

Are you so drunk that you don't even know anyone?

"Don't you dislike me, old lady? Why are you touching me? Don't you like that brat Chen Jinzhou? Go and be his grandmother!" Wan Hengwang hated Chen Jinzhou since he was a child, and he even felt that his grandmother It's Chen Jinzhou's grandma.

When he was not very drunk before, he didn't have such a big reaction. Now that he was drunk, when he saw the old lady, he subconsciously vented all the anger that had been accumulated in his heart.

"Compared me with Chen Jinzhou next door since I was a child, he is so good, you should be his grandma!"

Wan Hengwang's voice was a little loud, waking up the rest of the family.

Wang Ling, who lived on the second floor, heard the voice coming down from upstairs, and Mr. Wan also put on his glasses and came out of the room. Seeing Wan Hengwang standing at the door who was so drunk that he couldn't even stand still, Wang Ling felt distressed for a while.

"What's wrong with Xiaowang? Someone bullied me and told mom that mom will go to your uncle tomorrow to make decisions for our mother and son."

Wang Ling was still in her pajamas, but she didn't care so much, she walked up to Wan Hengwang's side in a few steps, and held Wan Hengwang's arm as if she had been greatly wronged.

During the questioning, she squinted at the bewildered old lady Wan who was standing on the side, selfishly thinking that this old lady must be bullying her son again.

"Mom, if you really don't like our mother and son, you can say it clearly. I will take Xiaowang back to my mother's house, and I promise not to eat a grain of rice from your Wan family, or drink a sip of water from your Wan family."

"What are you talking about?"

Master Wan's majestic voice sounded from the side, "Mother Xiaowang, do you ever talk to elders like this?"

"Didn't Mom bully our little Wang first?" Wang Ling retorted unconvinced.She felt that with the support of two older brothers and one younger brother, she was not afraid of Mr. Wan at all.

Mr. Wan glanced at the old lady.

The old lady sighed, "I just saw that he was drunk and wanted to help him, but who knew he lost his temper."

She shook her head as she spoke, that's all, she could see clearly that the mother and son didn't regard her as an elder in the family at all, and she didn't care about their affairs in the future.

"It's my old lady who is talking too much. I made a mistake and you go on." After she finished speaking, she sighed and walked slowly towards her room.Mr. Wan glanced at Wang Ling and Wan Hengwang, then turned and went back to the room.

The old man saw the face of the daughter-in-law here earlier than the old lady, so he has long been ignorant of anything related to her.It's just that the old woman is stupid, and she still thinks that she is a family, so she gets together to find the crime...

"Don't think too much about it, don't you know who Wang Ling is?" the old man comforted the old lady by patting her hand.

Old Madam Wan sighed heavily again, facing this revolutionary partner who had gone through most of her life, she said in a rare voice, "I just don't want that child Xiao Wang to grow crooked..."

"He is already an adult, we can't interfere with his affairs, and we don't care about them."

There was another sentence that the old man didn't say.

That is to say that there is no grandson Wan Hengwang.

He thought so in his heart, but he couldn't say it like this, he was afraid of hurting his wife's heart.

However, according to Mr. Wan's many years of experience in seeing people, his grandson Wan Hengwang was completely abandoned by Wang Ling.Don't talk about counting on Wan Hengwang's Guangzong Yaozu in the future, it will be fine if he doesn't implicate the Wanjia.

Thinking of this, the old man sighed heavily, what a crime, what a crime!

Wang Ling, who stayed in the living room, brought the old couple back to the room, and then she supported Wan Hengwang with satisfaction, "Xiaowang, mother will help you go upstairs to rest. Why do you drink so much wine? Did you meet?" What's wrong with you?"

Wan Hengwang waved his hand, and while hiccupping, he said, "No... no, Mom... I'm happy... I'm very happy."

"Oh, did something funny happen? Good son, tell mom."

Wang Ling's education for Wan Hengwang is the same as coaxing a three-year-old child, everything is based on Wan Hengwang's happiness.

It has to be said that her education like this is doomed to fail, because she has completely failed to fulfill the duty of a leader.When Wan Hengwang heard his mother's words, he immediately became interested.

It's just that he drank a little too much, so when he got excited, his tongue was already big, and he couldn't speak clearly.

"Mom...that's...that' enemy...she's going...soon...will be finished..."

This does not prevent Wang Ling from joining in.

"Really? That's great, Mom knows you're the best."

"But son, is this dangerous? If it's dangerous, tell your uncle and let them do the best for you. Don't hurt yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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