Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 532 The front is just right, Sister Meiyu has never lost when she scolded others!

Chapter 532 The front is just right, Sister Meiyu has never lost when she scolded others!
Gu Jinnian was in a daze asking the lesbian in front of him to stop him, when he heard Zhao Meiyu's voice, he raised his head and saw Zhao Meiyu and Su Yun, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief as if he had seen a savior.

"Meiyu, why did you come out?" Gu Jinnian directly passed Chen Ya and walked over to her, "It's hot and you are still weak, tell mom what you want to buy or wait until I go back to buy it, why did you come out by yourself?" gone?"

Gu Jinnian's words were full of concern.

Zhao Meiyu, who was originally appreciative because he happened to appear with Chen Ya, felt instantly at ease after drinking a large glass of winter snow water on a scorching June day.

She did not forget the meaning of declaring sovereignty.

He stretched out his hand to hold Gu Jinnian's arm, "You forgot that Yinyin moved here today, Xiaoyun and I went shopping for groceries and plan to clean her up at night!"

"Well, you don't need to buy it. Doesn't Dr. Song have an older brother?"

Gu Jinnian didn't quite approve of it, and asked his wife, who had just given birth, to go shopping for groceries.Of course, he didn't think it was necessary to let Su Yun come. After all, this was for Song Yinyin, and the grocery shopping should really be done by the Song family.

"Hey, didn't they come over? Yinyin came alone." Zhao Meiyu said to Gu Jinnian with some reproach, obviously it was very useful for Gu Jinnian's concern.

Su Yun looked at Zhao Meiyu's smug look from the side, she bent her lips and looked at Chen Ya who had been left to the side for a while.

Chen Ya was very embarrassed to be left alone, so when she saw Su Yun looking at her, her face was slightly unhappy.

"Look at what?"

Chen Ya didn't forget that she was at school before. She brought a few little sisters to trouble Su Yun, but it turned out that they were taught a lesson by Su Yun.

So when she saw Su Yun, Chen Ya was still quite dissatisfied.

The corners of Su Yun's lips curled into a deeper smile, "I didn't expect to meet classmate Chen Ya in this place, so I inevitably paid more attention. Don't worry, classmate Chen."

Chen Ya snorted: "No one stipulates that only you can come to this place, so I can't come, right? You control the sky and the earth, but you also control where I go?"

Is this turning his anger on Su Yun?

Su Yun smiled lightly, unmoved at all: "I'm not that capable yet, and classmate Chen Ya thinks highly of me." After she finished speaking, she paused for a moment, and glanced at Chen Ya lightly, her eyes were full of deep meaning , "Compared with Chen Ya, I'm still far behind."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It means that I'm not as thick-skinned as classmate Chen?"

Su Yun spoke with a smile.

Chen Ya: ...

Being called thick-skinned in front of her face, Chen Ya's face almost turned green!

She pointed at Su Yun and wanted to curse, but Su Yun walked up to Chen Ya first, and whispered in her ear: "A decent person can't do things like having a married man, don't let your upbringing Dropped?"

After she finished speaking, she backed away and walked to Gu Jinnian and Zhao Meiyu as if nothing happened.

"Is there something wrong with Jinnian? Is this classmate Chen here with you?"

Su Yun felt that she was a bit inconsistent at the moment, but she didn't think it was a big problem.

Because this is just a way for Chen Ya to see her identity clearly.

After she finished speaking, Zhao Meiyu hurriedly asked Gu Jinnian, "Is this your classmate?"

Gu Jinnian frowned and thought about it, not sure whether Chen Ya was in his class.

"It looks familiar, but I'm not sure if it's from our class or from another class." Gu Jinnian pondered, as if he was really trying to figure out who this Chen Ya was.

His reaction was like slapping Chen Ya who was interested in him on the spot.If what Su Yun said just now made Chen Ya feel very angry, then Gu Jinnian's behavior at this moment made her angry and annoyed.

"Gu Jinnian...I usually sit in front of you in class, didn't you notice?"

Chen Ya spoke anxiously and angrily.

Gu Jinnian frowned: "Really? I didn't pay much attention."

He is usually very busy, besides attending classes, he also has to worry about the factory affairs and earn money to support his family, how could he notice such an irrelevant person like Chen Ya?
After Gu Jinnian finished speaking, his eyebrows frowned even deeper: "Are you okay? This classmate?"

Chen Ya: ...

Very angry, really want to curse.

But Chen Ya unexpectedly discovered that no matter if she scolded Su Yun or Gu Jinnian, she was no match for them.She could only turn her attention to Zhao Meiyu.

Looking at Zhao Meiyu's eyes, there was a strong disdain and contempt again.

"Student, is there something wrong with your eyes?"

Before Zhao Meiyu could speak, Gu Jinnian had already spoken to Chen Ya: "If there is something wrong with your eyes, go see them. If there is nothing wrong with your eyes, it is a matter of upbringing. Your parents never taught you that squinting at people is very annoying. Is it impolite?"

Chen Ya: ...

Very angry, really angry!Especially when she inadvertently glanced at Su Yun's smiling face, Chen Ya felt that she was deeply insulted.

"Gu Jinnian..." Chen Ya stomped her feet fiercely and said loudly, "What are you? You're just a mud leg from the countryside. It's your luck that I can see you!"

The distraught Chen Ya didn't even intend to pretend anymore, and she directly revealed her dirty thoughts.

Zhao Meiyu, who was protected by Gu Jinnian, kept silent, but when Chen Ya said that about Gu Jinnian, it aroused her deep-seated desire to 'protect the calf'!

Zhao Meiyu grabbed Gu Jinnian, just like when she first married Gu Jinnian, she stood in front of Gu Jinnian and protected Gu Jinnian behind her.

Looking directly at Chen Ya, he said loudly, "What are you? People in the city are amazing? Who gave you the power to look down on people? Are your parents? They know that you are rubbing their faces on the ground outside. ?"

When Zhao Meiyu said this, she looked like she was cursing others in the village.

Su Yun knew that it would be Zhao Meiyu's home game, so she obediently stepped aside, watching Zhao Meiyu 'tear' Chen Ya with a slight smile on her face!
I have to say that sister Meiyu's fighting power is really strong.Originally, she was very powerful when she was swearing, and now her body is still in the edema stage, which makes her look a bit taller.

She opened her mouth and scolded Chen Ya cracklingly, scolding this pretentious city man until his face turned red and then pale, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Chen Ya looked away at Gu Jinnian, hoping that he could see clearly that a village woman like Zhao Meiyu was not suitable for an outstanding man like him.

As a result, not only did she not see any dislike on Gu Jinnian's face, but Gu Jinnian even fanned Zhao Meiyu with his hands while handing her a water bottle to quench her thirst before scolding.

Chen Ya:? ? ?
Is this a fucking human operation?
Is Gu Jinnian an idiot?A man like him will certainly not be in a bad position in the future. If he is as smart as him, can't he see what kind of partner is the one who is most helpful to him?


She was so shocked that she was speechless.

In the end, Su Yun walked over with her arms folded and smiled, and called Zhao Meiyu to stop, stopping this unilateral scolding battle.

"Okay, Meiyu, we're going to buy vegetables. If we go late, we may not be able to buy anything good."

Only then did Zhao Meiyu come back to her senses, and after thinking about it, it was true.She stopped scolding Chen Ya, and dragged Gu Jinnian to let him go to the vegetable market to help as a coolie.

Looking at the three who left without any burden, Chen Ya was dumbfounded again!

(End of this chapter)

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