Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 519 The face is thicker than the city wall

Chapter 519 The face is thicker than the city wall
Xiao Lin's words had a stern aura, and before He Xiaogang understood what it meant, he was oppressed by the stern aura and nodded in a daze.

"Then go play with my sister."

He didn't pass the person to Su Yun, nor did he pass it to Yaya, but put him on the ground and let him walk over by himself.

He Xiaogang trotted and hid behind Yaya, showing his small head and looking at Xiao Lin timidly.

Su Yun burst out laughing.

"Brother Lin, you scared the child."

Xiao Lin snorted, this child has no parents to rely on, if he is still so timid when he grows up, he will be bullied in the future.He turned his face away and said nothing, Su Yun saw that the time was almost up, so she said goodbye to them and left the village.

Now that she has come here, Su Yun must go to the food factory for a while.

Recently, the food factory has officially started production, and the sales department has received a lot of orders. Many orders come from Xiangjiang, and it is said that they are going to be sold abroad.

Gu Jinnian is also at the company today.

When Su Yun passed by, he happened to be going to the workshop to check the latest raw materials. When Su Yun saw this, he went to the workshop with him.

"Brother Lin, are you going to see it?"

Su Yun asked Xiao Lin who was always by her side.

Xiao Lin shook his head, "I'll go to the next door to have a look."

Next door is his trading warehouse, and he will go to have a look when he comes here.

After being reminded by Xiao Lin, Su Yun remembered that the man who had been following her was also the boss of the two companies... She couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Yes, yes, yes, I almost forgot about Mr. Xiao It’s going to be all over the place.”

She used Xiao Lin as a driver and assistant so conveniently that she forgot his original identity.

Su Yun expressed guilt for this!
If she didn't have so many smiles on her face, maybe Xiao Lin would trust her more.

"It's okay, my daughter-in-law wasted my time, and I just need to make up for it in other places." Xiao Lin curled her lips and said.

Inexplicably, some inappropriate images appeared in Su Yun's head. She raised her head and cast an annoyed glance at the serious-looking man in front of her, then turned to look for Gu Jinnian who was waiting at the side.

Gu Jinnian looked at Su Yun and asked, "Mr. Xiao is not going with you?"

"Why is he going? It's not suitable for him to enter the production workshop of our company."

Su Yun also answered Gu Jinnian in a serious manner.

Gu Jinnian nodded, "Boss Su's awareness is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"Huh? Why do I feel that you are mocking me?" Su Yun raised her eyebrows and asked.

Gu Jinnian quickly shook his head in denial.

While the two were talking, they had already arrived outside the workshop, put on clean shoe covers, and Su Yun followed Gu Jinnian to the office of the director of the production workshop.

When passing by the first workshop, Su Yun saw a familiar figure in the workshop. She frowned slightly and hesitated for a while.

"What's wrong, President Su?"

Gu Jinnian also stopped and turned around to ask.

Su Yun pointed to the familiar figure inside, "That...Liu Meizhu, does she work in the production workshop?"

Gu Jinnian was not quite sure about this.He also frowned slightly, and said honestly, "I'm not very clear, should I ask the personnel to come over and ask?"

Each position in their factory is clearly divided, like the personnel department in charge of workers' positions, which contains detailed information on employee job transfers.

Su Yun nodded.

"Ask me."

Liu Meizhu is just a grassroots employee, and her job transfer may not necessarily be reported to her or Gu Jinnian.But because of the special nature of the other party, Su Yun had to be more careful.

It's not that she is seriously suspicious, it's that Liu Meizhu really didn't let her trust her capital.

The two walked to the office together, and Gu Jinnian handed over the materials in his hand to the director of the production workshop, asking him to take out the form for verification.The workshop director, surnamed He, is a middle-aged man who looks clean and honest.

This was recommended by He Wanmin from Nancheng.Although he is said to be a distant relative of the He family, this Director He has no intention of bullying others.

Su Yun inspected and confirmed that Director He was okay, so she nodded and arranged him as the workshop director.

At this moment Director He stood up a little nervously, he didn't expect Gu Jinnian and Su Yun to come here together, he hurriedly wanted to entertain but there was nothing to entertain.

Finally, he poured a glass of boiling water for each of them.

Su Yun raised her hand to signal him not to be busy.

"I'm just here to take a look. Director He, if you are busy with your own affairs, don't worry about it."

"'s President Su!"

Director He nodded, and carefully picked up the materials that Gu Jinnian brought to check the actual quantity received by their workshop.Su Yun took a sip of water and stood up, and stood by the glass window that was deliberately left empty, observing the production situation in the first workshop.

The first workshop is mainly responsible for the front process of beef jerky. The cut beef strips are marinated and hung up to dry, and then sent to the next process for processing and production through the automatic conveyor belt.

There are not many employees working in the workshop, and Su Yun can see Liu Meizhu who is not very diligent at a glance.

Compared with other people who are constantly busy, it is obvious that they are lazy.

Su Yun frowned, and stopped He Qiang.

"Director He, come here."

Upon hearing this, Director He immediately put down the pen and form in his hand and stood up, "Mr. Su, what do you need to do?"

They respected Su Yun, a young boss.

Su Yun raised her finger and pointed at Liu Meizhu who was cheating and cheating in the workshop, "Which comrade over there, how did you get into the production workshop?"

Because the work of the production workshop is directly related to whether Su Yun and their products can be kept secret, so before the establishment of the workshop, Su Yun explained to He Qiang that the employees in the production workshop must be clean and hygienic. A person with a tight mouth.

Before entering the production workshop, they all have to sign a non-disclosure agreement, and they are not allowed to disclose any food formula of the company...

Although the formula is not in the hands of these employees, it is impossible for them to know.But Su Yun's defense is indispensable, and the contract should be signed.As for the secret formula for making money, she naturally holds it firmly in her hands.

He Qiang wiped his glasses and looked at Liu Meizhu's face for a while before he saw Liu Meizhu's face clearly. He let out a sigh and looked at Su Yun in surprise, "President Su... Isn't this your arrangement?"


Su Yun glanced at He Qiang who was on the side suspiciously, "When did I arrange for her to enter the production workshop?"

She arranged for Liu Meizhu to do some marginal work, such as cleaning in the factory, but she didn't arrange for her to enter the production workshop.

He Qiang said to himself strangely, "It's not that she said that she is related to Mr. Su and Mr. Gu...that she is going to the workshop to keep an eye on those workers for you, Mr. Su, to prevent them from being lazy..."


Su Yun was a little speechless.

How could Liu Meizhu have the nerve to say such a thing?
Let's not say that I never let Liu Meizhu enter the production workshop to work, let's not talk about that.Let's talk about the attitude of working like Liu Meizhu, and still staring at others to prevent others from being lazy?

She is the laziest one, right?

Just when Su Yun was about to speak, Gu Jinnian who was looking for personnel came back, and he looked at Su Yun with a serious expression.

"President Su, something happened."

 The update is complete, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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